How to use the command cube in My World Command Cube Complete list of command cube commands

Hello, most of the answers from others are fake, this one is real

Beginning of the text (from easy to hard)

/gamemode 0 survival 1 creation 2 adventure 3 observer (1.8+)

/tp [player name] Teleport to a player

/tp [player name] [player name] Teleport the former to the latter.

/tp x y z Teleport to this axis

/tp ~~~ Teleport around with you at the center

/fill(1.8+) x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 [square name] Fill squares starting from the former's bearing

/give [your name] 137 Gets a Command Squares (1.8-)< /p>

/give [your name] minecraft:command_block Gets a command block (1.8+)

Next up is the summon command (summon)

Add the name: /summon Skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName: "Archer", CustomNameVisible:1}

Add Armor: /summon Skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName: "Archer",CustomNameVisible:1,Equipment:[{id:261},{},{},{},{id:298}]} Order: hand, foot, leg, body, head

generic.attackDamage - Attack

generic.followRange - Follow range

generic.maxHealth - Maximum life

Name:generic. knockbackResistance - Anti-knockback

generic.movementSpeed - Speed

Equipment Attachments:*, tag:{ench:[{id:*,lvl:*}]}}

/summon Zombie ~ ~1 ~

{ Attributes:[{Name:generic.maxHealth,Base:48}]}

/give Long_Fei minecraft:bow 1 0 {ench:[{id:49,lvl:5}]}

/summon Creature Coordinates {Riding:{ id:Ridden creature}}

/summon Skeleton ~ ~1 ~ {CustomName: "Archer",Equipment:[{id:261},{},{},{},{id:298}],Attributes:[{Name:generic. maxHealth,Base:48}]}

Cube Burst:

/setblock x y z minecraft:air 1 destroy

ActiveEffects:[{{Id:Potion Code,Duration:Potion Time}]

Equipment:[{{id:Weapon Name/Item Name,Count:Quantity},{id:Boots Name,Count:Quantity},{id:Leg Armor Name,Count:Quantity},{id:Breastplate Name,Count:Quantity},{id:Helmet Name,Count:Quantity}]


NoAI is a tag that adds an attribute to a creature. If a creature is tagged with NoAI, the creature becomes a "golem", the creature hangs in the air and will not move again without a special status (such as a Mordecai's damage teleportation). This can be used in conjunction with a stealth creature to make it look like one creature but be another. This is used by adding

Riding:{id:Villager,Riding:{id:Villager,Riding:{id:Villager,Riding:{id:Villager,Riding:{id:Villager }}}}}

at the data tag


Cow - Cow

Chicken - Chicken

MushroomCow - Mushroom Cow

Bat - Bat

Pig - Pig

EntityHorse - Horse

Sheep - Sheep

Villager - Villager

VillagerGolem - Iron Golem

SnowMan - Snow Golem

Wolf - Wolf/Dog

Ozelot - Cat

Squid - Squid

Zombie - Zombie

Skeleton - Skeleton

Creeper - Woolly Man/Self-Exploding Monster/JJ Monster

PigZombie - Zombie Pigman

Ghast - Ghost/Evil Soul

Enderman - Mordecai/"Black Faggot"

Silverfish - Silverfish Worm/ Mites

Endermite - Mordor Mite

Slime - Slime

LavaSlime - Hell Slime

Witch - Witch

Guardian - Underwater Defense

Blaze - Blaze Man

Spider - Spider

CaveSpider - Cave Spider

EnderDragon - Mordecai Dragon Boss

WitherBoss - Apocalyptic Boss

Giant - Giant Zombie


Boat - Boat

MinecartRideable - Regular Minecart

MinecartHopper - Hopper Minecart

MinecartFurnace - Furnace Minecart

MinecartCommandBlock - Command Block Minecart

MinecartChest - MinecartChest - Chest Mine Cart

MinecartSpawner - Swipe Cage Mine Cart

SmallFireball - Small Fireball (sent by Flame Man)

Fireball - Fireball (sent by Evil Spirit)

Item - Item

LeashKnot - Knot of Rope

Painting - Painting

LightningBolt - Thunderbolt

ThrownExpBottle - Thrown XP Bottle

WitherSkull - Wither Skull (Skull emitted by the Wither Boss)

EnderCrystal - Mordor Crystal

FireworksRocketEntity - Fireworks that have been emitted

Arrow - Arrows that have been shot

ThrownPotion - Medicine that has been thrown

ThrownEnderpearl - Pearl of Mordor that has been thrown

EyeOfEnderSignal - EyeOfEnderSignal

PrimedTnt - Ignited TNT

FallingSand - Falling sand properties

ItemFrame - Item display

XPOrb - Experience Orb

unknown - Fish Bait

The above doesn't work in the 1.8- version. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work


Take it for what it's worth

Please follow up if you still need it