The best matching words for Ao are as follows
There are many best matching words for Ao, such as Ao Ning, Ao Shi, Ao Bin, Ao Hui, Ao Yuan, Ao Yang, Ao Tim, Ao Xun, Ao Yuanyang, Ao Xiang, Ao Lei, Ao Bai, Ao Nan, Ao Zhuo, Ao Song, Ao Cheng, Ao Sheng, Ao Chen, Ao Fan, Ao ˇ0ˇ and so on. Specifically according to personal preference and moral choice. For example, Ao Wei means indomitable, beautiful as a flower, ice and jade; Ao Tong means red, progressive, hopeful and lively.
Writing is the way and tool for humans to record and express information with symbols in order to pass it on for a long time. Most modern writing is a tool for recording language. Humans often have spoken language first after the written word, many small languages, there is a language but not written. Differences in writing reflect the different ways of written expression and thinking of nations and peoples. Writing has brought mankind into a civilization with a recorded history.
History of development:
Writing breaks through the oral language by the limitations of time and space, is human can be in the written language on the basis of the complete inheritance of human wisdom and spiritual wealth, so that human beings can improve the education system, improve their wisdom, develop science and technology, and enter a civilized society. Ordinary writing was formed with simple shapes, which in the early days were closer to drawings and geometric lines.
For example, the Latin alphabet is made up of simple straight lines, arcs and dots. Chinese characters are mainly made up of straight lines, so they are called "square characters. Ancient characters such as oracle bone inscriptions, Egyptian hieroglyphics and Mayan scripts are more graphic in nature. Due to the limitations of the visual ability of special populations, variant visual symbols or tactile symbols can also be invented to replace ordinary characters.
Braille is a tactile symbol invented to accommodate blind people without the ability to see. Sign language is a dynamic visual symbol that dances with the hands to accommodate deaf people who do not have the ability to speak. Flag language is a dynamic visual symbol that dances with flags invented to accommodate long-distance auditory and visual limitations such as navigation.
In the early days of electronic information transmission, Arabic numerals were also used instead of Chinese characters to transmit written words. This digital code could encode any text. But Chinese characters, because of their large number, required specialized code translators to use them. Some people have categorized text into linear and non-linear text. This makes some sense, but both regular text and code text have visual elements such as lines and dots.