Warm the milk, pour it into a basin, add yeast powder, add 1 tsp corn oil, stir quickly, and pour in flour and mix well. The butter is heated in a microwave oven to melt into liquid, poured into the biscuit crumbs, stirred evenly, spread on the bottom of the mold, and pressed firmly with a spoon. Then put it in the refrigerator for later use. Heat mango puree with low heat, and stir constantly to dissolve gelatine powder evenly. Just heat it to about 50 degrees, don't cook it. After the Geely powder is dissolved, put aside the mango liquid to cool.
When steaming, be sure to put the other bowl upside down on top of the cake bowl, so that the temperature inside the cake is more stable and it is not easy to crack. When steaming, we also steamed 10 minutes before it collapsed, and then put it back in the pot for 20 minutes before taking it out, which may be the reason why the steamed cake collapsed! In this way, the protein foam is unstable, easy to defoam, and the pores are reduced, so that the volume of the cake paste is reduced, and the cooked cake will shrink after cooling. The defoamed egg liquid is easy to precipitate and become a pudding layer during baking.
Be sure to stir for a while until the eggs are foamed before mixing the eggs with water. Then we sealed the plastic wrap and punched holes in it with toothpicks. The main reason is that the ratio of eggs to water is inaccurate. The main reason is that the protein is not sent in place, or the protein is defoamed during stirring. After stopping the furnace, the temperature should be reversed in time.