Excuse me, is gallstone a genetic disease?

Hello, medically speaking, it's not hereditary. Why? Is gallstone hereditary or not? The medical profession has long noticed this problem. Many scholars have done research, but there is still no scientific basis to prove that gallstones are hereditary. Without heredity, how can there be many people with gallstones at home? This is because there are many similarities between a family or family members in terms of eating habits, food collocation, eating hobbies and sanitary conditions, that is, there are some similarities in the formation of gallstones. However, some doctors believe that cholelithiasis may be hereditary, because the youngest onset age of cholelithiasis in China is only 9 months, which cannot be explained by eating habits and food hygiene. Moreover, the formation of gallstones, especially gallstones, is closely related to the cholesterol content in bile. Cholesterol is produced by the liver, and several people in a family have gallstones, which may be because the members of this family have some similarities in cholesterol metabolism, which may have a genetic basis. Etiology: Under normal circumstances, gallstones will not occur in the gallbladder, because a certain proportion of bile salts and lecithin in normal bile keep cholesterol dissolved without precipitation. To form stones, there must be certain stone-forming conditions, that is, the antinuclear factors in gallbladder bile decrease and the nuclear factors increase, and cholesterol is easy to precipitate and form stones under the action of the increased nuclear factors.

Common factors of stone formation are:

(1) Long-term high-protein, high-fat and high-calorie diet will increase cholesterol in the body or increase the amount of cholesterol synthesized by the liver, leading to cholesterol supersaturation in bile.

(2) Some intestinal diseases make bile salts lose, which makes cholesterol in a relatively supersaturated state.

(3) You can't eat on time, and bile stays in the gallbladder for too long.

(4) Biliary tract infection, gallbladder wall inflammation, its contractile function decreased.

(5) Some hemolytic diseases or liver cirrhosis can also lead to gallstones, but most of these stones are black stones.

(6) Cholestasis and nervous system imbalance caused by pregnancy can also cause gallstones.

(7) Long-term fasting and intravenous nutrition can lead to cholestasis and gallstones.

(8) After subtotal gastrectomy or vagotomy, gallbladder emptying can also be delayed, which is beneficial to the formation of gallstones.

(9) Long-term mental stress and depression.

(10) inheritance.

(1 1) The organ structure is abnormal.

It is difficult to draw a conclusion whether gallstones are hereditary or not. At least it can be understood that gallstones are related to many reasons, including genetic factors and living habits. Therefore, maintaining good eating habits and eating less foods with high fat, high sugar and high protein are beneficial to the prevention of cholelithiasis.