Disadvantages: Long-term high-sugar diet will make the internal environment of human body unbalanced, and then cause various hazards to human health. Because sugar is an acidic substance, eating too much sugar will change the pH of human blood, present an acidic constitution, weaken the resistance of human white blood cells to external viruses, and make people susceptible to various diseases.
People who love sweets for a long time are likely to cause a variety of eye diseases. Experts also suggested that senile cataracts are also related to excessive sweets. They investigated 50 cataract patients and found that 34% of them have the habit of eating sweets, which they think is related to the disorder of glucose metabolism.
Some people like to hold a piece of candy for a few minutes, which is actually a bad habit. Because there is a kind of lactic acid bacteria in human mouth, it can ferment sugar to produce lactic acid. The longer sugar is held in the mouth, the more lactic acid is produced, and the greater the chance of dental caries.
Sugar is a polyhydroxy (two or more) aldehyde or ketone, which can become one of the organic compounds after hydrolysis. Chemically, because it is composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, similar to the polymerization of carbon and water in the chemical formula, it is also called carbohydrate. Sugar is an essential nutrient for human body, which is immediately converted into carbohydrates for human energy after being absorbed by human body.
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