Contradictory allusions.

The source of Yunnan source

"Warring States Policy Wei Ce IV": "The king of Wei wanted to attack Handan, and Liang Ji heard about it ... He went to see the king of Qi and said,' Today I am a minister. When I saw people on the Da (Tai) Line, I drove it to the north and told the minister,' I want Chu.' The minister said, "Prince of Chu, will Xi be the north?" He said, "My Ma Liang." The minister said, "Although the horse is good, this is not the way of Chu." Said, "I often use it." The minister said, "Although there are many uses, this is not the way of Chu." He said, "I am good at guarding others." The better the number, the farther away from Chu. Today, Wanimal wants to be the overlord, and it wants to believe in the world. Relying on the size of the kingdom and the strong soldiers, we will attack Handan Guangzun, move over the king, and get farther away from the king. Jude to chu, north. "

Explanatory usage

Liang Ji told Wang Wei that some people in the state of Wei went to Chu, but they drove north, saying that their horses ran fast, brought more money, and their riders were highly skilled, but the better these were, the farther they were from Chu. Later, this code means that actions are contrary to intentions and will not achieve their goals.

Classical form

Fu Zhi, the king of the Qing Dynasty in Nanyuan, said: "It is appropriate to swallow and go to Nanyuan, and there will be no trace for life."

The loss of Beiyuan Tang Wei Li Si: "If you still realize the loss of Beiyuan, you will never go south to Tian Jian."

Jin Yuanhao asked, "When I was angry, I thought about making a nine yuan, but I was fascinated by it."

Bei chu leader tour: "Yiyan is the south axis, Chu and Gu Bei are the first."

Ma: "Back to scolding, see Nanyuan in northern Zhejiang."

Yi Yan is the North Axis Song Luyou: "Yi Yan is the North Axis, tuning the piano and releasing the strings."