How should I exercise scientifically if I am not in good physical condition?

For those who are physically weak, it is not advisable to start with difficult projects, such as push-ups, but you can choose your own favorite, lighter sports, such as jogging, walking, shuttlecock, jumping rope, sit-ups, balls and so on. Poor physical fitness is not suitable for strenuous high-intensity exercise. In the early stage of the exercise, you can choose to compare the gentle jogging, jumping exercise, etc., in the exercise of their cardiorespiratory function at the same time, slowly training their own physical fitness, so that the body gradually strong.

More and more people are joining the team of physical exercise, jogging, walking, cycling, gymnastics, square dancing, tai chi and other mass sports activities can be found everywhere, to enhance the masses of physical fitness plays a very important role. Some lazy or busy people, can not find the right time to go running, and what to do? Indoor sports, is the first choice. Push-ups, able to exercise their full range of muscles, is a very simple and convenient, and effective way.

Try to get in no less than three aerobic workouts a week and the duration should be 30 minutes to 40 minutes, which is the base. Then aerobic exercise includes, (jogging, jumping rope, swimming, etc.), so that their body sweat, eliminate the body of toxins. HIIT high-intensity interval training method can improve the endurance and sensitivity, improve the cardiorespiratory function is recommended to be 3 times a week, can be combined with aerobic, a week of each to do 2 times. Muscular endurance training methods: go to the gym or unarmed training can be, equipment operation or movement under the premise of the correct, with the ability to complete 15-20 times the weight to start training, you can increase the number of groups, such as push-ups (bench press) 20 times a group of 8 groups.

Attention to nutrition. Pay attention to supplement high-quality protein, high-quality protein can promote muscle synthesis, high-quality protein from milk, sea cucumbers, eggs, chicken, tenderloin, beef and other foods. At the same time to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, the road is simple, the simplest health, in fact, in the daily most inconspicuous details, such as sunrise and sunset, the daytime properly invigorate the yang, physical activity, exercise, and to the night to keep quiet and maintain adequate sleep.