52-year-old aunt lost money due to square dancing, in the end worth it or not?

Now more and more big moms like to dance square dance, basically every night will go to the square to dance, however, the square dance also triggered a certain problem, such as nuisance, the sound of the square dance is so loud, will inevitably affect the surrounding people, to the surrounding people to bring a lot of trouble. It is worth mentioning that some time ago, in the square in the middle of a neighborhood, there were a bunch of big women dancing there every day, which was very noisy. The owner, Mr. He, intervened with the amahs because the square dances were too noisy for his children to do their homework, resulting in his sudden death during the quarrel. Of course, there are some people who support square dancing, these people think that the way of entertainment is very limited, square dancing is one of the few ways of entertainment for them, they should be supported, and more importantly, square dancing can also be exercised, which is also very good for the body.

However, some time ago, an aunt in Shenyang met a medical equipment company's "boss" because of square dancing, and later was cheated out of 50,000 yuan by the "boss". The square dance lady because of square dance so lost 50,000 yuan of money for nothing, afterward she is also very regretful, that they should not be so trusting square dance partner. Having said that, many people will ask, this big mom in order to dance square dance, lost the 50,000 yuan of money for nothing, is it really worth it?

Obviously, if you look at the aftermath, the mom obviously thinks that square dancing is not worth it, but if you ask other square dancers, of course they won't just give up square dancing. In fact, in a way, the question itself is not valid. For example, let's put it in another form, if a student loses a thousand dollars on his way to school, is it worthwhile for him to go to school? For this problem, I am afraid that everyone will feel that it is worthwhile, after all, learning is a must-do thing, and in the school on the way to lose the living expenses, which in itself is a small probability of events, in order to give up the small probability of events and go to school, is obviously choking on the food. In fact, if you put it on the square dance is also possible, the big mom in the square dance lost money, which itself is a small probability of events, if because of the fear of losing money and do not dance, this is not choking on the food is what?

In daily life, the reason why square dancing is so controversial is actually because of the nuisance as well as occupying a lot of public **** space. To solve this problem then, is also very simple: first of all, you can design a special square dance venue, so that will not affect other people, but also can reduce the impact of noise on other people; then, you can guide the amahs to cultivate other talents, such as doing yoga, painting, practicing brush lettering, knitting sweater, cooking, etc., which can also enrich their lives and reduce the impact on other people; and finally. Talent competitions can be held in the neighborhood to let young people understand the interests of the amahs and also to promote communication among family members.