What is low aerobic exercise

Exercise is relative to aerobic exercise. During exercise, the body's metabolism is accelerated, and the accelerated metabolism requires more energy. The body's energy is derived from the breakdown of sugar, protein and fat in the body. When the amount of exercise is not large, such as jogging, playing badminton, dancing, etc., the body's energy supply mainly comes from the aerobic metabolism of fat. Exercise in which the aerobic metabolism of fat is the main supply of energy is what we call aerobic exercise. When we are engaged in a very strenuous exercise, or a rapid outbreak, such as weight lifting, 100-meter sprint, wrestling, etc., the body needs a lot of energy in an instant, and under normal circumstances, aerobic metabolism can not meet the body's needs at this time, so the sugar anaerobic metabolism, in order to quickly produce a large amount of energy. This state of exercise is anaerobic exercise.

The uptake of oxygen during exercise is very low. Because the speed and explosive force is too fast, the sugar in the body can not be broken down by oxygen, and have to rely on "anaerobic energy". This kind of exercise will produce too much lactic acid in the body, resulting in muscle fatigue can not be sustained, muscle soreness after exercise, shortness of breath.

Anaerobic exercise refers to high-speed, intense exercise in which the muscles are in a state of "oxygen deprivation". Most anaerobic exercises are high intensity and instantaneous, so they are difficult to sustain for long periods of time, and fatigue is slow to disappear.

The most important feature of anaerobic exercise is that it involves a very low uptake of oxygen. Because the speed and explosive force is too fast, the sugar in the body can not be decomposed by oxygen, and have to rely on "anaerobic energy". This kind of exercise will produce too much lactic acid in the body, resulting in muscle fatigue can not be sustained, muscle pain after exercise, shortness of breath. If you want to make your body stronger, you can go to the gym to participate in anaerobic exercise. However, when exercising, it is best to listen to the guidance of the fitness trainer and choose a training program that suits you.

Common anaerobic exercise programs include weight lifting, throwing, high jump, long jump, tug-of-war and plyometrics.

Anaerobic exercise is relative to aerobic exercise. During exercise, the body's metabolism is accelerated, and the accelerated metabolism requires the consumption of more energy. The body's energy is metabolized through the breakdown of sugar, protein and fat in the body. When the amount of exercise is not large, such as jogging, playing badminton, dancing, etc., the body's energy supply mainly comes from the aerobic metabolism of fat. Exercise in which the aerobic metabolism of fat is the main supply of energy is what we call aerobic exercise. When we are engaged in a very strenuous exercise, or a rapid outbreak, such as weight lifting, 100-meter sprint, wrestling, etc., the body needs a lot of energy in an instant, and under normal circumstances, aerobic metabolism can not meet the body's needs at this time, so the sugar anaerobic metabolism, in order to quickly produce a large amount of energy. This state of exercise is anaerobic exercise.

Common anaerobic exercise programs are: weight lifting, throwing, high jump, long jump, tug-of-war, plyometrics and so on.

Aerobic exercise is physical exercise in which the human body is adequately supplied with oxygen. That is to say, during exercise, the body inhales oxygen equal to the demand, to achieve physiological equilibrium. Simply put, it refers to any rhythmic exercise with a long duration (about 15 minutes or more) and moderate to high intensity (75% to 85% of maximum heart rate). Aerobic exercise is measured by heart rate. Exercise with a heart rate of 150 beats per minute is considered aerobic because the blood can supply enough oxygen to the heart muscle; therefore, it is characterized by low intensity, rhythmic, and long duration. Requirements for each exercise is not less than 1 hour, 3 to 5 times a week to adhere to. This kind of exercise ah, oxygen can fully fermentation of sugar in the body, but also can consume body fat, enhance and improve the cardiopulmonary function, prevent osteoporosis, regulate the psychological and mental state, is the main form of exercise for fitness. Therefore, if you are overweight and want to achieve the purpose of weight loss through exercise, it is recommended that you choose aerobic exercise, such as jogging, cycling and so on. These exercises are not only good for the purpose of burning body fat, but also easy to do.

Common aerobic exercise programs include: walking, brisk walking, jogging, skating, swimming, bicycling, playing tai chi, dancing, jumping rope/doing rhythmic gymnastics and so on. Aerobic exercise is characterized by low intensity, rhythmic, uninterrupted and sustained, and long duration. Compared with weight lifting, running, high jump, long jump, throwing and other explosive non-aerobic exercise, aerobic exercise is a constant exercise, is sustained for more than 5 minutes there is still room for exercise.