What does the girl mean when she says we are separated by a century?

There is a concept in the study of developmental psychology called "birth age group". An era is a birth era group. According to convention, people of a birth generation group face similar socioeconomic development conditions. In the field of psychotherapy, there is a model called the sociological model, which focuses on the social environment and social status quo of individual life. It is to look at individual issues from a holistic perspective.

However, although each individual is in the same socio-economic environment and born in the same era, their caregivers are different, and the information they receive from their families is also different. . Some people say that every family has its own culture, and there are 10,000 cultures in 10,000 families. The family is the cradle of individual survival and the place where individuals start. Therefore, family culture will have different impacts on individuals. In many families, parents are relatively "classical" and their clothes, words and deeds are not in line with the era in which they lived. Their children will definitely be affected (although there are some who develop in the opposite direction, but they are in the minority after all) . The result of this is that you see the existence of some people who are "obviously born in the same era as you, but seem to be separated by a century."

In fact, these people need to strengthen their integration into the real culture, and at the same time, the people around them also need to give them more tolerance. Otherwise, a wall will be drawn between them and reality, making it even more difficult to integrate. After all, there are only a few people like this in reality. I personally gave other people this feeling before and thought I was very old-fashioned. However, after I went to college, my classmates did not dislike me and took me with them. I slowly learned to communicate with the public. Fusion.