What are the benefits of eating watermelon?

5 Make bones healthier. With the increase of age, bones are easy to lose. Keeping bones healthy can make bones move freely. If the bones are fragile, it is more dangerous to trip and break them. Fortunately, watermelon contains lycopene and potassium, which can make bones and joints stronger, thus reducing the risk of injury or bone degeneration.

6 Stabilize blood pressure Many people try to lower their blood pressure through diet and exercise. I can tell you that watermelon should definitely be included in these diet plans. Because watermelon contains a lot of potassium and magnesium, it is very beneficial to stabilize blood pressure.

7 Relieve muscle soreness Watermelon is also very good at diminishing inflammation and relieving muscle soreness. A study found that compared with people who drank placebo, subjects drank watermelon juice before exercise, and after 24 hours of exercise, their muscle pain would be relieved more. However, due to the high fructose content in watermelon juice, it is recommended not to drink watermelon juice, and it may be better to eat whole fruit.

8 Anti-asthma For ordinary people, eating watermelon helps to prevent asthma. Because watermelon contains a lot of vitamin C, for people who already have asthma, eating watermelon can improve their condition, and the nutrition inside can make the whole lung healthier.