Self-made black bean natural hair dye

1. In a large bowl, pour 1 small bowl of black beans and 3 small bowls of white vinegar so that the black beans are completely immersed in the white vinegar.

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Second, soak for 24 hours, you can crush the black beans with your fingers, and the black bean juice becomes burgundy.

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Third, put the black beans and juice into a blender and mix them evenly.

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4. At this time, pour the black beans and juice into the pot, add appropriate amount of water to boil, and turn to low heat for half an hour. Don't put too much water, as long as it can prevent the pot from burning.

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5. Finally, add 1 bowl of starch to turn the liquid black bean juice into a paste, which will not fall off when applied to the head.

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6. After cooling, the color of black bean hair dye paste will become darker, from purple to brown, and then to brown. After completely cooling, black hair dye cream will appear.

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