『Composed of Idioms with the Word "后"』 Idioms that start with the word "后":(***26则) [h] 后车之後戒 后福無量 后发制人 后顾之忧 後后悔不及 后悔莫及 后悔无及 后会无期 后患无穷 后海先河 后会有期後后后领袖 后继无人后继有人後继人後后之秀 后浪催前浪 後居上 后浪推前浪 後者居上 後之秀 後起之秀後手不接後手後手接接後後手可畏 後小子 后台老板后拥前呼 第二个字是 "后 "的成语:(***18则) [e] Early idiom: (**) Idioms with the third character "后" : (***62) [b] 毙而后已 不甘後人 不敢後人 步人後尘 [c] 长長後浪推前浪 长虑后顾 垂裕后昆 [d] 杜绝后患 [f] 放马后炮 [h] 皇天后土 [j] 敬事後食 [l] 流芳後世 [m] 名垂后世 [q] 前跋后痜 穷而后工强而后可 前赴后继 前覆後戒 前俯后仰 前歌后舞 前合后仰 前呼后拥 前倨后卑 前倨后恭 前襟後裾 前街后巷 前目后凡 前仆后 prostrate 前仆后继 前思后想 前挽后推 前危后则 前因后果 前仰后合前仰后前后顾 [s] 松柏后凋 死後後後而而已 [t] 退有後言 [w] 晚生后学 [x] 先断后闻先公后私 先花后果 先河后海 先號后 庆庆 先号后笑 先禮后兵 先来后到 先难后获 先人后己 学然后知不足,教然后知困 先声后实 先笑后号 先行后闻 先忧后乐 小子后生 先斩后奏 [y] 以观后效 以绝後患 盈科后進 以 以後图 ridicule posterity [z] 澤被后世 "后 "terminal idioms: (***52) [a] saddle the horse and horse after [b] 不耻最後 [b] disregard before and after, after a hundred years, trek after a hundred years, after a hundred years, after a hundred years, after a hundred years, after a hundred years of trekking, after a hundred years of trekking. 不不顾前后之 百年之后 跋前踕后 背前面后 巴前算后 跋前痜 跋前踬后 百岁后 [c] 瞠乎其后 jaw呼其后 disgraceful to live in the king's back long considerate to take care of the rear punishing the former to prevent the latter from going ahead ahead of the others adulterating the former to fall back 承前启后 承先启后 茶余饭后茶余酒后 [e] 而今而后 [g] 甘居人后 顾前不顾后 光前绝后 光前启后光前裕后 [h] 黃雀在后 [j] 积德裕后 鸡口牛后 鉴前毖后 酒余茶后 [k] 前所未有绝后 [l] 狼前虎后 驴前马后 [n] 宁为鸡口,不为牛后 宁为鸡口,无为牛后 宁为鸡口,毋为牛后 [s] 思前想后 守先待后 [t] 螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后 通前彻后 通前澈后 通前至后 [x] 羞以牛后 [y] 意前笔后 阴山背后 [z] 瞻前顾后 争前恐后 遮前遮后争先恐后 To put behind one's head.
2. Idioms by The Free Dictionary What are the four-letter idioms that start with the word 尽 (尽)尽人知道 尽 (尽): all, all. All the people know 尽尽力 means to exert all one's efforts 尽忠报国 为国家盡尽忠贞,不惜牺牲一切报效国家 尽多尽少 指盡其所有 尽入彀中 Enough: within the range of a bow and arrow, a metaphor for a cage or a trap. To be caught in a trap, to be put in the position of being caught. The best of all possible worlds. It means that there is not a single flaw in it. The most beautiful and delicate in appearance and posture. The party was over after having a good time. It refers to a party, a banquet, or a play. Exhausted Exhausting oneself to the fullest. Describes doing something very hard. As one's heart desires. Things are exactly as one wants them to be. Try one's best To do something with all one's strength. Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can Do all you can do To give full play to what one is good at. To do one's utmost: to be loyal. Sincerity: Loyalty. To do one's utmost to fulfill one's loyalty and righteousness. It is also written as "尽节竭诚", "尽心竭诚", "尽忠竭力", "尽忠竭诚", "to do one's utmost", "to do one's utmost". The simile of a complete loss or abandonment of a previous endeavor. To use all one's strength and loyalty to the best of one's ability. The best of all possible worlds. The most perfect, the most beautiful. Describe the things are perfect. The same as "perfect". To fully release former enmity 〖Interpretation〗To fully release: to put down completely. Dislike: hatred, resentment. The former resentment is completely thrown away.
3. Idioms by The Free Dictionary Idioms by The Free Dictionary Four Characters Guess滅此朝食 Let me destroy the enemy before having breakfast. It describes the mood of eagerness to destroy the enemy and the confidence of certain victory.
This hatred is continuous Sheepish: Continuously. This kind of residual hatred entangles the heart and can never go away.
The actual forced to be here means forced by circumstances to be like this.
This can be tolerated, what can not be tolerated If this can be tolerated, what can not be tolerated!
Lai this ear Lai: rely on, rely on.
Fight to kill the fang Fight to kill: to kill; fang: ancient curse words. The first thing I'd like to say is that I don't know what to do. Describe the extreme hatred for someone.
The other side advocates this and and: to agree with; to respond to. It is a metaphor for one party advocating and the other party following suit; or cooperating with each other and responding to each other.
This one sings and the other one sings, and the other one echoes.
The word "echo" is used to describe the way in which a person sings and echoes.
This: this. To do something without feeling bored because you love it so much. It describes a special love for something and immerses oneself in it.
This is the first thing to be done.
The first wish is not as good as this The first wish: the wish at the beginning. The first wish is not as good as the original wish. It describes a close connection, and the actions are coordinated with each other.
The metaphor is that one side advocates and the other side follows.
This border refers to the division of boundaries that separate one from the other.
The word "forcibly" is used in the sense of being forced to take possession of a place. Later, it is used to indicate that the situation compels one to do so.
This boundary and that boundary refers to the demarcation of boundaries that separate each other.
This is launched here and that is responded to there.
Yi Bi Zhu Shi refers to pouring the liquid from the other vessel into this vessel. It is also used as a metaphor for taking one side to complement the other. It is the same as "pouring into the other".
The fact that it has come to this point is so great that it has come to such a pass.
4. Four-character idiomsIdioms with animal names: Wanxiang Renewal, Hugging Heads and Rats, Chicken Songs and Dog Theft, Thousands of Horses, Lost Sheep Mending Prison, Cup Bow and Serpent's Shadow, Crane Standing on Chicken Groups, To the Cow and the Bow, Like a Fish Gaining Water, Bird's Whispering Flower Fragrance, To Help the Tiger, exhausting the donkey's skills, Painting the Dragon Pointing at the Eyes, Mouse Eyes and Eyes, Tiger's Back, Tiger's Hip and Husband's Waist, Waiting for Rabbit to Stand by the Stumps, Crane Hair and Children's Face, Dogs Jumping over the Walls in Haste, Blind Man Feeling an Impression, Painting a Snake Adding to the Foot Idioms containing the names of two animals: Crane standing on a flock of chickens, Cock crowing and dog stealing, Snipe and clams fighting for each other, Whale eating and swallowing, Arachnid traces, Dragon contending with tigers, Dragon and horse spirit, Dragon flying and phoenix dancing, Longteng and tiger leaping, Dragon charging and tiger stepping, Dragon pool and tiger's den, Dragon leaping and phoenix singing, Traffic and horse racing, Pointing to a stag as a horse, Rabbit dying and fox grieving, Chicken and dog in a state of restlessness, Heart and soul, Swallowing tiger and swallowing tiger Idioms containing the organs of the human body: Eye is high and hand high, Eyes are dumbfounded, Breast has no point of ink, Head is heavy and foot is light, Hand is heavy, Hands are in love with the foot, Mouth is not the heart, hand is quick, ear hears and sees, head is broken and blood flows, eyebrow is clear and beautiful, watch with folded arms, mouth is not bad, hand is not binding chicken power Idioms containing the names of insects Moth to Flame, Cicada Shells, Mosquitoes Become Thunder, Toad Palace Folds the Laurels, Silkworms Eat Whale Swallows, Dragonfly Dotting the Water, Mantis Blocking the Vehicle, Arachnid Horse Trail, Mantis Cicada Catching Cicada, Yellow Bird in the Back Idioms containing a set of near-synonyms Seeing a great deal of knowledge, observing words and colors, looking far ahead, looking to the left and the right, dispatching troops, shattering bones, stormy weather, side-tracking, tiring, quick-witted, alive and kicking, shocking the sky and earth, nonsense, changing dynasty, hearsay Containing a set of antonym idioms forward and backward, east and west, crooked, high-minded, low-minded, top-hearted, top-heavy, top-loaded, top-helpless, arrogant, backward, fleeing east and west, falling south and north, looking left and right, accumulating less and more, sharing the same sweetness and sweetness and suffering, half believing, half doubting, using a great deal of talent and using one person after another, and having no one in the mouth, the sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sky is clear, the sky is clear The idiom of "to have a mouth but not a heart" (有口無无心) is a natural one; "to make a fake into a real one" (弄假成真) is important (舉足足轻重). The idiom of "to make a fake into a real one" (舉足轻重) is important (南腔北调) is a southern accent; "to make a fake into a real one" (声东击西) turns danger into safety (转危为安) (转危为安) (东倒西歪歪) reverses a defeat into victory (反败为胜) and wins by winning with fewer (少少胜多) from the same (從少胜多) as well as the other, 苦苦地想 (苦思冥想)静静地想 (静思默想)想得周全 (深思熟虑)想得混乱 (胡思乱想)想得厉害 (浮想联翩)想得很多 (左思右想)想得荒谬 (痴心妄想)想得离奇 (异想天开开)想了又想了又想 (朝思暮想) "多". "的成语 Audience much (座无虚席) VIP much (高朋满座) People much (摩肩接踵) Talent much (人才济济) Soldiers and horses much (千军万马) Things much (林林总总) Colors much (五彩缤纷) Categories much (千萬差万别) Difficulties much (千辛万苦) Words much (滔不绝) Reading much (博览群书) Seeing much (見多识广) Changes much ( (千萬变万化) 走得多(走南南闯北)颜色多(五色六色)花样多(五花花多) Idioms with near synonyms of "see" 見多識广 望而生畏 察言观色 一视同仁 一視一見一張一览无余 高瞻远見 坐井观天举世瞩目 管中窥豹 左顾右盼 Idioms with the word "dragon" 生生龙 Idioms with the word "dragon", "dragon", "tiger", "dragon fight", "dragon horse", "dragon fly", "dragon dance", "dragon fly", "dragon leap", "dragon walk", "dragon dotting eyes", "dragon pool", "tiger's den", "dragon leaping", "phoenix singing", "traffic and horseback riding" Idioms from fables, "sandpiper and clam", "sandpiper and mussel", "boat carving and sword searching for the sword, "rooks and rooks", "rooks and rooks", "ten thousand miles", "guarding the stumps waiting for the hare, covering the ears, stealing a bell and mending the prison before it is too late. Banmen make a fool of themselves The army never tries to be deceitful The last and the last of the same idioms are the same as the first and the last of the same word The last and the last of the same word are the same as the first and the last of the same word The first and the last of the same word are the same as the first and the last of the same word The first and last of the same word are the same as the first and the last of the same word The first and last of the same word are the same as the first and the last of the same word The first and last of the same word are the same as the first and last of the same word The first and last of the same word are the same as the first and last of the same word (beginning with "no") not ashamed to ask, ask the blind, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help, ask for help The Romance of the Three Kingdoms (《草船借箭》), "Borrowing Arrows from a Grass Boat" (草船借箭), "Crossing the Five Guards and Cutting off the Six Generals" (过五关,斩六将), "One is willing to fight, one is willing to be beaten, one is willing to be beaten, one is willing to lose one's troops, and one is willing to lose one's wife, and one is willing to fight with one's own tongue (舌战), and one is willing to fight with a group of scholars (舌战群儒) The Dream of the Red Chamber (《红楼梦》). The person who sees the wind and makes the rudder.
2. (Smiling Tiger) Smiling face, two-faced people. 3. (Ground Snake) Strong and rogue, dominating the people.
4, (iron rooster) do not have a penny, stingy money people. 5, (pug) tend to the trend, a hundred people.
6, (scapegoat) suffered on behalf of others, on behalf of the people beaten. 7, (frog at the bottom of the well) people with little knowledge, knowledge is not broad.
8, (Ru Zi Cow) bow and scrape, for the benefit of the people. 9, (Thousand Mile Horse) get both talent and preparedness, a great deal of people.
10, (paper tiger) is a metaphor for people who are strong and dry. To make a home for an animal, a pigsty, a bird's nest, a snake's hole, a dragon's lair, a rabbit's nest, a cow's shed, a chicken coop, a horse's stable, an ant's nest, a dog's nest, a dog's nest, a numbered idiom, a sing-song, a call for a hundred responses, a clean slate, a clean slate, a dozen falls, a one-off, a one-off, a one-off, a one-off, a one-off, a thousand miles, a fifty-one, a one-tenth, a one-tenth heart.
5. Commonly used four-letter idioms五光十色, 欢声雷动, 欣喜若狂,載歌载舞, 燈火煌煌, 春暖花开, 春色满园, 春光明媚, 春意盎然, 春回大地, 興兴兴志勃勃,精卫填海,愚公移山, 百折不回,勇往直前, 骨肉之情, 疼痒相相關, 人山人海, 情深似海, 恩重如山, 循序渐渐进, 由浅入深, Day by day, month by month, know the old and know the new, mountains and hills, green leaves into the shade, the sky and the earth, the roots of the tree, free and easy, people do not have far-flung concerns, there will be close to worry, prevention of danger, preparedness, can not help it, talking to themselves, not afraid of danger, more than one good decision, calm, not chaotic, the golden wind sends a refreshing, wild geese, the autumn color is very pleasant, the sky and the air, the sun and the moon like a shuttle, the time is like an arrow, the cold and the summer, the stars and the things, the wind blowing the grass, hard-working, homeless, thousands of mountains, thousands of hardships, groups of three or five, carefree, singing, rolling, red, lights, gathering, celebrating, joyful, blossoming, fighting, colorful, *** full, proud, long days, foxes and tigers, half-hearted, lively, wagging their heads and tails, looking around, swinging, trekking, eating the wind and drinking the water, water delivery The wind and the dew, the water sends the mountain to meet, pleasing to the eye, vibrant, ruthless, early in the morning and late at night, the power of the gods, towering over the clouds, day and night, see the sky, licking the calf's love, the bird's private love, the joy of heavenly love, the joy of its endless, rubbing their fists and palms, alive and well, strong and sturdy, iron and steel, concentrated, concentrated, nothing to be done, a book, a seriousness, a thousand families, the students, the snow to seek the road, the spring breeze, rain, the children, the children, the children, the children, the children, the children, the children. The children can be taught, dizzy, dense, famous, golden, colorful, colorful, dance, touching, singable, hard work, amazing, north to south, wearing stars, shooting stars, stars, stars, baked clouds to the moon, the waves beat the shore, meaningful, rooted in the roots of the root, pouring tree watering the roots, deep roots and leaves, leaves, an unblue cloudless sky, bustling, layer upon layer , relaxed and happy, high halls and mansions, jade buildings, staggered, winding paths, thousands of rocks, ten thousand ravines, dazzling, beautiful, rooted and long leaves, competing to open, nonsense, making waves, eagles spread their wings, the old horse knows the way, fish in the nest, the nests, chickens and dogs jumping, wolves and wild beasts, the group of dragons without a head, rabbit in three grottoes, a million things to do, turn the weak into the strong, bear the humiliation, to submit to stretching, and strive to make the strong! , go all out, hundred-foot pole, one step further, water and sky are connected, starry, unpredictable, clouds driving fog, a thousand shapes, cloud cover, instantaneous change, a thousand miles, four hooves wind, exhaustion, lingering, meteorological, wind and clouds, strange peaks and ridges, if hidden, floating, white clouds and dogs, a sudden realization, do not think Profitable, organic, rooted, beginning and end, Have a mouth to speak, have no fear, have a request, have a will to achieve, flat and spread, do their best, courageous, full of energy, a good plan, the literary mind like a spring, flourishing, outstanding, talented, fearful of the future generation, the hand does not stop swinging, the pen down the flowers, the power of the paper back to the back, exquisite, the fire is pure, alive, vivid, the dream of the pen flowers, a natural, a hundred pieces of wine, ghosts cry, God, overjoyed, Laughing, desert boat, self-improvement, humiliation, consistency, flying sand, ambition, righteousness, steadfastness, talk, thousands, sit and watch the success or failure, press the troops, too hasty, reckless, wind and waves, stupidity, thunder and wind, wind, wings, flying, dauntless, whispering, smoky waves, a blue hectare, swimmers, a smooth sailing, The wind and waves are calm, the gulls and the water, the sea is not shocked, pull up the seedlings to help grow, Zheng Ren buy shoes, hurriedly, vibrant words, argumentative, full of confidence, the bow and the snake's shadow, the praying mantis catching cicadas, snipers and mussels, happy, ancient and modern, can not help it, disturbed, go their own way, sadness and joy, brotherhood, flourishing, well-organized, sheep's intestine, quick-witted, clever, green than blue, a hit, Peaches and plums, successor, ten years of trees, a hundred years of trees, distant, smiling, majestic, magnificent, extraordinarily upright, all eyes, carved beams and painted buildings, immortal, flowers, beautiful flowers, beautiful red, water, to sacrifice their lives to the country, blue blood, year after year, like hatred, dare to speak out of anger, worry about the country and the people, coldly, the spirit of the long, righteousness, as if nothing had happened, spectacular, poetic, Snowy peaks, ancient trees, flat lakes and waterfalls, exotic animals and rare birds, far-reaching views, vastness, obscurity, ease, lake and mountains, paradise on earth, the bright moon and clear air, the fragrance of osmanthus, the light of the water and the sky, complementing each other, rivers and mountains like a picture, the land of fish and rice, the opening up of the sky and the earth, exhausted, crisscrossing the country, careful, furious, not far away from the mountains, the cliffs and the cliffs, day in and day out, chaotic, blackout, The most important thing is that you can make the most of your time and money, and you can make a difference.
6. The four-letter idioms of the word "also"玄之又玄: Originally a Taoist phrase, describing the subtlety and formlessness of the Tao. Later, it is often used to describe the very subtle, not easy to understand.
One wave is not yet calm, one wave rises again: one wave has not yet calmed down, another wave has risen. The metaphor is that there are many twists and turns, one problem has not yet been solved, another problem has occurred.
Another weak: weak: loss, decrease. It means to mourn the death of a person.
Another: should be evaluated separately.
And red and specialized: having a proletarian worldview, and mastering professional knowledge and expertise.
Another Qin: to create another strong enemy.
Another: to be evaluated separately.
Loss and Loss: It describes extreme modesty.
The darkness of the willow is bright and there is another village: the original description of the beautiful spring in the former village, and later used as a metaphor for the sudden emergence of a new good situation.
The word "to speak" is used to describe a situation in which a new situation has suddenly emerged. It describes a difficult situation.
The metaphor of "losing the lady and losing the army" is to take advantage of the situation and suffer double losses instead. Cicadas don't know snow Woven grass mat is like water Winter sun and summer clouds Winter warmth and summer clarity Floating melon and sinking plums Cold come and summer go Fire umbrella high open Meat mountain and forest Summer rain people Summer heat smoldering Red sun hot hot sun hot sun shining bright sun shining hot sun in the middle of the sky Hot sun is like fire Hot sun is like fire Hot sun is like fire Hot sun is like fire Hot sun is like fire Fire wheel spits out fire clouds like burning Sea and sky clouds are steaming Summer sun is daunting Summer sun is hot Summer mountain is like blue Summer trees are verdant Summer water is soupy Sinking plums Floating melon Hephzardt Hot air Hot steam Fuse stone flowing gold Flashing gold flowing gold Cauterizing gold iron stone Cauterizing gold iron stone 焦金流石 燋金流石 吴牛喘月 长天当日 赤时当空 炎天暑月 暑气蒸人 汗流背 全身生津 流汗浃 全身汗流 汗流洽背 遍体生津 流汗浃 背 挥汗如雨 挥汗成雨汗下汗如雨下汗出如浆 汗流如注 满汗头大淋淋淋淋旱威为虐 赤地 赤地千里春暖花开,赤日炎,万象更新、愤怒 怒不可遏 怒形色 怒火中烧 忍可忍无可忍 六、大地回春。 When the fireworks are in full bloom, spring is cold, spring is cold, spring is approaching, spring is coming, spring is coming, spring is here, spring is back, spring is back, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here, spring is here. Spring water murmurs, spring water rushes, spring water gurgles, spring rain falls, spring grass is silky, spring grass flourishes, spring grass sprouts, spring buds break through the ground, spring flowers blossom, spring flowers bloom, spring flowers bloom, spring wood sprouts, spring trees grow, spring trees are big, spring trees sprout, spring trees are green, spring trees are lush, spring trees are lush, spring sun is warm, spring is emerging, spring is rippling, spring is bright, spring is unlimited, spring is bright, spring is boundless, spring is bright, spring is full, spring is bright, spring is beautiful. spring spring breeze sends warmth to the spring spring, spring breeze is warm, spring breeze is warm, spring breeze is gentle, spring breeze is snowy, spring mountains are smiling, spring hills are beautiful, spring is full. The grass grows, the warbler flies, the bonus, the willow, the red peach, the green willow, the red flowers, Li Bai, the peach, the red willow, the green flowers, the red love, the greenness, the greenness, the fatness, the redness, the thinness, the flowing peach blossoms, the peach blossoms, the flowing peach blossoms, the flying blossoms, the green branches, the leaves, the spring sunshine, the green grass, the green, the green grass, the green, the green, the green, the green, the green, the green, the red, the red, the red, the red, the red, the green, the red, the green, the green, the green, the green, the green, the green, the red, the green, the green, the green. I'm so sorry that I can't stand it, but I'm so sorry that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it, that I can't stand it.