2. Hypothetical relationships: if ...... then ......, even though ...... also ...... , if... ...then ...... , if ...... then ...... , since ...... then ......
3. Conditional relations: as long as ...... is ......, only ...... is ...... , whatever ...... is ...... , whatever ...... is also... ... , even ...... also ......
4. causal relations: because ...... therefore... ..., because ...... therefore ......, since ...... then ......, since ...... on ......, the reason why ...... is because ......
5. Juxtaposition: not only ...... but also ......, on the one hand ...... and on the other ......, on the one hand... ...on the one hand ......, sometimes ...... sometimes ......, both ...... and ......, not ...... but ......
6. Undertaking relationship: one ...... on ......, at first ...... followed by ......
7. Progressive relationship: not only ...... but also ......, not only ...... also ......, not only ...... also... ...
8. Selective relationships: either ...... or ......, either ...... or... ..., or ...... or ......, either ...... or ......, rather than ...... than ......, rather ...... than ......