Proper selenium content in diet is one of the important factors to keep healthy under stress. The physiological functions of selenium are also shown in the following aspects: participating in the maintenance of immune function and protecting cell membranes and cells. Promote the growth and reproduction of the body. Protect cardiovascular and myocardial health. Selenium can reduce the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and relieve or disappear angina pectoris. Improve energy and work efficiency. Selenium can prevent Keshan disease, which is related to endemic selenium deficiency in China.
Selenium can reduce the toxicity of aflatoxin and alleviate the toxic effect of heavy metals in the body. Selenium has a strong affinity for heavy metals and is a natural antidote for heavy metals. Selenium combines with metals in the body to form a complex, which detoxifies and excretes metals.
Selenium can protect vision and improve the function of visual organs. Selenium-containing glutathione peroxidase and vitamin E can reduce the degree of oxygen damage in retina. The blindness of diabetic patients can be improved by supplementing selenium, vitamin E and C, and selenium has anti-tumor effect. Proper selenium can inhibit the occurrence and development of animal liver cancer, skin cancer and lymphosarcoma caused by various chemical carcinogens. Breast cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, urinary system tumor, leukemia and other diseases are all related to selenium deficiency in the environment.
Methods of supplementing selenium:
Foods that contain more selenium in daily life include seafood, animal offal, lean meat, rice and cereals. Chinese medicine earthworm also contains more selenium. Almost all selenium in the body comes from food, but due to the different biochemical characteristics and surrounding environment, selenium intake is also different.
Besides wheat germ, garlic, asparagus, mushrooms and sesame seeds, foods rich in selenium also include many seafood, such as prawns, tuna and sardines. In addition, some plants have selenium-enriched ability, such as astragalus, sedge, Zi Yuan, atriplex, alfalfa and so on. For example, if the selenium content per gram of yellow flower is 10 mg and alfalfa is 32- 122 μ g, Brassica vegetables in Cruciferae also have strong selenium enrichment ability.
However, because food loses some selenium by volatilization during cooking and heating, if the elements needed by human body are not enough, it can be supplemented by safe health care preparations. For example, selenium Weikang chewable tablets with high bioavailability and no side effects can integrate malt selenium and vitamin E, which can prevent excessive selenium supplementation and avoid selenium poisoning.