Geography of Longmen County

The annual grain crop sowing area is 298,700 mu, 1814 mu less than the previous year; oilseed planting area is 40,900 mu, an increase of 2.9%; vegetable planting area is 162,400 mu, an increase of 10.4%.

Annual grain production of 114,000 tons, an increase of 24.1%; oilseed production of 0.68 million tons, an increase of 4.2%; vegetable production of 224,800 tons, an increase of 14.4%; fruit production of 386,600 tons, an increase of 1.0%. Total annual meat production of 10,800 tons, an increase of 6.3%. Among them, pork production of 0.72 million tons, an increase of 6.7%. Annual fish production 0.61 million tons, an increase of 2.9%.

In 2014, the county completed the total output value of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries 3.01 billion yuan, compared with the same period last year, an increase of 5.0%. Among them, agriculture 2.644 billion yuan, an increase of 5.4%; forestry 0.52 billion yuan, a year-on-year decline of 13.6%; pastoralism 244 million yuan, an increase of 5.4%; fisheries 0.50 billion yuan, an increase of 2.7%; agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheries services 0.20 billion yuan, an increase of 3.5%. In 2014, there were 89 industrial enterprises above scale, realizing an added value of 5.240 billion yuan, an increase of 29.3% over the previous year. Divided by type of economic organization, state-owned enterprises above large-scale industrial enterprises decreased by 17.2%, state-controlled enterprises decreased by 16.9%, joint-stock enterprises increased by 33.6%, wholly-owned foreign, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan enterprises increased by 31.6%, and private enterprises increased by 35.3%.

The annual cement production amounted to 12.92 million tons, an increase of 16.8%, and the power generation capacity of 293.14 million kilowatt-hours (million kWh), a year-on-year decline of 22.2%.

The year had two construction enterprises above the qualification level, realizing the added value of the construction industry of 520 million yuan, an increase of 8.8% year-on-year. In 2014, the county **** has schools: the county now has 2 senior high schools, 1 complete middle school, 8 junior high schools, 9 nine-year school, 23 complete elementary school, 24 kindergartens; secondary vocational and technical schools, TV universities, teachers' training schools, special education schools each 1; adult cultural and technical schools 11. There are 39,487 primary and secondary school students in school (6,125 at the high school level, 9,136 at the middle school level, and 24,226 at the elementary school level), and 8,639 kindergarten children.

In 2014, the county's college entrance examination undergraduate and specialized on-line number of people are the best results in history, of which, the number of key undergraduate on-line number of 43 people, doubling the previous year's 21 people, the number of ordinary undergraduate on-line number of 556 people, an increase of 69 people last year, the first time to break through the 500 mark, the number of people on-line in each batch of the increase in the number of people is much higher than the province and the city's average; the secondary school examination more than 600 points of outstanding students 154 people, 20 more than last year, an increase of 14.9%, the average score steadily improved. The county's education has shown a good momentum of development. In 2011, Longmen County won 1 gold, 2 silver and 6 bronze in taekwondo, 1 gold, 1 silver and 3 bronze in swimming, 1 gold and 2 bronze in diving and 2 gold, 2 silver and 7 bronze in track and field in the sports championships organized by the city.

In 2013, Longmen County built 41 new village-level cultural plazas; county, town and village three-level public **** cultural facilities free service full coverage; seven townships comprehensive cultural station was named the provincial first-class station; Longmen athletes won the World Weightlifting Championships 3 gold medals.

In 2014, the county has a cultural center, organizing 28 cultural and artistic activities, attended by 25,000 people; 1 public **** library, a total collection of 118,000 sets of books, of which the total book collection of 71,000; 1 museum, 288 cultural relics, 78,000 visits; 1 radio and television transmitter, 2 radio frequencies, 3 television channels, wireless radio population The coverage rate of radio broadcasting population and wireless TV population coverage rate are 99%, cable TV coverage rate of 62%. The county is mainly inhabited by two nationalities, Han and Yao, and four different Chinese dialects are prevalent, forming a complex and colorful pattern. Distribution of dialects in addition to the county seat Longcheng Street and its neighboring Longtian Township, the unified popularity of a relatively close to the Guangzhou dialect of the Cantonese dialect "Longmen dialect", the county's southeast of the Road Creek line "Road Creek dialect", the western county of Nankunshan, the northern county of Mixi line clear color of the "Hakka dialect". "Hakka", the rest of the townships and towns are "bilingual areas" where two or more dialects are popular at the same time. The Lantian Yao Township in the northern part of the county has been gradually "Sinicized" due to historical reasons. Longmen dialect and Hakka dialect are popular in the township. The main dialects in Longmen County are: Longmen dialect, Hakka dialect, local dialect, and Luxi dialect.

I. Longmen Dialect

"Longmen Dialect" is the most widely distributed and spoken dialect in Longmen County. Distributed in Longcheng, Wangping, Dipai, Tiegang, Zuotan, Lantian, Tiantangshan, Longhua, Sha Run, Yonghan, Maqua, Youtian and so on more than ten townships, towns, farms, the use of the population of more than 160,000 people. "Longmen dialect is a sub-dialect of the Cantonese dialect system. It is a sub-dialect of the Yue dialect system, which includes the Pearl River Delta dialects and the Zhaoqing dialect. Delta dialects, Zhaoqing dialect, Huaxian dialect, Dongguan dialect and Zengcheng dialect, it belongs to the sub-dialects of Yuehai system, and it is similar to Guangzhou dialect. Guangzhou dialect is also called "provincial dialect" or "white dialect". In the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), Longmen County Records - Volume 5 reads: "The language of the county is spoken in provincial dialect or Hakka dialect, which is not yet the same in all districts and townships, except that the first district is purely spoken in provincial dialect". As Longcheng Township since Longmen County are the county seat, with its political, economic and cultural center of influence, Longcheng Township, Longmen County is the county seat. The influence of its political, economic, and cultural center, Longmen dialect naturally plays the role of Longmen County's central dialect (i.e. representative dialect) in the long-term social life.

Phonetically, Longmen dialect has two tones: high tone (e.g., the tones of the words poetry, brother, flower, goose, etc.) and low tone (e.g., the tones of the words ladder, chicken, magic, science, sky, etc.); the upper tone does not distinguish between yin and yang, and the lower tone is read by the yin in the lower ascending tone (e.g., the tones of the words shaku and pat) and the yang in the higher descending tone (e.g., the tones of the words white and human), which appears to be a little bit different from that of Guangzhou dialect, and this is a main factor that makes Longmen dialect phonetically different from that of Guangzhou dialect. This is one of the main factors that make Longmen dialect phonetically different from Guangzhou dialect. This is one of the main factors that make Longmen dialect phonetically different from Guangzhou dialect. Another main factor is that Longmen dialect has consonants (nt - e.g., the consonants of "而", "耳", and "儿"), as well as rhyming consonants, which Guangzhou dialect does not have.

-iak (rhymes with kick, tin)

-iet (rhymes with heat, etch)

-iem (rhymes with check, curtain)

-ien (rhymes with even, front)

-iep (接、涉的韵母)

-yen (酸、权的韵母)

-yet (缺、月的韵母)

Vocabulary, the majority of the words in Longmen are the same as in Guangzhou, but there are some differences. The words have a strong local color. For example:

Longmen dialect Guangzhou dialect

Poppy wasp Horse wasp

Chicken Lan′ chicken item

Duck Chun′ duck egg

Tofu mold curd

Shuotuo 系呢度

Tow box 櫃统

Red (pig's red, cow's red) Blood (pig's blood, cow's blood)

Eye sleep′ Eye training

Going to chat′ visiting relatives

Urn tank Water tank

Douzi Peanut

Ou Zai Small Bowl

Washing body′ swimming

Staying′ Li (ngui nei) I land

Lai □ (ding) Border

There are a part of words in Longmen dialect which have retained the form of monosyllabic words of the ancient Chinese language. For example: ou zai (small bowl), wok (iron pot), flick (take), tooth (teeth), whiskers (beard), vomit (vomit), cough (cough), shirt (clothes), eye (eyes), know (know), crab (crab), fright (fear), wing (wing), and so on. In addition, some words in Longmen dialect often carry suffixes, for example, some male animals are called "guu" (cattle bullock, pig bullock, dog bullock); female animals are called "feminine" (cattle feminine, pig feminine, dog feminine).

Grammatically, although Longmen's vocabulary is slightly different from Guangzhou's, the syntactic structure is basically the same. For example:

Longmen dialect Guangzhou dialect

Did you go to Lai □ (di fist ng)? You go to Biandu?

Dull ′ (ngui) to see how many swing. I see how many even.

You eat rice (mi)? You're not eating?

Did you talk for a day and leave? You've been playing all day, haven't you?

The ngui is a dieng. That's where I am.

Who are you? You're the one who's not.

Also, there are some variations in the Longmen dialect, which cause changes in the meaning of words, for example, "洗身", which means "swimming" in the first key, and "游泳" in the third key, which means "swimming" in the third key. For example, "洗身", in the first key, "洗身" means "to swim", while "洗身" in the third key means "to take a shower": "呆"(ngui) means "we"′, while "呆"(ngui) means "to stay". ngui" means "I", and "qan" means "spring" in "duck spring" (qan), the tone is "spring" in the first tone, while "qan" means "spring" in the first tone. Spring" (qan), the tone is the first tone of "春", while "春" (spring), the tone is the third tone, which is a far cry from the meanings of the two words. However, there is a pattern in the Longmen dialect, that is, generally the tone of yinping (1) becomes yin de (3), or the tone of yin de (3) becomes yinping (1), and each other is a variation of the tone.

The Longmen dialect can be further divided into the customary names of Mazhonghua, Yonghanhua, Sha Runhua, Longhua, and Zuotanhua, etc., because there are subtle differences between them, for example, the Longmen dialect says, "Do you go to Lai Deng? In Sha Run, they say, "Are you going to Shan Shu?" And in Maqua, "You go to Siwu (dieng)?" and in Mazhong, "Do you go to Siwu (dieng)?". The three local languages of Sha Run, Yonghan and Maqua are similar to the "Zengcheng dialect" in both phonetics and vocabulary, while the "Shanglongmen" above Longhua and Longmen are more unified in the "Longmen dialect".

Examples of phonetic transcription: (Guangzhou dialect pinyin scheme)

Two Folk Songs


Fallen water drenches my body,


Leaking a flowery towel,





Msen sêuzebdou bsenlfonngui

Buy a penang and thank you for your kindness.

moifon benlongjiani yen


longlangkugkug, grind the rice and cook the porridge,

langlangkugkugmo meiju zug,

boil the porridge fragrantly, stir-fry the Qiang,

juzughêug caoladgtng

juzughêug caoladgtng

longlangkugkugmo meiju zug,

boil the porridge fragrantly, stir-fry the Qiang.

Spicy Qiang, spicy, cockroach fighting,

ladgêngladda ged zad

cockroach slut, sharpened knife,

gedzadsu mojim du

sharp knife,

jimdn lseni

cutting off the fox's crooked nose.

qidha wu l森i mia zêubi

The Hakka dialect

The Hakka dialect is mainly found in Pingling, Longjiang, Nankunshan, Mixi, and Hakka.

The Hakka dialect is mainly distributed in Pingling, Longjiang, Nankunshan, Mixi, Maqua, Yonghan, Dipai, Zuotan, Tiegang, Tiantang, Lantian, Longhua, Sha Run, Yutian, etc. The population of Hakka speakers is nearly 80,000 people. Hakka has a population of nearly 80,000 speakers, making it the second largest dialect after Longmen. The Hakka dialects distributed in different towns and villages are relatively consistent with each other, only certain words and characters are slightly different phonetically. Due to historical and geographical origin? cause, the areas within the county and neighboring counties influence each other and have their own characteristics. The Hakka dialect popular in the area of Dipai and Lantian is very similar to the Xinfeng dialect of Xinfeng; the Hakka dialect popular in Yonghan and Maqua is very similar to the Hakka dialect of Zengcheng; the Hakka dialect popular in Pingling Aizi is similar to the Hakka dialect of the neighboring Boro Gongzhuang and there are also many similarities.

The Hakka dialect in Longmen County is quite different from the Meizhou dialect, which is the representative of the Hakka dialect in Meizhou City (Meijiang and Meixian Districts) with Meicheng accent. For example, the Hakka dialect of Mazha has the semi-vowel consonant j (the consonant of the pronunciation of words such as "若、約、闰、而"), the tongue-middle vowel c (the consonant of the pronunciation of words such as "休、去、虚、玄"), the nasal consonants y and n complementing each other, and the rhyming consonants ai (such as "卫、委、威、") and "". The nasal consonants y and n complement each other, and there are rhymes ai (e.g., the rhymes for the sounds of the words "卫、委、威、违"). Due to the influence of the Cantonese dialect, there are many words with a strong Cantonese coloring. For example: arguing neck (争辩), epileptic (describing a person's nerves? abnormal), bad (not good), wind chestnut (chestnut), loose paper (change), store head (store), head first (at first), yan day (noon) and so on, all of which are not found in Meizhou Hakka dialect. In addition, the Hakka dialect has also preserved some words from ancient Chinese, such as: 俩子爷 (two fathers and sons), 其 (he), 好采 (fortunately), ou (small bowl), wok (iron pot) and so on. There are also some idioms with strong local color, such as: three fishing four clip (meaning clutter), etc., and doubt (you), cliff throw (we), fall room (into the room), fall hall (after class), clip (narrow?) and so on, all of which constitute a feature of Longmen Hakka dialect.

Third, the local language

In Pingling, Longjiang? Some of the natural villages around the popularity of a non-Hakka language, but also with the Longmen language is very different from the local vernacular, the local people used to be called "Huangsha language", "Zutang language", "Gelang language" and so on. The local people used to call it "Huangsha dialect", "Zutang dialect" and "Gelang dialect". It is mainly distributed in Huangsha, Zutang, Chenguang of Pingling and Gelang, Guangwei, Liangliang of Longjiang. Because it is mainly distributed in Pingling, Huangsha, Zutang, Chenguang and Longjiang, Gelang, Guangwei, Liangkouang, etc., it is also called "Da Lu Hakka dialect", with a population of more than 20,000 speakers. The local dialect is very similar to Huizhou dialect, Heyuan dialect and Boluo dialect in terms of phonology and vocabulary, and belongs to a special branch of Cantonese dialect distributed in the middle and upper reaches of the Dongjiang River. a special branch in the middle and upper reaches of the river. It is closer to Guangzhou dialect and Longmen dialect, and is also strongly influenced by Hakka dialect. Its declension is divided into two tones, yin and yang, and in addition to the two "in" tones, there are six other tones in ShuSheng, with yin and yang being the tones of high and medium (or high intermediate and intermediate) level, respectively; there are w-j-two feng vowel consonants (e.g., those for the pronunciation of the words "围"、"伪"、"延"、"運"); there is a handful of mouth calls and a single consonant. There are also the pikou hu and the single vowels -y and -Ce (e.g., the vowels for the pronunciation of the words liang, xu, jia, etc.); there are the a-vowel and the vowels -ai, -an, -am, etc. (e.g., the vowels for the pronunciation of the words di, lou, han, etc.), which are all similar to those of Guangzhou and Longmen dialects. These are similar and consistent with Guangzhou and Longmen dialects. On the other hand, there are high and low tonal values in Yang Dao, and the ancient turbulent cephalic consonants are pronounced as air-feeding consonants (e.g., the consonants of the words "夺", "道", and "洞"), which indicate that the dialect has the phonetic components of the Hakka dialect, but is also very different. For example, the Hakka word for "head" is pronounced as "tai" (toi) in the local language; the Hakka word for "go" is pronounced as "zuo" (zoi) in the local language. The Hakka word for "go" is pronounced as "zuoi" in the local dialect, which is very different from each other.

As for vocabulary, most of the basic words characteristic of the local dialect, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, quantifiers, locatives, time words, and a large number of idioms and idiomatic expressions, are basically the same as those of Guangzhou and Longmen. In addition, some words are influenced by Hakka and accepted. For example: Bowls (big bowls), noses (noses), salted eggs (salted eggs), Lao Mei (sister), Lao Di (brother), pigs (boars), pigs (sows), food (breakfast), food (dinner), and so on. However, some of the words also have many differences. Grammatically, however, they are largely consistent with Longmen and Hakka. For example:

Local: Hakka:

Dull Li (ngoili) Yadu (we)

Lao Li (laoli) Someone else's home (others)

Do (zu) five Do Pulse Gee (what to do)

Four, Lushi language

Lushi language is a combination of the Yue dialect, the Hakka dialect, the local language, and the influence of other languages. It also belongs to the Cantonese dialect and is a special branch of the Dongjiang? It is a special branch in the middle and upper reaches of the Dongjiang River. It has a population of nearly 10,000 speakers. The reason why Lushi is regarded as a special language is that apart from its distribution only in Lushi town, it is phonetically self-contained and very different from Longmen dialect, Hakka dialect and local dialect. For example: nin (to tremble), lai (to lose); "Go to Naiju?" cnunaiju (go where?). ; "Nai who??" naiseu (which one?). ) etc.; it has its own special language and vocabulary. Phonetically, there are many words that are generally pronounced with t- and h-sounds (e.g., "弟、第、笛、大", "题、梯、同、體", etc.), and there are self Longmen has its own special mid-lingual and fricative consonants c- and cc'- (the consonants for the pronunciation of "Quan" and "Quan"). Longmen is the intersection of Guangfu and Hakka cultures, with a unique Yao culture, and is rich in regional cultural resources. There are traditional folk cultures such as Hakka mountain songs, Cantonese opera, dragon boat races and fire dog dances. There are 4 provincial-level cultural relics protection units and 46 county (city) level cultural relics protection units, such as Gongwu Village Ancient Architectural Complex, See Longwei Cannon Tower, Liao Jinfeng's Tomb and Hehuwei. Has been awarded "China's modern folk painting painting township" "China's folk culture and art township" "Guangdong Province, strong tourism county" "Guangdong Province, tourism characteristics of the County "Forestry Ecological County of Guangdong Province", "National Best Cultural and Ecological Tourism Destination", "Hometown of Hot Spring in China", "Strong County of Education in Guangdong Province". "Strong County of Education in Guangdong Province", "Civilized County in Guangdong Province", "Healthy County in Guangdong Province", "Model County of Double Embrace", "Model County of Guangdong Province", "Model County of Guangdong Province", "Model County of Guangdong Province", "Model County of Guangdong Province". "

Dancing in the hot springs of Guangdong Province, the county of the world's forests and hot springs to maintain the title of "model county".

Dancing Fire Dog

Longmen County Lantian Yao folk dance "dancing fire dog" has been declared the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage masterpieces. According to the relevant provisions of the Interim Measures for the Declaration and Evaluation of Masterpieces of National Intangible Cultural Heritage, the "Dancing Fire Dog" meets the criteria for declaration: it has outstanding historical, cultural and scientific value; it has the characteristics of being passed down from generation to generation among certain groups; it has a great influence in the local area; and it is in a state of endangerment.

Longmen Peasant Painting

Longmen County is "China's modern folk painting" painting township. Longmen Peasant Painting is one of the three major peasant paintings in China, which absorbs and draws on the traditional folk art of embroidery, wood carving and paper-cutting, and gives full play to the artistic imagination of the peasant creators, and has distinctive local characteristics in its artistic style. Longmen Peasant Painting started its creative activities in 1972. Longmen farmers paintings depicted by the author is familiar with their own labor, life and hometown customs of the lively and festive scenes, full of rich folk culture characteristics.

Longmen Peasant Paintings absorbed and inherited the traditional folk art forms, innovatively created with the single-line painting technique, combined with ink painting, watercolor painting, oil painting and borrowed the traditional folk embroidery, wood carving, paper-cutting and other artistic techniques, and at the same time, also pioneered the pursuit of traces of the "Southern Barbarian Culture", with the "Southern Barbarian Culture" as the theme. At the same time, it also pioneered the art of tracing the traces of "Southern Barbarian Culture" and using the artistic technique of exaggeration and deformation with the intention of displaying the traditional folk culture of the southern region from a unique cultural perspective. It breaks through the constraints of the basic painting methods of focusing on the perspective, proportion, structure, etc., and renders people's colorful labor and life in heavy ink and color.

In 1992, Longmen Peasant Paintings were exhibited in Guangzhou, Xi'an, Beijing, Shanghai, Changchun and other domestic metropolises, and also held exhibitions in the U.S.A., Japan, Sweden, Norway, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, with more than 100 pieces of works published in domestic and foreign publications, 48 pieces of art prizes awarded by the provinces and above, and more than 4,500 pieces of Longmen Peasant Paintings purchased by foreign guests. 1988 Longmen County was named by the Ministry of Culture as the "Chinese Modern Folk Painting and Drawing". In 1988, Longmen County was named by the Ministry of Culture as the "Hometown of Modern Chinese Folk Painting", and in 1998, it was named by the Department of Culture of Guangdong Province as the "Hometown of Ethnic Folk Art (Peasant Painting) of Guangdong Province".