In the game over seed, press Ctrl + Shift + Alt + C then type in the following code set_hour # ? /td> Changes the number of days in a month # (1-24)
set_speed # ? /td> changes the speed of the game # (-1000-1000)
interests ? /td> Changes personality and interests
autonomy # ? /td> Changes the intelligence of others (1-100)
grow_grass # ? /td> Changes the growth rate of grass # (1-150)
map_edit on/off ? /td> Edit map on/off
route_balloons on/off ? /td> on/off wizard
sweep on/off ? /td> Show selection status of game options
tile_info on/off ? /td> Show/hide title content
log_mask ? /td> Set Event Logging Mask
draw_all_frames on/off ? /td> Draw all windows on/off
! Repeat the last used code
; Show Spoofing Code in Multiplayer
The Sims
Press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+C at the same time in the game and type
KLAPAUCIUS : Get $1000
WATER_TOOL : Make it rain around your house
SET_HOUR : (Values 1-24) Set the current time
SET_SPEED : (Values -1000 - +1000 ) Set the current speed
INTERESTS : Modify your personality and interests
MAP_EDIT ON : Edit the map on
The Sims Unlimited Upgrade Method
I don't know if you've ever noticed that when you first get into The Sims, there's an instructional level that teaches you the basics of how to do things, and you can buy the things you need for upgrades on your own without following it, and then slamming the upgrades, because when you don't follow it, all of the hygiene, hunger, etc. won't be reduced. Cool, why don't you act now!
The Sims Tips
1. Remove the mosaic
The game's characters appear in a mosaic when they take a shower, and it's not impossible to remove it, but it's best not to do so, it's supposed to be a classic game, not a pornographic one, and it's okay to listen to it.
Enter Shift+Ctrl+Alt+C to enter the state of secret techniques, enter move_objects on (can move any object) to buy the kind of standing, tell the character to go to the bath, in the yet to enter, when the mosaic appears on the body, point to buy the mold test, click on the person, grab the person to the side, and then proceed to the next bar.
2. Don't go to work
Enter the same secret technique as above, when the car is coming, go to the building mold test, click on the car, press Delete, and hey, have fun at home.
The Sims:House Party The Sims:House Party
In the game, press CTRL+SHiFT+C and ENTER to enter the secret mode:
rosebud=enables ! ;! money cheat.
! money cheat.
Rosebud = enables ! = money, put another ! at the end and keep going.
Infinite money:
Buy a beacon, go to the game first, wait for the fireworks to fall and go into buy mode, press shift+ctrl+alt+c together, type move_objects on, enter! Sell the fireworks for 2300¥ at a time! Money is unlimited!
The Sims Wizarding World Secrets
People's Grimoire:
⒈ Butter + Poisonous Mushroom + Toad Sweat = Toad Morphing {Magic}
> PS: The ability to turn your family or neighbors into toads. family members or neighbors into toads, but there is a time limit. Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.
Peak Beeswax x 3 = Beauty or the Beast{Spell
> PS: Can be used up to 5 times. You can choose some special skin for yourself, but the magic will disappear when you sleep or take a bath.
Honey x 2 + Goblin Powder = Relationship Enhancement{Magic}
> PS: Can enhance the relationship value with your family or neighbors.
Sunglasses + Beans x 2 = Horn of Plenty{Magic Spells}
> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. You will be able to change 5 plates of 2 to 3 different kinds of food (rice, chicken legs, bread) at a time.
Be careful with Butter + Poison Mushroom + Goblin Powder = Empowerment {Magic}
> PS: So far, we found out that the ones that can be empowered are Meadow God, Flamingo, Scarecrow, Refrigerator, and Chess. Also, beware of drawing fire!
Select Witch Hazel x 2 + Camel Saliva = Clean Dish {Magic Spell
> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. It can clean or create more dishes.
Borrow Honey + Grapes + Leprechaun Powder = Become Happy{Magic}
> PS: Can slightly increase all status values of others. Effective for all.
Bee's wax, rubber chicken and diamond dust = Rain of Money {spell}
> PS: Can be used up to 1 time. It can be a money rain or an indoor rain.
μ μ Beeswax x 2 + Time Sand = Hidden Skin{Magic Spells}
> PS: Now, you can also walk through walls freely like other ghosts. Can be used up to 5 times. There is a time limit. When you fail, you will turn into many snakes.
Sneakers Honey + Garlic + Toad Sweat = Smile {Magic}
> PS: We have friends all over the world! It works for everyone.
Bee's Wax + Dragon Scale + Camel Saliva = Ultimate Attraction {Magic Spell}
> PS: Can be used up to 5 times. "Even if you don't have the same aspirations or the same way, you don't have to worry about your jokes going too far." But maybe I misunderstood and my relationship diminished as usual when I tried it.
Application form Butter + Snake Venom + Garlic = Disappearance {Magic
> PS: Make annoying people disappear from your eyes! Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.
Several waves of Beeswax + Time Sand + Pegasus Feather = Duplicator{Magic Spells}
> PS: Can be used up to 4 times. Use this spell before the bus to work arrives, or suffer the consequences!
Witch Hazel + Bean + Clover = Perfect Garden{Magic Spell}
> PS: This is my favorite spell. It can be used up to 8 times. After a rain, all the flowers will come back to life. It's better than Divine Lantern. But I've heard that if the spell creates a backfire, the grass gnomes will come back to life and trample your garden, and attack your simulated character.
Beeswax + Magic Bean + Glacial Glass = Mood Boost{Magic Spell
> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. It can be used either just for yourself or as a group. If you succeed, all status values will be slightly increased; if you don't, one of the status values will be completely zero.
Honey + Dragon's Saliva + Goblin Powder = Love Binder {Magic}
> PS: Produces love hearts with others***. Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.
Butter + Traveler's Sweat + Mardi Gras Clown = Hypnotize
> PS: Make someone do whatever you want (kiss, hug, plead, dance, praise, etc., one out of three at a time). Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.
Furthermore: Golden Witch + Glacier Glass + Pegasus Feather = Summon Family Figurine {Magic Spells}
> PS: Can be used up to 4 times. If you summon your brother, everything will be fine; if you summon your sister, everything will be fine.
結束 Honey + Mardi Gras Clown + Sorcerer's Eyelash = Big Problem {Magic}
> PS: Either marriage or cohabitation is easy. Not valid for children or adults who already have a magic wand.
※ Beeswax + Diamond Dust + Black Rose = Price of Fame{Magic}
> PS: If you have installed The Sims: Superstar, you have a chance to get this magic. If there are any Sims experts who know about it, please post it.
※ Butter + Pet Food! + Carnival Clown = Real Friends {Magic}
> PS: Those who have installed The Sims: Life Unlimited will have a chance to get this magic. Sims who have mastered this magic can change their pets into people.
Next is the children's magic book:
⒈ Poison Mushroom x 3 = Children's Beauty or the Beast {Magic Spell}
PS: Same as the adult "Beauty or the Beast".
Peake: Poison Mushroom + Dragon Scale + Dream Powder = Children's Happiness Spell{Magic}
PS: Same as adult's "Become Happy".
Sunglasses: 3x2 + Dragon Scale = "Empowerment"
PS: Same as "Empowerment" for adults.
Sunglasses x 2 + Ambergris = Cleansing Spell{Magic}
PS: It's faster than bathing and gives you full hygiene.
Be careful with Poisoned Mushroom x 2 + Dream Powder = Cake Casting Spell}
PS: It should be called "Toad Casting Spell". I've never made a cake before.
Select Dragon Drool x 2 + Dream Powder = Children's Smile Spell{Magic}
PS: Same as the adult Smile Spell.
Borrow Poison Mushroom + Dream Powder x 2 = Invisible Friend{Magic Spells}
PS: Not ghosts. There are good invisible friends and bad invisible "friends"
Toxic Mushroom + Dragon's Saliva + Dragon's Scale = Child's Clone Spell
PS: Same as adult's Clone, but before the school bus arrived. Skins are randomized after adulthood, and skills shown on the Childhood page will not be carried over to adulthood, other than that, it's business as usual. If you die, you will be reborn immediately. Caution! The game will auto-save when you become an adult.
Finally, two secret recipes:
Sung Grapes x 2 + Toad Sweat = Magic Wine
PS: The only wine that cannot be stored. If you drink it, you will become a ghost and urinate frequently (your "hygiene/urine" status will be zero, and the magic "become happy" won't help either); if you sell it, you can exchange it for up to 500 Simoleans (the number of Simoleans you can sell depends on how many). Simoleans can be sold for up to 500 Simoleans (how many Simoleans can be sold depends on who sells the wine, not who brews it). If you eat it, it sometimes turns into a donkey's head; if you don't eat it, it disappears on its own.
There are 26 total **** ingredients. You can get each ingredient as follows:
> Fantasy Powder: You can get it when the kids play "Sweet Illusion".
> Beeswax: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist with magic coins, and can be made at home with the Honey Maker.
> Sugar: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans.
> Elderberry: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be harvested at home using "When the Land Becomes Fertile".
> Toasted Convenience Pack: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans.
> Time Sand: Can be purchased from the Fairy "Mara" with magic coins.
(Have you already run errands for NPCs? You're not planning on smuggling their goods home just yet, are you? In fact, many of the ingredients here are "free").
> Dragon Scales: Can be purchased from Vampire Vic for magic coins; can be picked up at home by tending to your pet dragon.
> Glacial Glass: Can be obtained by completing any quest given by any NPC.
> Rubber Chicken: Can be traded for Strawberry Wine from Todd the Alchemist.
> Pegasus Feather: Can be obtained after completing a quest from any NPC.
> Magic Beans: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins.
> Honey: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be made at home with the Honey Maker.
> Poison Mushrooms: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist with Magic Coins; can be obtained at home by opening the Mystery Packet; can be harvested from around your home (don't tell me you haven't already got one!). "(don't tell me you don't have an Umbrella Mushroom Chair ready to go).
> Butter: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be obtained at home by opening the Mystery Parcel; can be made at home with the Old-Fashioned Milk Churn. You can get it at home by opening "Mystery Parcels", or you can make it at home with an "Old Fashioned Milk Churn".
> Mardi Gras Clown: Can be obtained by completing any NPC quest.
> Dragon's Saliva: Can be purchased from Vampire Vic with magic coins; can be picked up at home by tickling your pet dragon.
> Toad Sweat: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins; can be obtained at home by opening the Mysterious Package.
(Can you get it from a toad? I've never gotten one! Let me know if you've gotten one!)
> Grapes: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be harvested at home using "When the Land Becomes Fertile".
> Garlic: Can be traded for beeswax from Vampire Vic.
> Goblin Powder: Can be purchased from the fairy Mara for magic coins.
> Snake Venom: Can be obtained from snake charmer "Magister" in exchange for gold wisps.
(Can you get it from snakes? I've never raised one!) > Diamond Dust: Can be purchased from the fairy Mara for magic coins.
> Sorcerer's Lash: Can be obtained by completing a quest from any NPC.
> Camel Saliva: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins.
> Gold Wisp: Can be purchased from the Fairy "Mara" with magic coins, and can be made at home using the "Don't Prick Me Spinning Wheel".
> Clover: Can be obtained from the fairy Mara in exchange for honey
Pressing shift+ctrl +alt+c at the same time to bring up a small box, type rosebud, press enter, add 1000, then shift+ctrl+alt+c at the same time to type ! ;! ;! ;! ;! ;! The first is the one in the first place. ;! ; Add 1000 more for each input
A few super cheat items
Go to/ and download a few really great items that will fix everything. Including the magic material chest, which has all the magic ingredients and all the magic crystals and is inexhaustible, a magic wall lamp, install this lamp indoors, you can keep all the statuses full, that is to say, you don't need to sleep, eat, bathe and socialize, and a floor lamp, install this lamp in the rehearsal room of the film city, you can make the director and your thinking consistent when choosing, just how you Selection can make the director satisfied, and finally a universal transmitter, can be placed at home, at any time to transmit neighbors and friends over to your home, including the transmission of the stars, no longer need to bother to make any phone calls, huh cool it, but so play it is not much fun, we point to the end of it ^ _ ^ Some foreign sites although there are very good items to download, but it is the English language, I hope that domestic warrior I hope that the domestic warriors will make more good things of our domestic production soon.
About the magic beanstalk and the golden dragon
About the magic beanstalk, leave some space in the courtyard at home, and then use more magic and spells, and then the courtyard will grow magic crystals, and learn the skills of the magic crystals, and then use the skills of the magic crystals more often, such as magic performance and instantaneous movement, and then the courtyard will grow magic beanstalk.
About the golden dragon's upbringing, find a vampire in the magic town to buy a dragon egg to go home, then you will see the dragon egg will move, then take care of it, as for the interval between the care, I think 3-4 hours once is good, especially for a long time to give it to play the music is better, the care does not have to be the cradle, swing is also OK. If you take care of it less often, it will be the red dragon, which will set fire to it, and it will not listen to you. If you take care of it more often, it will be the purple dragon, which is very good, and it won't eat anything or set fire to it, and the golden dragon won't set fire to it, but it will eat the flowers in the yard. I can't tell if the purple dragons are better or the gold ones, and I'm not sure if they'll grow up or not.
Golden dragon is good About how it must come out as a golden dragon
Cradle it 6 times in a row, then spin it 1 time, and finally keep letting it listen to music until it comes out it must be a golden dragon.
The ultimate guide to Magic World! (Continued Item Raiders)
Finally, it's time for the climax!
Click on the tombstone at position ① to drive the tombstone at positions ② and ④; click on the tombstone at position ② to drive the tombstone at positions ①, ⑤ and ⑦;
Click on the tombstone at position ⑤ to drive the tombstone at positions ②, ④, ⑥ and ⑧;
Click on the tombstone at position ⑥ to drive the tombstone at positions ③, ⑤ and ⑨;
Click on the tombstone in position ⑦ to drive the tombstones in positions ④ and ⑧;
Click on the tombstone in position ⑧ to drive the tombstones in positions ⑤, ⑦ and ⑨;
Click on the tombstone in position ⑨ to drive the tombstones in positions ⑥ and ⑧.
> PS: How to crack it depends on you!
The secret of the "reverse dueling device":
The "reverse dueling device" allows you to use five types of magic: white lightning, red sea
waves, blue hurricanes, black blizzards, and yellow sulfur. Brimstone. Any one of these spells can overpower two of them,
summarized as follows:
White > Red & Blue, which means that Lightning beats Sea Waves and Hurricanes;
Red > Blue & Black, which means that Sea Waves beats Hurricanes and Blizzards;
Blue > Yellow & Black, which means that Hurricanes beats Sulphur and Blizzards;
Black > yellow & white, i.e. storms can overcome sulfur and lightning;
yellow > red & white, i.e. sulfur can overcome waves and lightning.
> PS: If you can't remember the graphics, you might as well remember the colors, there are five colors of balls on the device! Each duel starts with only four spells to choose from. The more skill points your opponent has, the less time you have to think. If you're not interested in the challenge of time, you'll want to pause the game while choosing your magic, so you won't be caught off guard, at least not by surprise.
3. How to get the ingredients:
There are 26 total ingredients. Here's how to get them:
> Fantasy Powder: You can get it when the kids play Sweet Visions.
> Beeswax: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist with magic coins, and can be made at home with the Honey Maker.
> Sugar: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans.
> Elderberry: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be harvested at home using "When the Land Becomes Fertile".
> Toasted Convenience Pack: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans.
> Time Sand: Can be purchased from the Fairy "Mara" with magic coins.
(Have you already run errands for NPCs? You're not planning on smuggling their goods home just yet, are you? In fact, many of the ingredients here are "free").
> Dragon Scales: Can be purchased from Vampire Vic for magic coins; can be picked up at home by tending to your pet dragon.
> Glacial Glass: Can be obtained by completing any quest given by any NPC.
> Rubber Chicken: Can be obtained from Todd the Alchemist in exchange for Strawberry Wine.
> Pegasus Feather: Can be obtained after completing a quest from any NPC.
> Magic Beans: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins.
> Honey: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be made at home with the Honey Maker.
> Poison Mushrooms: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist with Magic Coins; can be obtained at home by opening the Mystery Packet; can be harvested from around your home (don't tell me you haven't already got one!). "(don't tell me you don't have an Umbrella Mushroom Chair ready to go).
> Butter: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be obtained at home by opening the Mystery Parcel; can be made at home with the Old-Fashioned Milk Churn. You can get it at home by opening "Mystery Parcels", or you can make it at home with an "Old Fashioned Milk Churn".
> Mardi Gras Clown: Can be obtained by completing any NPC quest.
> Dragon's Saliva: Can be purchased from Vampire Vic for magic coins; can be picked up at home by tickling your pet dragon.
> Toad Sweat: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins; can be obtained at home by opening the Mysterious Package.
(Can you get it from a toad?)
> Grapes: Can be purchased from the Gypsy Clerk with Simoleans; can be obtained at home by opening the "When the Land Becomes Fertile".
> Garlic: Can be traded for beeswax from Vampire Vic.
> Goblin Powder: Can be purchased from the fairy Mara for magic coins.
> Snake Venom: Can be obtained from snake charmer "Magister" in exchange for gold wisps.
> Snake Venom: Can be traded for gold wisps from the snake charmer "Magister".
> Diamond Powder: Can be purchased from the fairy Mara for magic coins.
> Sorcerer's Lash: Can be obtained by completing a quest from any NPC.
> Camel Saliva: Can be purchased from Todd the Alchemist for magic coins.
> Gold Wisp: Can be purchased from the Fairy "Mara" with magic coins, and can be made at home with the "Don't Prick Me Spinning Wheel".
> Clover: Can be obtained from the fairy Mara in exchange for honey.
> PS: There are 25 total **** ingredients for adults, as follows:
> ┌------ ---------- ---------- -┐
> │Beeswax, Sugar, Elderberries, Baked Convenience Packets, Time Sand, Dragon Scales, Glacier Glass, │
> │Rubber Chicken, Pegasus Feathers, Magic Beans, Honey, Poisonous Mushrooms, Butter, Mardi Gras Clowns, │
> │Dragon Drool, Toad Sweat, Grapes, Garlic, Goblin Powder, Snake Venom, Diamond Powder, │
> │Witch's Eyelash, Camel's Saliva, Witch Hazel, Clover. │
> └--------- ---------- --------┘
> There are 11 of these ingredients for magic, which are are:
> ┌-------- ---------- ---------┐
> │ Honey, Poison Mushrooms, Butter, Carnival Clowns, Dragon's Saliva, Toad Sweat, Grapes, │
> │ Garlic, Goblin Powder, Snake Venom, and Witch Eyelashes. │
> └--------- ---------- --------┘
> There are 11 ingredients for magic spells:
> ┌--------- ---------- --------┐
> │ Beeswax, Time Sand, Dragon Scale, Glacier Glass, Rubber Chicken, Pegasus Feather, Magic Bean, │
│Diamond Powder, Camel Saliva, Golden Witch, Clover. │
> └--------- ---------- --------┘
> There are five ingredients used for brewing, namely:<
> ┌--------- ---------- --------┐
> │ Sugar, elderberries, honey, toad sweat , grapes. │
> └--------- ---------- --------┘
> There are five ingredients used for food, namely:<
> ┌--------- ---------- --------┐
> │ Sugar, elderberries, baked convenience packets of Butter, leprechaun powder. │
> └--------- ---------- --------┘
> The total **** of ingredients for children is 4, as The following table:
> ┌-------- ---------- ---------┐
> │ Dream Powder, Dragon Scale, Poison Mushroom, Dragon Saliva. │
> └--------- ---------- --------┘
> Among them, there are 4 kinds of ingredients for magic, which are :
> ┌--------- ---------- --------┐
> │Dream Powder, Dragon Scale, Poison Mushroom, Dragon Saliva . │
> └--------- ---------- --------┘
> There are 4 types of ingredients for magic spells, which are:<
> ┌--------- ---------- --------┐
> │ Dream Powder, Dragon Scale, Poison Mushroom, Dragon Saliva . │
> └--------- ---------- --------┘
4. The true nature of the mysterious man:
If you misuse magic on your neighbors, the Mystery Man, the "Magic Inspector", will have the opportunity
to visit your home again. But this time it's not a gift, it's a fine! And he's not going to stop at your house again!
> PS: True to form, you'll never be able to use "move_objects on" to send him to the swimming pool (dry duck?). PS.
Be careful with a few other useful bits of information in the game:
By learning about the seven different "completely transparent energy
stones" that grow around your home with plenty of magical energy, your Sims will also be able to get their hands on the "feet of fire. "You'll also have the opportunity to learn seven different types of magic for entertainment or emergency use, such as "Fire Foot," "Air
Jutsu," and "Disappearance Jutsu.
The "Magic Inspector" is not the only mysterious NPC! Look out for the Frog Prince and the "Idea Maker (Will Wright, producer of The Sims)"!
Working closely with the other data disks will give you access to three additional ingredients: "Black Roses"
, "Pet Treats! (Pet Treats!)" and "Selected Carrots".
> PS: There's bound to be more "wonders" in the game, what have you found?
Select your favorites Do you have the same questions as me?
--The mystery of the "disappearing" continent:
Where is the "land" of 99? "Where is it? Is it still just
silently dedicating itself to us like the "LOT" of #0 and #11? Why are there no files for #12 to #20, #31 to #39 and #49?
> PS: Despite the fact that the "... \Maxis\The Sims\UserData\Houses" there is an IFF file named "House99", but in the game's Magic Town, you can only find lands from 90 to 98; and, after observing it, I found that it is the same as the "" file. "House00.iff" and "House11.iff", the modification time of "House99.iff" is also fixed.
Magic World: The Ultimate Guide
Let's start with the magic books:
First, the adult magic books:
Butter + Poison Mushroom + Toad Sweat = Toad Transformation {Magic}
> PS: You can turn your family members or neighbors into toads, but there is a time limit. It does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.
Peak Beeswax x 3 = Beauty or Beast{Magic Spells}
> PS: Can be used up to 5 times. You can choose some special skin for yourself, but the magic will disappear when you sleep or take a bath.
Honey x 2 + Goblin Powder = Relationship Enhancement{Magic}
> PS: Can enhance the relationship value with your family or neighbors.
Sunglasses + Beans x 2 = Horn of Plenty{Magic Spells}
> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. You will be able to change 5 plates of 2 to 3 different kinds of food (rice, chicken legs, bread) at a time.
Be careful with Butter + Poison Mushroom + Goblin Powder = Empowerment{Magic}
Choose your choice of Witch Hazel x 2 + Camel Saliva = Cleaning Dishes{Magic Spells}
> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. It can clean or create more dishes.
Borrow Honey + Grapes + Leprechaun Powder = Become Happy{Magic}
> PS: Can slightly increase all status values of others. Effective for all.
Bee's wax, rubber chicken and diamond dust = Rain of Money {spell}
> PS: Can be used up to 1 time. It can be a money rain or an indoor rain.
μ μ Beeswax x 2 + Time Sand = Hidden Skin{Magic Spells}
> PS: Now, you can also walk through walls freely like other ghosts. You can use it up to 5 times. There is a time limit. When you fail, you will turn into many snakes.
Sneakers Honey + Garlic + Toad Sweat = Smile {Magic}
> PS: We have friends all over the world! It works for everyone.
Bee's Wax + Dragon Scale + Camel Saliva = Ultimate Attraction {Magic Spell}
> PS: Can be used up to 5 times. "Even if you don't have the same aspirations or the same way, you don't have to worry about your jokes going too far." But maybe I misunderstood and my relationship diminished as usual when I tried it.
Application form Butter + Snake Venom + Garlic = Disappearance {Magic
> PS: Make annoying people disappear from your eyes! Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.
Several waves of Beeswax + Time Sand + Pegasus Feather = Duplicator{Magic Spells}
> PS: Can be used up to 4 times. Use this spell before the bus to work arrives, or suffer the consequences!
Witch Hazel + Bean + Clover = Perfect Garden{Magic Spell}
> PS: This is my favorite spell. It can be used up to 8 times. After a rain, all the flowers will come back to life. It's better than Divine Lantern. But I've heard that if the spell creates a backfire, the grass gnomes will come back to life and trample your garden, and attack your simulated character.
Beeswax + Magic Bean + Glacial Glass = Mood Boost{Magic Spell
> PS: Can be used up to 8 times. It can be used either just for yourself or as a group. If you succeed, all status values will be slightly increased; if you don't, one of the status values will be completely zero.
Honey + Dragon's Saliva + Goblin Powder = Love Binder {Magic}
> PS: Produces love hearts with others***. Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.
Butter + Traveler's Sweat + Mardi Gras Clown = Hypnotize
> PS: Make someone do whatever you want (kiss, hug, plead, dance, praise, etc., one out of three at a time). Does not work on children or adults who already have a magic wand.
Furthermore: Golden Witch + Glacier Glass + Pegasus Feather = Summon Family Figurine {Magic Spells}
> PS: Can be used up to 4 times. If you summon your brother, everything will be fine; if you summon your sister, everything will be fine.
結束 Honey + Mardi Gras Clown + Sorcerer's Eyelash = Big Problem {Magic}
> PS: Either marriage or cohabitation is easy. Not valid for children or adults who already have a magic wand.
※ Beeswax + Diamond Dust + Black Rose = Price of Fame{Magic}
> PS: If you have installed The Sims: Superstar, you have a chance to get this magic. If there are any Sims experts who know about it, please post it on Tencent BBS.
※ Butter + pet food! + Carnival Clowns = Real Friends {Magic}
> PS: Those who have installed The Sims: Life Unlimited will have a chance to get this magic. Sims who master this magic can change their pets into people.
Next is the children's magic book:
⒈ Poison Mushroom x 3 = Children's Beauty or Beast {Magic Spell}
> PS: Same as the adult "Beauty or Beast".
Peake: Poison Mushroom + Dragon Scale + Dream Powder = Children's Happiness Spell{Magic}
> PS: Same as adult's "Become Happy".
Sunglasses 3x2 + Dragon's Saliva = Empowering Magic
> PS: Same as Adult's "Empowering Magic".
Sunglasses x 2 + Ambergris = Cleansing Spell}
> PS: It's faster than bathing and gives you full hygiene.
Be careful with Poison Mushroom x 2 + Dream Powder = Cake Casting Spell}
> PS: It's better to call it "Toad Casting Spell". I've never made a cake before.
Select Dragon Drool x 2 + Dream Powder = Children's Smile Spell {Magic}
> PS: The same as "Make a Toad Spell", but it's not the same as "Make a Toad Spell". /ca>