What is the name of the pure music in League of Legends tribes

1.Main Title_Legends of Azeroth

I started playing WOW after TBC, so this rousing melody is not too different from TBC's landing page, so the battle is to have this kind of roaring feeling

2. p>

The Shaping of The World

The prelude of low strings and background vocals introduces a melody that seems to be a magnificent picture of the world, where the use of a cyclorama is used as a means of expression to construct a vast scene with a constantly reverberating melody. Whether it's the picture or the music of the movie, it's a very important factor. Let a person intoxicated by that is a classic (I always think WOW does not make Mayan animated movie is a pity)


The beginning of the slow rhythm has been to flourish, and finally the end of the dance is to sing. I'd have to say that I'm a bit of a sucker for the flourish and the dance. These two places are most likely to make people excited

4. Song of Elune

In terms of personal preference I still appreciate the ethereal soprano, the beginning of a kind of vast universe to release the bright stars, and then go to listen to the inside of the tide of the sea ambient sound, feeling like someone standing on the reef looking out over the sea.

5. Echoes

The beginning is a soothing flute, to the middle stage is the strings and drums and then gradually like a continuation of the climax, and finally twisted back to the flute, personally I like is the former stage and the latter stage, because I heard the end of the feeling of a landing.

6. A Call to Arms

The first part of the narrative of the frontiers of the low and magnificent vastness, and then suddenly undulate to the climax of the excitement. Overall there is a sense of Caesar leading his soldiers to prepare for their deaths in battle.

7. Seasons of War

This is the score for the World of Warcraft promo, which begins with a close-up of a dwarf's face, and at this point there's a chorus of voices, which is really quite wonderful. I have to mention the fast-paced score for the diving scene when the dark elf turns into a black panther. There are also shots of orcs hissing madly, and I have to mention the majesty of the minotaurs standing on the cliffs sprinkling ash powder. Isn't that right, how many hard-to-look-away battle sequences are there within the mighty world?

City Themes Music of the main city

Tribal side:1. Orgrimmar main city music <Orgrimmar> wild and majestic beat, the beginning of the first part of the orcs can be heard in the low hissing, and the sincere and not openly.

2. The Undercity<The Undercity> why I think the beginning of the first part of the flavor, and then those undead whispers of the environment has become the focus, but this in the eerie style of the undead living in the Undercity ultimately suitable.

3. Thunder Bluff main city music <Thunder Bluff> Unfortunately, this minotaur main city music is still missing a music, is quite a beat

Music is just gone? That was my favorite ah~

As for the Silvermoon City of the Blood Elves, to be honest that The Sin'dorei full beat music is inside the TBC soundtrack album. So do not include WOW OST

Alliance side: 1. Stormwind main city 〈Stormwind〉 no doubt, human faith paladin, high-pitched melody, in the face of the human heroes statue solemn respect.

2. Darnassus main city <Darnassus>... I've never been to the Dark Elf city, so next time I'll venture to Darnassus with a Blood Elf and do a sneak attack. It's a death wish, though. But like singing the praises of the dark elves of the music is indeed too much, so the first to determine a good

3. ironforge treasure main city <ironforge> this dwarven main city of the music is not included in the soundtrack CD inside, this is the waste of their own breath to look for, to put it bluntly the beginning of the undulation of a good, the music effect of the joint scene is indeed not a problem, but to say that the sacred extent .... Compared to humans... Dwarves are a little bit worse.

Ambient Musics World of Warcraft's various landscapes and landscapes

1. Elwynn Forest

This is the BGM of Elwynn Forest outside of Stormwind, and it's very quiet...

It's the first time I've ever heard of the Elwynn Forest, but I've never heard of the Elwynn Forest in my life. I level 40 boldly, mixed into Elwynn .....

2. Duskwood


The Deep Strings BGM of the Twilight Forest, where there is almost never any bright sunlight.

3.Dun Morogh

The scenic softness of the Arach Heights, where it's hard to hear the climax ---.

4. Burning Steppes

An ogre's gallows, extremely depressing and solemn.


Durontar orc territory, perhaps this is the most peaceful place for orcs...


I've long forgotten where the ambient BGM music came from, but I've always known that it's where the demons of the Burning Legion live.

7. Stranglethorn Vale

The soundtrack for Stranglethorn Vale, which is like a South African drum break. The animals that live there will provide you with almost as many heavy skins - -.

8. Tanaris

Extraordinarily empty Tanaris reflects the desolation of the desert

9. Teldrassil

The music of Teldarshir, a Dark Elf-oriented piece. The giant trees, quietness, mystery, and antiquity of this race. This happens to be the best music to accentuate the Dark Elves.

Subsidiary Cuesheets This is the little track that expresses the various states of the player


The one that is going to rest at the inn, so it utilizes an upbeat approach. But personally, I think the Gnome's Sailor's Home Inn is more jokingly sardonic.

2. Moonfall

This short and small sacred can be heard when passing through Dalaran. The downside is... It's too short~...


This is a celebration of the monuments that flourished back in the day.


While I don't know where the BGM is. the music starts as if it's going to an uninhabited sanctuary, and ends with regret.


This is like seeing the enemy's stupid movement, then this will preview this battle of deceit.

6. Sacred

Ah, this one is called "Sacred". Yes, this one is sung in a religious style. Humans really do believe in paladins.

7. Graveyard

The music of the undead healer who meets after death is ethereal, bleak, and dismal. It's like feeling like you're falling into a state of nothingness . This is one of my favorite skit riffs


Howl~ Mighty to the Blood and Tears~This battle is so intense and kills the other side by surprise. The end of WAR was too rushed though!