Because of the general view of Europe and the United States of America and our national conditions are different, the different interests. Most countries in Europe and the United States provide for the statutory retirement age is 65 years old, and there is even a tendency to increase. And they rarely rely on pensions and pensions to live. After retirement, the government also encourages them to continue to contribute to society, such as entrepreneurship, or do some temporary work. Compared with the Chinese amazons, the elderly in Europe and America have much less time on their hands.
Western countries, the elderly have practiced liberalism all their lives, and will not take raising their offspring as a lifelong task or achievement. Some Europeans like to drive themselves around and travel to different places, some like to play musical instruments at home alone, etc. Each person does their own thing and rarely have time to get together. Only less often, more in religious places, do they get together for prayer.
Elderly people in Europe and the United States are different, they like to be alone, if they want to get fit they will go jogging, or riding bicycles, or driving a caravan around the world, and do not like to do group activities. Chinese people like to get together in groups to chat, play chess, etc. In recent years, due to the rise of square dancing, there has been an increase in the number of people dancing in the streets. In recent years, due to the rise of square dancing, we feel that instead of nagging and playing chess, it is better to dance in the square, which can be fitness and longevity, more youthful.
Europe and the United States of America's older men and women to retire later, after retirement, but also their own business, or to do public service activities, and then Europe and the United States of America like to be alone, even fitness also like to work out alone. More crucially, most of the elderly in Europe and the United States have different free time, in addition to religious ceremonies will only get together, their character open all their lives.