Harm of carbonated drinks

There are several hazards of carbonated drinks. People who drink too much carbonated drinks will increase the risk of fracture by about 3 times. At the same time of strenuous physical activity, excessive consumption of carbonated drinks may also increase the risk of fracture by five times. Experts remind that childhood and adolescence are important periods for bone development. During this period, the children have many activities. If the intake of high phosphorus and low calcium in food is unbalanced, and carbonated drinks are drunk too much, we should pay enough attention to it. Because it may not only have a negative impact on the peak bone mass, but also lay the groundwork for osteoporosis in the future, which proves that the harm of carbonated drinks exists.

Hazards of carbonated drinks 1: Effects on bones Phosphoric acid leads to osteoporosis.

Most of the ingredients of carbonated drinks contain phosphoric acid, but this kind of phosphoric acid will affect bones subtly, and drinking carbonated drinks often will threaten the health of bones. Because the human body has requirements for various elements, a large intake of phosphoric acid will affect the absorption of calcium, resulting in an imbalance between calcium and phosphorus.

Hazards of carbonated drinks II: Effects on teeth

British scientists have recently discovered that carbonated drinks are one of the important causes of tooth decay in teenagers.

Harm of carbonated drinks 3: Influence on human immunity

For the convenience of storage and attractive taste, today's drinks are inseparable from food additives. Many drinks carbonated drinks: Sprite manufacturers always have a soft spot for additives in order to reduce costs as much as possible, even at the expense of exceeding the standard. Although many labels do not indicate the name of the additive, the test results show that its existence is an indisputable fact.

Harm of carbonated drinks 4: Influence on digestive function

Studies have shown that sufficient carbon dioxide can play a role in sterilization and bacteriostasis in beverages, and can also take away the heat in the body through evaporation to cool down. But drinking too much carbonated drinks is not good for the stomach, and it will also affect digestion. Because a large amount of carbon dioxide can inhibit bacteria in drinks and beneficial bacteria in the human body, the digestive system will be destroyed. Especially for young people, if they drink too much at once, the released carbon dioxide will easily cause abdominal distension, affect appetite and even cause gastrointestinal dysfunction. A lot of sugar is harmful to the health of organs.

Harm of carbonated drinks 5: Effect on nervous system

Interfering with the impulse conduction of the nervous system is easy to cause ADHD in children.

Our survey results show that 46% people don't like carbonated drinks, and 29% people realize that drinking carbonated drinks for a long time is harmful to human health. Therefore, we should actively publicize in this regard. Make people realize the adverse effects of drinking too much carbonated drinks on health. To make people drink carbonated drinks as little as possible in daily life, it is generally best to choose boiled water with specific activity.

What are the carbonated drinks? What are the hazards of drinking carbonated drinks?

(1) Carbonated drinks (soda) products subject to food production license management refer to drinks filled with carbon dioxide gas under certain conditions, including carbonated drinks, aerated sports drinks and other specific varieties, excluding drinks that produce carbon dioxide gas by self-fermentation. The content of carbon dioxide in the finished product (volume multiple at 20℃) is not less than 2.0 times. Carbonated drinks are mainly composed of sugar, pigments, sweeteners, souring agents, spices and carbonated water, and generally do not contain vitamins and minerals.

(2) Carbonated drinks (soft drinks) can be divided into juice type, fruity type, cola type, low-calorie type and other types, such as cola, sprite, Fanta, 7-up, mirinda and so on.