What's the language in "Don't Know Yourself"?

What's the language inside Don't Know Yourself

What's the language inside Don't Know Yourself, Don't Know Yourself is a song by Hailai Aki, A Gluttony Lagoo, Quibi A and, Don't Know Yourself is a musical single of Hailai Aki, released on March 5, 2019 . Below Don't Know What's Inside is the language.

What language is in Don't Know Yourself1

In Don't Know Yourself, it is Yi not English. The translation is as follows:

Iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo

Slowly go, you go slowly

Ne iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo

My friend you go slowly Iet ssa iet ssa mu bbo

Slowly go, you go slowly

Ngat qop bop iet ssa mu bbo

My friend don't be in a hurry, you walk slowly

Don't Know Yourself is a song sung by Hailai Aki, A Gluttony Raghu, and Qubi Achi and composed by Hailai Aki with lyrics and music arranged by Qubi Achi, the song was released on March 5, 2019 and collected in the album Don't Know Yourself.


Other versions of the song and related information:

1. "Don't Know Yourself" by Ahou Munei: included in the album "Once Young and Crazy", released on 2019-08-14, the album contains 5 songs.

2, Jinlan sang "Don't Know Yourself": included in the album "Wuyi alley mouth empty disappointment", released on 2019-08-11, the album contains 10 songs.

3, Sun Yiqi sang "Don't Know Yourself": included in the album "Don't Know Yourself", released on 2019-09-09, the album contains 2 songs.

4, Gatorade played "Don't Know Yourself (remix)": included in the album "Put a big move on you", released on 2019-06-11, the album contains 10 songs.

What is the language inside Don't Know Yourself2

The `Yi language meaning in Don't Know Yourself

The Yi language meaning in Don't Know Yourself is My friend don't be in a hurry, you go slowly.

Don't Know Yourself is a song by Hailai Amu, A Gluttony Lagoo, Qu Bi A and sung by Hailai Amu with lyrics and music composed by Qu Bi A and arranged by Qu Bi A and, the song was released on March 5, 2019 and is collected in the album Don't Know Yourself. A small climactic section of the song is sung in Yi.

The song "Don't Know Yourself" has been in rotation on all major music playback platforms since it was released, and is arguably one of the most clicked songs.

Don't Know Yourself who sang the original song

Don't Know Yourself was originally sung by: Hailai Aki, A Gluttony Lagoo, Qubi A and sung by.

1, Hailai Amu, male, Yi nationality, born on April 4 in Ganluo County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province. He is a Chinese mainland driver and singer. He enjoys singing, composing and racing. 2012, he won the Bronze Prize in the China Yi Original Music Competition, and his entry "Sadness" won the Bronze Prize for Original Song.

2, A Gluttony Lagu, born in 1995 in Zhaojue County, Liangshan, Sichuan Province, the new generation of Yi singers, representative works "A Wu".

3, Qu Bi A and, Chinese name Bai A and, Yi independent music producer, songwriter, recording engineer, arranger, singer, member of the Sichuan Musicians Association. Has served as the creation of the band leader, Xiluodu National Art Troupe music producer, the captain of the combination of the fingerprints, Ajitai Media, love the sound of cultural communication limited company and let's go back to the cultural media recording engineer, arranger, mixer.

What's the language inside Don't Know Yourself3

The song Don't Know Yourself is that movie episode

Don't Know Yourself is not a movie episode, it is sung by Hailai Amu, A Gluttony Lagoo, Qubi A and the song was released on March 5, 2019, and collected in the album Don't Know Yourself.

Song original vocals: Hailai Amu, A Gluttony Lagoo, Qubi Ah and

Lyrics: Hailai Amu

Composed by Hailai Amu

Arranged by Qubi Ah and

Song lyrics:

The moon hangs cold in the sky, and it too knows that tomorrow

will be

Unconsciously, the sky is bright, we sang the night to sleep and sang the stars to sleep

At the moment when you embarked on the parting train, I only cared about the tears

I forgot to wave and forget to say goodbye, I hope to take care of myself along the way

Extended Information

The original singer of the Hailai Aki

The original singer of Hailai Aki is a man of Yi ethnicity, and he is a member of the Yi ethnic group, and has been a member of the Yi ethnic group. Male, Yi nationality, born on April 4 in Ganluo County, Liangshan Prefecture, Sichuan Province. He is a driver and singer in Mainland China. He enjoys singing, songwriting and racing. 2012, he participated in the competition and won the Bronze Award, and his entry "Sadness" won the Bronze Award for Original Song.

In 2012, he successfully held a large-scale concert in Ganluo Stadium. 2012, he participated in the fourth China Yi original music competition Jiannanchun "pot in the years" music festival, won the bronze medal for singers, and won the bronze medal for his original song.

In April 2013, Chengdu Economic Television recorded "Sing if you want to sing", and in April 2013, Chengdu, China, the Voice of China's Dream advanced contestants (due to personal reasons, give up to continue the competition). 2013 June founded the first Sichuan Ganluo Yi style bar "Yi Bar".

Main works

"Our Dream", "Wind Blows North", "Zhuo Ma", "Tibetan Plateau", "Zhuo Ma", "Mom's Sheepskin Coat", "Ah Hot Nyonya", "Drifting Clouds", "Are You Gone", "Ago Jigu" and so on.