Influence of pharmaceutical industry status on its investment

Venture capital plays a very important role in the healthy development of pharmaceutical industry. In the future, policy makers should not only pay attention to the efficiency of resource allocation, but also help the venture capital of the pharmaceutical industry to develop in a balanced way in different regions.

Pharmaceutical industry is one of the most competitive high-tech industries in the world today, and its R&D activities are generally characterized by high investment, high risk and long cycle. The high investment shows that the research and development of new drugs in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is cutting-edge technology, with high research and development costs and a lot of funds, technology and manpower. The high risk is manifested in the strong uncertainty of R&D and production in pharmaceutical manufacturing industry. In addition to the risk of R&D failure, there are also risks of generic drugs and market uncertainty. The long cycle comes from the following four stages of new drug research and development: early drug exploration stage, preclinical research stage, clinical trial stage and approval and listing stage. It often takes a long time from research and development to market orientation.

The above characteristics of the pharmaceutical industry make it often have many difficulties in financing, but the characteristics of high risk and high return make it favored by venture capitalists. These two factors make venture capital an important financing method in pharmaceutical industry. At the same time, venture capital is also an internationally recognized barometer to measure the level of innovation and entrepreneurship in an industry. The higher the venture capital level of an industry or region, the higher its innovation and entrepreneurship vitality. Therefore, venture capital is of great significance to the benign development of pharmaceutical industry.

Policy background

In recent years, how to improve the venture capital mechanism of pharmaceutical industry has gradually become one of the key points of China's pharmaceutical industry policy. Among them, the most representative central-level pharmaceutical industry policy focusing on venture capital is the Chinese Medicine Health Service Development Plan (20 15-2020) issued by the General Office of the State Council in 2015, and the subsequent Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Healthy Development of the Pharmaceutical Industry (hereinafter referred to as the Opinions). "Planning" and "Opinions" clearly pointed out that it is necessary to speed up the improvement of the venture capital mechanism of the pharmaceutical industry, specifically:

The Plan points out that it is necessary to encourage diversified investment and accelerate market cultivation; Through the guidance of the government, we will promote the establishment of a health industry investment fund funded by financial and industrial capital, and support the health service projects of traditional Chinese medicine as a whole. Broaden the financing channels for the development of Chinese medicine health service institutions and related industries, encourage social capital to invest and operate Chinese medicine health service projects, and give priority to social capital in new projects. Support the development of Chinese medicine health service venture capital enterprises and standardize the development of equity investment enterprises. Encourage all kinds of venture capital institutions and financing guarantee institutions to innovate new formats and small and micro enterprises to carry out business in the field of Chinese medicine health services.

The Opinions pointed out that various forms of cooperation should be adopted to promote overseas mergers and acquisitions, equity investment and venture capital of pharmaceutical enterprises. Innovative financial support, using incentives, capital injection, application of demonstration subsidies, etc. , support application demonstration and public service platform construction and other projects with strong public service nature. Use and guide industrial investment, venture capital and other funds to support profitable and competitive projects in innovative product research and development and industrialization construction, support key enterprises and industrial alliances with innovative development capabilities, and integrate upstream and downstream resources in the industrial chain.

In view of the characteristics of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry and the important position of venture capital in pharmaceutical industry policy, it is of great practical significance to evaluate the impact of pharmaceutical industry policy on venture capital in pharmaceutical industry by using standardized measurement methods. This paper will take the implementation of the planning and opinions after 20 15 as an exogenous influence, and identify its influence on the venture capital behavior of the pharmaceutical industry through the double difference method, so as to provide an empirical basis for future relevant policy formulation.

Empirical model setting

In this paper, the implementation of the Opinions is regarded as an exogenous shock, and the pharmaceutical industry is used as the experimental group and other manufacturing industries as the control group to test the influence of pharmaceutical industry policies on venture capital in the pharmaceutical industry. The double-difference method can effectively test whether there are significant differences between the experimental group and the control group before and after the implementation of the policy. The benchmark regression model in this chapter is set as follows: = α+1×+,? 1++ + +( 1)

Where subscript I stands for different industries, subscript C stands for different provinces and subscript T stands for different years. For example, the explanatory variable Yict is the number of venture capital events plus logarithm of industry I in C province in T year. The core DID explanatory variable is the interaction between the grouping virtual variable treari and the policy implementation time virtual variable yeart: If the industry I is pharmaceutical manufacturing, the value of treari is 1, otherwise it is 0; Zi, t- 1 are other control variables, including fixed capital of the industry, working capital, number of employees at the end of the year, urban per capita GDP and a series of factors that may affect venture capital. , and are the fixed effects of industry, province and time respectively, and are the error terms and other influencing factors that are not included in the model. Because the fixed effect is controllable, the treati coefficient and yeart coefficient in the benchmark model are absorbed by the regional fixed effect and the time fixed effect, respectively, so there is no need to separately include grouping dummy variables and time dummy variables in the model.

Empirical results

1. benchmark regression results

Table 1 gives the benchmark regression results of the influence of pharmaceutical industry policies on pharmaceutical industry venture capital. The standard deviation of the estimation coefficient is in brackets, and *, * * and * * indicate that the estimation coefficient is significant at the statistical level of 10%, 5% and 1% respectively. Among them, the results in column (1) control the fixed effect of industries and cities, column (2) adds a series of related control variables on the basis of column (1), and column (3) controls the fixed effect of years. It can be seen that the coefficients of the core explanatory variables are significantly positive at least at the statistical level of 1%, whether the control variables are added or not, and whether the fixed year effect is controlled or not. Specifically, after the implementation of "Planning" and "Opinions", the venture capital investment of pharmaceutical manufacturing industry has increased by about 23.3% compared with other manufacturing industries. This regression result shows that the pharmaceutical industry policy has obvious promotion effect on the venture capital of the pharmaceutical industry.

2. Parallel trend test

Benchmark regression shows that after 20 15, the number of venture capital events in China pharmaceutical industry increased significantly compared with other industries. But this effect may be caused by pre-existing system differences. If so, it is a serious violation of the important parallel trend assumption in the double difference method, which will cause serious errors in the model estimation results. In order to test whether the double difference method is suitable for studying the influence of pharmaceutical industry policies on pharmaceutical industry venture capital, we consulted authoritative literature and tested the parallel trend by event analysis. The specific measurement model is as follows: =+σ ≠ 1×+. 1++ + (2)

The parallel trend test results are shown in Figure 1 respectively, and the coefficient βj of the virtual shock variable before the implementation of the opinion and plan is not significant. After 20 15, the experimental group and the control group began to show obvious differences. The results show that before the implementation of the policy, there is no significant difference between the change trend of entrepreneurial activities in the experimental group and the control group and the base period, which shows that the double difference method adopted in this paper does not violate the parallel trend hypothesis.

3. Mechanism test and heterogeneity analysis

By combing the relevant literature, it is concluded that government guidance may be an important way for pharmaceutical industry policies to affect pharmaceutical industry venture capital, and the establishment of government guidance fund is a common guiding mechanism for venture capital. Therefore, we test this mechanism by replacing explanatory variables in benchmark regression with government-guided funds. From the results in the column of Table 2( 1), it can be seen that the results of the mechanism test are significantly positive at the statistical level of 1%, indicating that the government guidance fund is an important mechanism for the pharmaceutical industry policy to guide the venture capital behavior of China's pharmaceutical industry.

In addition, regional differences are an important feature of China's economic development. We use the method of heterogeneity test to analyze whether there are differences in the influence of pharmaceutical industry policies on venture capital between the eastern region and the central and western regions. The results in column (2) of Table 2 show that the pharmaceutical industry policy has a positive role in promoting venture capital in the eastern region and the central and western regions, but it has a stronger role in promoting the eastern region. The reason may be that the economic level in the eastern region is higher and the venture capital mechanism is more perfect.

conclusion and suggestion

Taking the implementation of planning and opinions as exogenous impact, this paper investigates the influence of pharmaceutical industry policies on venture capital in China's pharmaceutical industry by using double difference method. It is found that after the implementation of the policy, the venture capital investment in China's pharmaceutical industry has increased by about 23.3% compared with other manufacturing industries. This effect is significant at the statistical level of 1%, and it has passed the parallel trend test.

The mechanism test shows that the government can effectively guide the development of venture capital in the pharmaceutical industry, and it can guide its benign and orderly development by setting up government guidance funds in the future. Heterogeneity test results show that the promotion of policy to pharmaceutical venture capital will be stronger in the eastern region, which may be due to the tilt of policy resources and the difference of economic level, but this situation may not be conducive to the regional balanced development of pharmaceutical industry. Venture capital plays a very important role in the development of pharmaceutical industry. In the future, policy makers should not only pay attention to the efficiency of resource allocation, but also help the venture capital of the pharmaceutical industry to develop in a balanced way in different regions.