Total number of red blood cells: male 4.0-5.0×1012/l; Female 3.5-5.0× 10 12/l
Total white blood cells: 4. o× 109/L; Total number of platelets: 100—300× 109/L
★ Normal value of human blood lipid:
Total cholesterol
High density lipoprotein > 0.9 mmol/L.
low density lipoprotein
★ Human blood pressure standard: 120/80 mmg
≥ 140/90 mmg is stage I hypertension.
≥ 160/ 100 mmg is the Il phase of hypertension;
≥ 180/ 100 mmg is stage Ⅲ hypertension.
★ Diabetes detection standard:
Fasting test of normal blood sugar > 3. 9:& lt; 6. 1 mmol/day
Diabetes detection data:
Fasting blood glucose > 7.0 mmol/di;; Postprandial blood glucose >11.1mmol/di
Fasting blood glucose > 6. 1 mmol/day < 7.0 mmol/day
Blood sugar > 2 hours after meal; 7 .8 mmol/day; < 1 1. 1 mmol/min.
Fasting blood glucose below 2.77 mmol/di is hypoglycemia.
★ pH value of internal environment in human body:
The normal PH value is 7.35-7.45.
Less than 7 .35 is slightly acidic, and more than 7. 45 slightly alkaline.
★ Gout detection standard:
Serum uric acid > male 0.26-0.49; Female 0.18-0. 39 mmol/di is gout.
★ The average normal heart rate of human body is 75 beats/min.