Owners buy speakers to play music against the square dance, how to communicate with the square dancers?

Owners buy speakers to play music against square dance, and square dancers should be mutual discussion with each other to meet each other's conditions so that it will not affect both sides of the people. But like the owners of such a buy speakers to play music against the square dance is not desirable, because the music of the square dance has been particularly noisy, coupled with the owners of the speakers of the sound of music caused by the noise pollution, so that more innocent people have been harmed. So the most important thing is to discuss with the square dance moms, and then both sides to mention the conditions of both sides to meet.

Everyone knows that the music of the square dance is very noisy, especially when they are ready to rest, it has been more than eleven o'clock, the amazons still have the spirit to dance. The first thing to do is to discuss the time of the square dance with the ladies, if they dance during the general after-dinner hours such as seven to nine then there is not so much of a problem, but if they have to dance after nine then you can let the community security guards go and drive them away. However, the general security guards may not be able to speak to the big mom, so we have to find some more people or send messages to the owners group to find the affected owners to go down together to persuade the big mom, the big mom saw the number of people so much that they do not dare to jump again.

But some of them will really dance very late, but they are not convinced, this time to take into account the Bluetooth headset. So that no matter how the big moms jump can not affect the rest of the owners, which is very convenient for everyone. If the big mothers do not agree, you can consider the owners of the donation, each person to earn a few dollars can help the big mothers to buy, spend a few dollars to get their own rest time to get clean is not a loss. Find a community leader to teach a square dance mom in charge of learning how to use Bluetooth headset, the mom basically know how to use.

Square Dancing is just a way to make sure you're not bored with your normal life, and that's why you need to be able to dance. If square dancers had more leisure activities, they wouldn't have to keep relying on square dancing to pass the time, so they wouldn't affect others.