The steps of health risk assessment include
Health risk assessment mainly includes the following three steps: personal health information collection (questionnaire survey, physical examination and laboratory examination), risk assessment and assessment report. (1) Collection of personal health information: it is the basis of health risk assessment. Including questionnaire survey, physical examination and laboratory examination. The composition of the questionnaire mainly includes: ① General survey: age, sex, education level, occupation, economic income, marital status, etc. ② Investigation on current health status, past history and family history; ③ Survey of living habits: mainly including smoking, physical activity, eating habits, nutrition, drinking, etc. ④ Other risk factors, such as mental stress. Physical examination and laboratory examination mainly include: height, weight, waist circumference, blood pressure, blood lipid, blood sugar and so on. (2) Risk assessment: mainly including general health risk assessment and disease risk assessment: 1. Health Risk Assessment (HRA): It mainly includes the assessment of risk factors and possible diseases. Risk factor assessment includes lifestyle and/or behavioral risk factors assessment (mainly on smoking status, physical activity and diet status), physiological index risk factors assessment (mainly on blood pressure, blood lipid, blood sugar, weight, height and waist circumference), and individual risk factors quantity and severity assessment. Discover major problems and possible major diseases, and manage risk factors at different levels, such as hypertension risk. 2. Specific Disease Health Assessment (DSHA): At present, health risk assessment has been gradually extended to disease-based risk assessment. Disease risk assessment refers to the assessment of specific disease risks. There are four main steps: first, choose the diseases to be predicted; Second, constantly discover and determine the risk factors related to the occurrence of diseases; Thirdly, establish a disease risk prediction model by applying appropriate prediction methods; Fourth, verify the correctness and accuracy of the evaluation model. There are two main methods of disease risk assessment: the first is the single-factor weighting method based on a single risk factor and incidence, that is, the relationship between these single factors and incidence is expressed as relative risk, and the weighted score of each related factor is the risk of illness. Because this method is simple and practical, it does not need a lot of data analysis, and it is the main risk assessment method in the early stage of health management development. Typical representative is Harvard cancer risk index. The second method is a multi-factor model method based on multi-factor mathematical analysis, that is, the relationship model between disease risk and risk factors is obtained by using statistical probability theory. In addition to the common multiple regression (logistic regression and Cox regression), there are also neural network methods based on fuzzy mathematics. The typical representative of this method is Framingham's coronary heart disease model, which was established on the basis of prospective cohort study. Many countries have established other models on the basis of Framingham model, thus evolving evaluation models suitable for their own countries and regions.