Dongwu village has 5 resident groups, 353 households, 1500 mouths, 972 laborers, 461 men, 511 women, 49 party members in the village, including 41 men, 8 women, since the construction of the new countryside, Dongwu village has built a new 400 square meters of office buildings, constructed a 3,000 square meters of the cultural square, equipped with fitness equipment, the streets of the whole village, the lanes realize the hardening, greening, beautification, and the village has become a new village, the streets and lanes have been hardened, greened, beautified, and the village has become a new village. Hardening, greening, beautifying, purifying and brightening, the village appearance has changed dramatically. Organize various cultural and sports activities, senior gymnastics, book reading, square fitness dance is a regular activity of the villagers, cohesion of the people, improve the quality of the villagers, promote the family and rural harmony.
Sub-village committee actively seek income channels for the villagers, transfer labor force of 300 people, engaged in secondary and tertiary industries amounted to 500 people, provide villagers with seedlings, fertilizers, the development of hawthorn, walnut economic forests of 1500 acres, and actively improve the conditions of agriculture and water conservancy, 700 meters of newly repaired field roads, two deep wells, laying pipe irrigation 5000 meters; the introduction of two enterprises, for the "twelfth five-year plan". "Twelfth Five-Year" villagers doubling income to create favorable conditions.
Dongwu Village is adjacent to Lucun Village, Ricun Village, Gaijiagou Village, Xizhao Village, Cuibi Village, Wangjiaoyao Village, South Qiaono Village, North Qiaono Village, Qiaono Castle Village, Dongguan Village, Chengnei Village, Qiaocun Village, Doutou Village, and Wu Beibaipo Village.
On February 28, 2015, the Central Civilization Committee decided to award Dongwu Village the title of the Fourth National Civilized Village and Town.
On Aug. 26, 2020, the Shanxi Patriotic Health Campaign Committee named Dongwu Village as a sanitary village in Shanxi Province for the 2020-2022 cycle.
Dongwu Village is near the site of the old city of Carriages, the Tomb of Duke Wen of Jin, the Ziyun Temple, the Taiyin Temple, and the Grand Canyon of Jiangbei, and has specialties such as Jiangxian large cherries, Jiangxian hawthorns, Yuncheng Xiangjao dates, Shanxi spicy chicken, and Jinnan alkali-free buns.