Square Dance

The lyrics of the song "When we meet again? Butterfly in the next life" is from the square dance "Language Flower Butterfly". Now I upload this song to share with you.

The song: "The Language of the Butterfly"

Lyrics: Liu Zhaojun ? Xie Hongping

Composed by Li Xiang

Sung by An Dongyang ? Fan Tongzhou

Dance Music Production: Jiuzhou Maitian


It is said that butterflies love flowers?

Who knows that the flower is in love with the butterfly

The love is entwined*** in and out

No questions asked about wrong and right

Years the butterfly is in love with the flower?

Year after year, the flower thinks of the butterfly

Together day and night until day and night

The butterfly kisses the flower and becomes intoxicated

The butterfly loves the flower with no regrets?

Flowers look forward to the company of butterflies

The rain is disturbing the flowers

How can the butterflies find the stamens of the flowers

The flowers shed tears for the butterflies?

Butterflies pine for flowers

Suddenly, the autumn wind blows relentlessly

Flowers can't hold the butterflies back

Butterflies are sad for flowers?

Flowers withered for butterflies

Now the flowers have been taken

Who will the lonely butterflies love again

Flowers scented for butterflies?

Butterflies guard the flowers

This time spring is disturbing the flowers

Who has seen the butterflies in the past

Butterflies are sour for the flowers?

Flower's heart is broken for butterfly

Flower and butterfly love once?

Butterflies and flowers love each other once

Love is strong, love is deep, and love is not tired

There is no discouragement when we are separated from each other

When there is a chance to meet again

Butterflies will be with us in the next life

Flowers will be with us in the next life

Flowers will be with us in the next life
