Are pickled products easy to cause cancer? Europeans like cheese, while Japanese and Koreans like pickles. Why do they all think this is a very healthy diet?

Some people worry that eating kimchi is easy to get cancer, but so far no scientific proof has been seen about this. Pickles are made by fermenting vegetables with lactic acid bacteria to produce lactic acid. Lactic acid is neither toxic nor carcinogenic. Although kimchi contains a certain amount of nitrite, its content is within the allowable range, and the enzymes and rich vitamin C contained in vegetable raw materials can decompose nitrosamines and prevent nitrite from forming nitrosamines, so we don't have to worry about eating kimchi. However, it should be noted that moldy kimchi should never be eaten, because there is Geotrichum candidum in moldy kimchi, which can greatly increase the content of nitrite, so it is not safe to eat.

In the process of making pickles, although the concentration of brine used for pickling is low, the osmotic pressure can't stop the activities of microorganisms, but the lactic acid produced can increase the overall acidity, inhibit harmful microorganisms and play an antiseptic role. So kimchi is very hygienic and safe.

In order to prevent the pollution of miscellaneous bacteria in the fermentation process and ensure the quality of finished products, it is required that the raw materials of kimchi should be fresh and rotten leaves should not be used.

Although kimchi is crispy and delicious, for people with weak stomach or gastric ulcer, the spicy taste of kimchi may cause irritation to the affected area, so such people should avoid eating kimchi.