Generally toddlers in the dance exam grade is short hair then, you can choose to put the hair up. First of all, parents need to use rubber bands to help the baby's hair into a ponytail, and parents tie the ponytail can not look in the baby's head and small and beautiful, is the key to the success of the ballet disk head, at the same time, ponytail, chin and ears at the highest point of the three points should form a straight line.
The second step is that parents can rotate in their own smooth hands in that direction, the third in the direction of the ponytail to disk the hair, but parents need to pay attention to can not be disk too tight, you can disk into a flat round shape. The fourth step is to hold the hair tightly and then set the hair net, otherwise the hair is easy to loose. Finally the hair coiled and flattened a little, to be close to the scalp, because the baby's is short hair, the back may have a lot of broken hair, then parents can use U-shaped clip to fix it. At the same time the hairpin should be around the hairnet don't, to clamp the hairnet and hair.