How to judge health status by stool color? Three methods to judge health status according to stool color.

Directory method 1: the meaning of different stool colors 1, red or black stool may be the manifestation of digestive system problems, ranging from intestinal bleeding to hemorrhoids. 2. Look for white, gray or light feces. 3. Brown stool is the most normal. 4, food will also change the color of stool, green leafy vegetables and even beets have such an effect, which is of course normal. 5. Foods with high fat content may lead to yellow stools. 6. Many drugs may cause abnormal stool color, including vitamins, antidiarrheal drugs and even various prescription drugs. These abnormalities are normal. 7. Newborns often discharge black tarry stools. Method 2: You need to see a doctor 1. Red or black stool may be caused by drugs or food, but it may also be the result of intestinal bleeding. 2. Although abnormal fecal color is indeed a sign of health problems, in most cases, these abnormalities are caused by minor problems or even food. 3. If you are worried about the abnormal color of feces, you can go to the hospital. 4. Do you have any other symptoms while the stool color is abnormal? If abdominal pain or sudden diarrhea occurs at the same time, the abnormal color of feces may not be caused by food. Method 3: Keep the digestive system healthy 1. Replenishing water can help digestion and promote the absorption of nutrients. 2. Eat healthily. 3. Exercise more. 4. Pay attention to your stress. The color of stool is our health index, which can reflect some diseases or other health problems that need our attention. There are many colors in stool. Learning to distinguish different colors of stool can help you stay away from minor health problems and tell you when to see a doctor in time.

Methods 1: the significance of different colors of feces

1, red or black stools may be manifestations of digestive system problems, ranging from intestinal bleeding to hemorrhoids. When the small intestine bleeds, the stool will be black or tar-like (the surface of the stool is covered with mucus and shiny). For lower gastrointestinal bleeding (such as hemorrhoid bleeding), feces usually have bright red blood.

Food and drugs can also cause black or red stools. If you are worried about this, you'd better see a doctor.

2. Look for white, gray or light feces. Bile will deepen the color of stool, so the color of stool is too light, which means there is no bile. The absence of bile indicates that the bile duct is blocked, which is a big problem that needs attention. Therefore, once there is white or light stool, you must seek medical attention in time. White stool is usually caused by fatty dysentery (fat excretion), which may be a problem with the pancreas.

3. Brown stool is the most normal. Of course, brown, yellow and even green stools are within the normal range, but as far as healthy stools are concerned, brown like chocolate bars is the most common. The formation of brown stool requires a series of complex digestive reactions. The main reason is that the liver produces bilirubin and decomposes hemoglobin.

4, food will also change the color of stool, green leafy vegetables and even beets have such an effect, which is of course normal. Eating green leafy vegetables such as cabbage or spinach may lead to green stool. After eating beets, the stool may turn red. Therefore, you don't have to worry that eating certain foods will cause the stool to change color. Only in rare cases, red stool is caused by serious intestinal problems. Even if the red stool is discharged, it may just be hemorrhoids.

5. Foods with high fat content may lead to yellow stools. If your stool is yellow (fatty dysentery), it may be that the digestive tract has poor ability to absorb fat. There are many reasons for fat absorption disorder. If the stool is yellow for more than two consecutive days, it is recommended to go to the hospital. In particular, smelly or oily stool may be a phenomenon of gluten allergy. The hospital can check whether you are allergic to gluten.

6. Many drugs may cause abnormal stool color, including vitamins, antidiarrheal drugs and even various prescription drugs. These abnormalities are normal. Please read the instructions carefully before taking any medicine for a long time. Iron supplementation may cause green stool or black stool, and bismuth salicylate (antidiarrheal) may also cause black stool.

7. Newborns often discharge black tarry stools. It is completely normal for a baby to have black stool within a few days after birth. It may take two to four days to completely excrete these meconium. After that, the stool may be green and mushy. The feces of lactating babies are generally green or yellow paste. This is a normal phenomenon.

Compared with babies who drink breast milk, babies who drink milk powder excrete more brown feces, which is completely normal.

Method 2: You need to see a doctor.

1, red or black stool may be caused by drugs or food, but it may also be the result of intestinal bleeding. If you have bloody stool or stool with blood continuously, please go to the hospital as soon as possible. If the stool is bright red or black, and you happen to have recently taken antidiarrheal drugs, food containing red pigment or a new medicine, it is recommended to go to the hospital for examination to prevent major problems. The doctor will help you determine the cause through a series of tests such as fecal occult blood test.

2. Although abnormal fecal color is indeed a sign of health problems, in most cases, these abnormalities are caused by minor problems or even food. It doesn't mean that you have to rush to the emergency room as soon as the stool color is abnormal, and you don't have to panic. If the stool color is abnormal, first think back to what you have eaten recently, or see what side effects you have eaten recently.

3. If you are worried about the abnormal color of feces, you can go to the hospital. No matter what causes abnormal stool color, the safest and most effective solution is to see a doctor. Whether it is a health problem or a normal phenomenon, the doctor will always help you find out the reason. Although it is a bit embarrassing to take the stool to the doctor for examination, it is really necessary if you are worried about your health. Instead of worrying about yourself, it is better to see a doctor and seek professional advice.

4. Do you have any other symptoms while the stool color is abnormal? If abdominal pain or sudden diarrhea occurs at the same time, the abnormal color of feces may not be caused by food. When other symptoms appear, please seek medical attention in time. If you have loose bowels and your stool is black or red, you may have serious health problems, which should be paid attention to immediately.

Method 3: Keep the digestive system healthy.

1, supplementing water can help digestion and promote the absorption of nutrients. Water can soften stools and help solve constipation and other problems. Carry a water bottle with you. Remember to fill the water bottle with water immediately after drinking. Try to drink 1 to 2 liters of water every day.

2. Eat healthily. A healthy diet depends not only on what you eat, but also on the frequency and speed of your eating. In order to ensure that food is fully digested, you should chew slowly. Gobbling may cause stomach upset. It is recommended to eat less and eat more, and not to overeat. The importance of food is self-evident. Eat more high-fiber foods such as vegetables and fruits. Try to eat more than half of vegetables per meal, and try to reduce the intake of processed food and alcohol.

3. Exercise more. Developing good exercise habits is good for health. Exercise can exercise abdominal muscles and promote digestion, which is good for the stomach. Stick to brisk walking or jogging several times a week. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Park the car a little further away. Starting from these little things, you can get some exercise every day.

You should do 30 minutes five times a week, or a total of *** 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise.

4. Pay attention to your stress level. Stress can damage health and affect the digestive system. Stress may lead to constipation, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite and other problems. If you are under great pressure, try to solve it. Try to meditate every day or reduce the factors that cause unnecessary anxiety.

Warning: If you are worried about the color of stool, please consult your doctor.