The Hen: For empty-nesters, the greatest filial piety is companionship

Shen Da-ma's beloved dog, which had accompanied her for many years, grew old, and she was so sad that she didn't go out for a few days. Old Liu, who has a good feeling about her, sends her a hen to replenish her body for fear that she will become sick. I didn't realize that this is the chicken to always find excuses to say no time to go home to the son's family of three rushed back every weekend, the family is happy to **** a good time, Shen Da-ma finally came out of the depression.

Because Lao Liu likes Auntie Shen, he hopes to marry her and enjoy the sunset. He was very worried when he saw Auntie Shen lost her dog and didn't go out for several days. He took a hen and said to the neighbors that he would send love to Auntie Shen's house.

In the old Liu knocked on the door, lying on the bed of Shen Auntie did not immediately come to open the door, but asked who is outside the door, know for sure that it is the old Liu went to open the door. The first thing that caught her eye was a clucking hen. The company's main goal is to provide the best possible service to its customers.

After Liu left, Shen cut off the rope tying the chicken's legs, and the hen immediately clucked as she walked away, and the quiet home seemed to be filled with life all of a sudden.

Shen Da-ma was not so depressed, she called her son and asked him when he would be back. When her son shrugged off his busy schedule, the sound of her daughter-in-law's voice calling for her to do the laundry reached her ears, and she couldn't help but blame her son for having the time to help her daughter-in-law do the laundry but not having the time to come home.

In order to ease the embarrassment, her son immediately took his cell phone and walked over to her son so that he could talk to his grandmother. Although her son looked down to play the game and ignored it, Auntie Shen couldn't help but feel her heart swell with joy at the sight of her eldest grandson, and immediately pointed her cell phone at the hen to tell her grandson that she had something fun at home.

The cawing of the hens made the grandson look at his cell phone, and he finally realized that there was a hen at his grandmother's heels. So he did a double take and said hen while begging his dad to go to grandma's house.

Unable to argue with a small child, the son's family went back to Auntie Shen's house. Shen Auntie did a lot of good food, but the grandson did not have an appetite, from the moment he entered the door, he held the chicken not to let go. He put down the chicken during the meal, but after a few mouthfuls of rice, he hugged the chicken and played with it again.

The grandson thought the hen was so much fun that he had to bring it home after staying overnight. When her grandson likes something, of course, Mrs. Shen lets her take it home.

But after bringing the hen home, the house was left in a mess because there was no chicken nest. The daughter-in-law was so angry that she wanted to beat the hen to death, and then her son said he would send the hen back and bring him back every week, which she happily agreed to do.

After a few days, Liu saw a smile on Shen's face and volunteered to help kill the chickens, but Shen said the chickens were living treasures and she didn't want to kill them. From then on, every week, the son and his family would come back, and the laughter echoed in the house, and Auntie Shen was contentedly enjoying her family's happiness.

On a normal day, Auntie Shen no longer stays at home, but uses a rope to tie up her chickens and take them out for a walk. When she sees people dancing in the square, she also leads the chicken to dance.

At this time, Mr. Liu was not far away, instructing others to play chess. When he saw Auntie Shen dancing with her chicken, he volunteered to take care of it for her, so that Auntie Shen could concentrate on dancing.

But Liu was so mesmerized by the chicken that some kids untied it, and the chicken ran away. When Liu realized it, he rushed to catch it, but he couldn't, and the chicken flew into a big tree in fear.

What should we do? Auntie Shen was also anxious. When the old Liu calmed down, he took out the chicken grain in the tree under the stand, the chicken can not stand such a temptation to jump down, no longer escape from the old Liu's palm, Shen Da-ma hanging heart only down.

The weekend has come and gone, and the mother has not seen her son return with her grandson, so she called her son to ask him about it. The reply was that her grandson loved to play with Transformers and didn't like the hens anymore. At once, Auntie Shen's heart sank.

After two days, Lao Liu passed away. Auntie Shen went to pay her condolences with the hen in her arms. Standing in front of Old Liu's funeral hall, she was so sad that she couldn't express her feelings. One by one, the accidents knocked her back to her original form, and she trapped herself in her house, alone, no longer going out.

One morning, Shen Da-ma woke up without seeing the hens, so she climbed out of bed. Just the moment she lifted the blanket, she realized that the hen had laid an egg. At once, a smile came to her face.

Da-ma Shen picked up the egg and put it in front of the statue of her beloved dog as an offering for a while, and then fried the egg to comfort herself.

This is the storyline of the movie "Mother Hen," in which an empty-nester, Auntie Shen, has a son and grandchildren, but because of her son's ungratefulness, she always finds excuses not to bring her children back, and because of her beloved dog's old age, she is so sad that she doesn't want to go out of the house. It so happens that Old Liu, who loves her, brings her hens, which sparks her grandson's interest in them, and she thus enjoys a rare moment of heavenly happiness. Although her grandson was no longer interested in the hens, and then Old Liu passed away, the hens laid eggs and brought Shen a little joy, thus making her feel that the earth is worth it.

The loneliness of the empty-nested elderly is difficult to dispel, but the appearance of the hen makes the elderly realize the warmth. This gives us a wake-up call, as the younger generation no matter how busy you have to take time to accompany the elderly. After all, companionship is the greatest filial piety.