Beginning of the text (from easy to hard)
/gamemode 0 survival 1 creation 2 adventure 3 observer (1.8+)
/tp [player name] Teleport to a player
/tp [player name] [player name] Teleport the former to the latter.
/tp x y z Teleport to this axis
/tp ~~~ Teleport around with you at the center
/fill(1.8+) x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 [square name] Fill squares starting from the former's bearing
/give [your name] 137 Gets a Command Squares (1.8-)< /p>
/give [your name] minecraft:command_block Gets a command block (1.8+)
Next up is the summon command (summon)
Add the name: /summon Skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName: "Archer", CustomNameVisible:1}
Add Armor: /summon Skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName: "Archer",CustomNameVisible:1,Equipment:[{id:261},{},{},{},{id:298}]} Order: hand, foot, leg, body, head
generic.attackDamage - Attack
generic.followRange - Follow range
generic.maxHealth - Maximum life
Name:generic. knockbackResistance - Anti-knockback
generic.movementSpeed - Speed
Equipment Attachments:*, tag:{ench:[{id:*,lvl:*}]}}
/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~
{ Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:48}]}
/give Long_Fei minecraft:bow 1 0 {ench:[{id:49,lvl:5}]}
/summon Creature Coordinates {Riding:{ id:Ridden creature}}
/summon Skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName: "Archer",Equipment:[{id:261},{},{},{},{id:298}],Attributes:[{Name:generic. maxHealth,Base:48}]}
Cube Burst:
/setblock x y z minecraft:air 1 destroy
ActiveEffects:[{{Id:Potion Code,Duration:Potion Time}]
Equipment:[{{id:Weapon Name/Item Name,Count:Quantity},{id:Boots Name,Count:Quantity},{id:Leg Armor Name,Count:Quantity},{id:Breastplate Name,Count:Quantity},{id:Helmet Name,Count:Quantity}]
NoAI is a tag that adds an attribute to a creature. If a creature is tagged with NoAI, the creature becomes a "golem", the creature hangs in the air and will not move again without a special status (such as a Mordecai's damage teleportation). This can be used in conjunction with a stealth creature to make it look like one creature but be another. This is used by adding
Riding:{id:Villager,Riding:{id:Villager,Riding:{id:Villager,Riding:{id:Villager,Riding:{id:Villager }}}}}
at the data tagCreatures:
Cow - Cow
Chicken - Chicken
MushroomCow - Mushroom Cow
Bat - Bat
Pig - Pig
EntityHorse - Horse
Sheep - Sheep
Villager - Villager
VillagerGolem - Iron Golem
SnowMan - Snow Golem
Wolf - Wolf/Dog
Ozelot - Cat
Squid - Squid
Zombie - Zombie
Skeleton - Skeleton
Creeper - Woolly Man/Self-Exploding Monster/JJ Monster
PigZombie - Zombie Pigman
Ghast - Ghost/Evil Soul
Enderman - Mordecai/"Black Faggot"
Silverfish - Silverfish Worm/ Mites
Endermite - Mordor Mite
Slime - Slime
LavaSlime - Hell Slime
Witch - Witch
Guardian - Underwater Defense
Blaze - Blaze Man
Spider - Spider
CaveSpider - Cave Spider
EnderDragon - Mordecai Dragon Boss
WitherBoss - Apocalyptic Boss
Giant - Giant Zombie
Boat - Boat
MinecartRideable - Regular Minecart
MinecartHopper - Hopper Minecart
MinecartFurnace - Furnace Minecart
MinecartCommandBlock - Command Block Minecart
MinecartChest - MinecartChest - Chest Mine Cart
MinecartSpawner - Swipe Cage Mine Cart
SmallFireball - Small Fireball (sent by Flame Man)
Fireball - Fireball (sent by Evil Spirit)
Item - Item
LeashKnot - Knot of Rope
Painting - Painting
LightningBolt - Thunderbolt
ThrownExpBottle - Thrown XP Bottle
WitherSkull - Wither Skull (Skull emitted by the Wither Boss)
EnderCrystal - Mordor Crystal
FireworksRocketEntity - Fireworks that have been emitted
Arrow - Arrows that have been shot
ThrownPotion - Medicine that has been thrown
ThrownEnderpearl - Pearl of Mordor that has been thrown
EyeOfEnderSignal - EyeOfEnderSignal
PrimedTnt - Ignited TNT
FallingSand - Falling sand properties
ItemFrame - Item display
XPOrb - Experience Orb
unknown - Fish Bait
The above doesn't work in the 1.8- version. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work
Take it for what it's worth
Please follow up if you still need it