7 days to say goodbye to hold sleep milk sleep

7 days to say goodbye to hold sleep milk sleep

7 days to say goodbye to hold sleep milk sleep, mom in the coaxing of the baby to sleep, there are some babies do not want to sleep, the mother to take him no way, can only milk to sleep, milk this who's the consequences are very serious, not accidentally the baby mother fell asleep, may lead to the baby suffocated, the following share 7 days to say goodbye to hold sleep milk sleep.

7 days to say goodbye to hold sleep milk sleep 1

4S program method (0-3 months)

If your baby is less than 4 months, then congratulations, even if he is already accustomed to hold sleep or milk sleep, correct it is not too difficult. You can use the 4S program method, which is a 4-step process that allows your baby to learn to fall asleep on his own.

Setting the stage

One minute you're playing happily, and the next you're asked to go to sleep. So, first of all, we need to create a quiet environment for the baby, such as carrying him to the room, closing the curtains, quietly listening to music or reading picture books, with the help of the environment and the bedtime program to let the baby know that it's time to go to bed.


For younger babies, swaddling can be a great way to help calm them down. Much like the warmth of mom's womb, swaddling gives him a sense of security and prevents the irritation and distraction of flailing arms and legs.

This method isn't necessary, though, and you can decide whether to use it or not based on your baby's reaction. If he enjoys it, then wrap him, if he resists, forget it.

Sitting quietly

After you've swaddled your baby, hold him and sit quietly for 5 minutes. Keep his body upright, don't rock, and don't walk around. When you feel your baby relaxing, put him in his crib. At the same time gently tell him that the baby is going to sleep.

If your baby is calm at this point, you can leave the room or stay with him at the bedside for a while. Going to sleep on your own usually makes your baby sleep better.

The shush-pat method

If your baby starts to make a lot of noise as soon as you put him down, he's not going to fall asleep on his own and needs your help. At this point, many moms will try to get their babies to sleep by cuddling and nursing them to sleep. Although these laws work, but once the baby formed a dependency, you will regret the original; rights and interests of the plan.

To avoid this, moms can use the hush-pat method. While in the baby's ear to make a slow, clear boo ~ boo ~ sound, while rhythmically patting the baby's back. Be careful not to make sounds into the baby's ears, which can easily hurt his eardrums.

Feel the baby relax, gently put him into the crib, let him lie on his side, and then continue to pat the back. Continue patting for 7-10 minutes after your baby has calmed down, gradually slowing down the rhythm and eventually stopping the shushing.

If your baby starts to hum after you stop, continue shushing-patting until he is quiet. If he cries more, pick him up, put him on your shoulder and continue to shhh-pat, and then put him back in his crib when he's calm.

Pick-Up-Put-Down (4 months and older)

If your baby is older than 4 months and is used to cuddling or breastfeeding, how can you gently wean him off? Moms can try the cuddle-up-put-down method.

First of all, you need to understand that there is no quick way to change your baby's habits without his resistance. When unable to fall asleep in a familiar way, your baby is bound to protest with cries about what's going on.

You can start by trying to comfort him with words while putting your hand on his . back to let him know that mommy is here (if your baby is under 6 months old, you can continue to use the shushing pat method).

If he continues to cry, then pick him up and put him down as soon as he stops crying. If your baby's head is thrown back or there is some other defiant movement, put him down immediately as well. But maintain physical contact, continue to put your hand on his back, and talk to him gently and consistently to tell him it's time to go to sleep.

Keep repeating this process, picking him up when he cries and putting him down immediately when he doesn't cry or resist, while soothing him with words and physical contact. This method will take an average of 20 minutes (and possibly more), but stick with it because you're teaching him to fall asleep on his own, which is important for him. Don't worry about your baby crying, he's just feeling a little frustrated and doesn't think you don't love him anymore. You will see noticeable results after about 1-2 weeks. You only need to use your voice, not your arms or breasts, to soothe your baby and put him to sleep.

A few things to keep in mind:

Don't hold him for too long

Holding him for too long makes your baby equally dependent. So if he keeps crying, you can hold him for a few minutes and then put him down and pick him up again.

In addition, as your baby grows older, this method will need some adjustments. For babies 6-8 months old, instead of picking him up straight away, you can open your arms and hold him when he opens them too. after 8 months, you just need to help your baby lie down again when he climbs up.

Don't intervene as soon as he cries

Listen for a while, because sometimes babies just make a few noises and then fall asleep again. If you intervene too soon, you may wake him up. If he does wake up, it's not too late to respond.

It can be repetitive

Your baby's sleep can be repetitive, with teething, learning to roll over, and mom going back to work, all of which can have an impact on your baby's sleep. Moms don't get discouraged, you can revert to the pick-up-put-down method. With the previous foundation, the baby will soon be able to return to sleep on its own.

The Cradle Up-Down Method

First, when your baby is crying due to sleep problems, try to comfort him with words and gently put your hand on your baby's shoulder so that your baby can feel the presence of an adult.

Secondly, if he doesn't stop crying, pick him up and put him down as soon as he stops crying, don't hesitate for a second, you are comforting him, not putting him back to sleep, which he needs to do himself.

Of course, if his head is tilted back when he cries, his struggling and squirming may be an attempt to get him back to sleep, and again he should be put down immediately. But it's still important to maintain physical contact with him by placing a firm, strong hand on his shoulder so he knows you're there, and by whispering soothingly, "Baby, it's time for bed, so be a good boy and go to sleep."

Repeat the action of picking up your baby when he cries and putting him down as soon as the crying stops, and eventually he will calm down. You can continue to put your hand on your baby's shoulder and whisper comforting words. Don`t pat, don`t make any other noises (other than your soft soothing voice), and don`t leave the room for a while until your baby is fully in deep sleep.

It is important to note that the 'pick up and put down method' does not prevent the baby from crying, but it does prevent the baby from developing a fear of abandonment, as your hand is always pressed against his body even if you are not holding him.

He's not crying because he's afraid, he's crying because you're changing his sleep habits (nurturing them) and he feels frustrated. This is fundamentally different from "letting him cry".

The Pick Up and Drop Down Method is especially useful for babies between 4 months and 12 months!

You can use the "pick up and drop off" method as a sleep aid, which can take up to 20 minutes or an hour or more. With this method, your baby will eventually associate your voice with soothing and no longer need to be picked up, and as soon as he feels secure in hearing his parent's calm voice, then next time he will only need your voice to put them to sleep.

Of course, the 'pick up and put down method' is not magic. It may take you a few days, or even a long period of time, to try it, and during this time, parents need to be patient; there is no quick and easy solution to this problem.

7 days to say goodbye to cuddle sleep milk sleep3

1. Milk sleep

Breastfeeding mothers are accustomed to breastfeeding their children to sleep, and many of them have developed into a "no milk, no sleep," which can also lead to severe nipple dependence as well as nighttime breastfeeding.

This key point lies in the "separation of milk and sleep", which should not be that the baby falls asleep on milk, but that the milk is properly soothed before bedtime.

The mother can use the breast to calm the baby down, then pull it out in time, try again and again, and then hold and pat the baby to soothe him, the nipple is just a soothing tool, not a necessary dependency.

2. Sleeping with a baby

Shaking, shaking, shaking, every time you sleep with a baby, it's either aerobics for tendonitis or square dancing.

Here we recommend a combination of slowing down the intensity of the exercise and reducing the duration of the exercise, so that the baby accepts to fall asleep in a more sedentary state.

Mothers can try going from skittering around the house to pacing back and forth in a small circle, and then weakening to swaying slightly from side to side in place; don't rock your baby until he or she is completely asleep. Try pausing to soothe when baby is calm and give baby a little time to try new ways of falling asleep.

During the gentle "pick up and soothe, put down for bed" process, pick up and soothe until baby is completely calm, then put him back to bed.

3. Drop to sleep

The difficult part of transitioning from carrying to drop to sleep is the 'drop to wake'.

At this time, you can use the pat sleep soothing + voice soothing.

For babies under 4 months of age, it is recommended to use the "shh pat method", white noise or shushing to assist, and pat the baby rhythmically; for babies after 4 months of age, you can encourage the baby to use children's songs and sing lullabies instead of "shushing".

Some babies cry so much that they can't be soothed in place, so don't force them to do so. Combine this with the pick-up-and-put-down method, and observe the baby's condition, crying - soothed in place - crying - picked up and soothed - calm - put down, and don't be anxious. The first thing you need to do is to try more and more.