The first basic human needs: clothing
People need to wear clothes, because there is no other mammals like thick fur, the ancient need to wear clothes, there is another reason is that human evolution to the point of "know shame", know "shyness Another reason is that human beings have evolved to the point of "knowing shame" and "being shy", thus opening up a civilized society unique to human beings, which is different from that of animals. Because of the need to wear clothes, human beings form such an industrial chain: clothing design - clothing manufacturing - textile industry - cotton planting, sericulture, the highest end of the formation of clothing as a guide to identify fashion The highest end of the fashion culture, such as fashion week, was formed with clothing as the guiding symbol. The Industrial Revolution also started with the textile industry to solve the problem of "clothing" for human beings. Ancient people wore leaves and animal skins, and later wore linen and coarse clothing, and later wore silk, and later wore cotton clothing, modern chemical fiber clothing, and now popular cotton, cashmere, etc., and constantly in the material and weaving on the exhaustion of technology.
People's second basic needs: food
People need to eat, people eat for heaven, is the summary of the ancient people of China. Before the hot "tongue on the China" shows our country in the long history of the creation of a rich and varied food culture, high-end of the eight major cuisines, to the Qing Dynasty appeared "Full House", the peak of excellence; mid-range is a variety of home-cooked food, the foundation is all over the local specialty snacks. China's food culture can be said to be one of the world's best, but also a region and one of the indicators of the level of cultural development of the nation. The French have always been proud of their own culture, in terms of food is the best of European countries, while the British diet is relatively monotonous and boring. The fast food culture of the United States is even more lack of substance, even less than the ancestors of the British gentleman's culture to get the style.
The third basic need of human beings: to live
People need to have a place to live, the ancient people lived in caves, and today people live in houses. The industries brought about by dwelling are even greater, for the building itself is bulkier than clothing or food. Construction, real estate, planning and design, derived from the landscape planning and design, interior design, furniture industry, household goods industry and so on. Real estate is still high on the list.
People's fourth basic needs: line
People want to travel, the ancient poor by foot, the rich rely on sedan chair, boat, horse, etc., and thus the history of the successive emergence of horsemen, car drivers, boatmen, sedan chair, etc., in modern times there is a yellow car, and now there is a public **** transportation services (buses, cabs, railroads, civil aviation, shipping, etc.), behind the shipbuilding, locomotive manufacturing industry, the automobile industry, etc. Equipment manufacturing, based again on machine tools and other equipment manufacturing, and R & D line.
People's fifth basic needs: sex
People want to reproduce offspring, the natural evolution of bisexual reproduction, is a topic that has been avoided. The objective fact is that, since ancient times, human beings have this need, or very basic, ancient times, therefore the emergence of related industries, modern times, such as Germany, some countries still retain the prostitution industry. However, what we are talking about here is a basic need, not based on how big an industry has been formed in real life, but rather on the universality and uninterruptibility of the need. This has existed from time immemorial to the present day. To put it very politely, this basic need is likely the reason why underground prostitution is also prevalent in countries where prostitution is illegal. From this point of human nature, the challenge to macro-human politics is that in the future, no matter what civilization mankind develops into and what kind of political system becomes popular, it will either be as in Germany, as in Japan, or as in our country. If you look at Japanese society, they have developed a whole industry around sexual needs - to provide a case in point - the female pornography industry, the gender industry. In short, society struggles to stop it, or still suppresses it as it did in feudal times.
Are these the only five basic human needs?
No! We found that there is a sixth basic needs: play
This is the world after World War II, our country since the new century more and more obvious trend: people love to play, greedy to play, not only from childhood, grow up, and even to the old age is still the same, just different toys, play the content of the change. Humans love to play, from ancient times probably have, such as chasing each other, playful, playful, which may be human evolution from animals to retain. Look at how playful the kittens at home are. Look at the little babies at home who want all kinds of toys, and when they grow up, they play games; adults play poker, mahjong, guandan card games, etc.; the elderly play collecting, poetry and calligraphy; and the amazons dance in the square - that's also playing. Let's take a look at the industries that have been created because of human "play": toy manufacturing (dolls, replica guns, model cars), gaming industry (earlier handheld game consoles, and now large-scale gaming software - e-sports, which has also popularized the gaming girls, tourism industry, and, more broadly, gaming and entertainment (movies and television)). There is also the gaming industry, the entertainment industry (movies and television and other spiritual and cultural products).
The purpose of this article is to correct the perception of the four basic needs shaped by ancient China as "food, clothing, shelter and transportation," and to point out the other two needs that have been glossed over and limited by the level of development.
Sex is human instinct, and play is human nature. "Clothing, food, housing, transportation, sex and play" are the six basic needs of man.
Inherent relationship, the ancients are not without logic have to make up a jingle. According to common sense, food is the most important, people do not eat certainly to starve to death within a few days (some people do experiments that is seven days, but also to drink only water every day). The other five needs obviously will not kill people in the short term, do not wear clothes will not freeze for a while, the tropics is even more, but the ancient people of China put "clothes" in the first place, how to understand it?
Maybe the reason, the ancient Chinese society is very focus on etiquette and moral cultivation of society, put morality in the first place, and moral etiquette is the most obvious embodiment of the dress. Cultural researchers from the "Huaxia" word interpretation, that "the beauty of the clothing is called China, etiquette of the great is called Xia", and Confucianism advocated the Zhou ritual is a reflection of the "dress" and "etiquette", "etiquette" and "dress". The Zhou ritual advocated by Confucianism reflects the close relationship between "dress" and "etiquette". It can be said that dress is the direct embodiment of etiquette, nowadays society is not still talking about different occasions to dress differently? International meetings wear formal dress, evening party wear evening dress and so on.
So, our ancient people put the "clothes" in the first place is very understandable, eating is small, taste section of the body big. People can not eat, but not naked is not. (This is a normal society, not the popular non-mainstream nude fashion)
The six basic needs of people's internal logic and characteristics:
(1) according to the importance and necessity of the degree of arrangement, like the activity table of the metal elements, clothing and food are the most important, followed by the second housing and transportation, and the most inferior sex play. This order of importance can also be regarded as the priority orientation if two contradictory, can not be obtained at the same time. That is to say, if we can only choose two, human beings prefer "food and clothing", because compared to food and clothing, everything else is secondary. However, phenomenally, the more developed the society is, the stronger and more obvious the latter need is. The interesting reverse observation is that no matter how advanced a society is, a war or a huge natural disaster can "knock" it back to its original form, and the need for the above mentioned sequence is manifested again.
I heard this story: a rich man and a poor man fled to the same ship during a war; the poor man had a piece of bread in his hand, and the rich man had gold in his hand; both of them were very hungry; the rich man wanted to exchange, and the poor man wanted to get gold; the rich man survived because of the bread, and the poor man starved to death.
(2) In accordance with the indispensability to man and the effect of scarcity conditions on the life of the individual (like the plant's need for light, water, carbon dioxide, inorganic minerals and other elements of the experiment to control the variables), these six are in the order of man's maintenance of the time to become longer, the resistance to the gradual strengthening of the order of the - individual tolerance The duration becomes longer. For the individual, (temperate cold zone), no clothes can not, in winter to be frozen to death; no food, all people die; but no housing, transportation, people can hold out longer than the lack of clothing and food conditions. After all, that's how ancient mankind came to be in a wilderness environment. And individuals can give up sex and play and not die. Aren't there people in the countryside who are forced to be bachelors for the rest of their lives? There are Dinks in the city now too (the "sex" that doesn't seek to reproduce is a different story).
(3) The six basic needs of mankind, despite their internal order of importance, are all indispensable and essential to mankind as a whole. At all times, the difference is the different levels of productivity, the degree to which each need is satisfied, the size of the industries and products formed, as well as people's perceptions and attitudes towards the six needs are different (typically as sex).
(4) the six basic human needs are clearly defined, iterative advancement, both individual needs to seek to satisfy the law of transfer, but also the human social progress of the transfer of the characteristics: it can be said that mankind in the industrial revolution and even the early revolution in front of the tens of thousands of years of history of the struggle to satisfy the "food and clothing" needs. Look at the animal world, not yet beyond this stage? Beyond the subsistence, there is the demand for housing and transportation, and finally sex play - look at our country's sixty years of development, is very classic: 1949-1979 thirty years for the subsistence, 1979-2009 for the housing and transportation, and now to promote the cultural industry, service industry, and so on. This time demarcation is symbolic, the reality will not be so clear. The development of human beings, to put it bluntly, is still to satisfy their own needs - this is the most primordial impetus for the continuous progress of human society, and all other impetus is the impetus after this impetus. Human beings first need to fill their stomachs and keep warm, then they need to live and travel, and finally they need to have fun (this is in line with the materialistic philosophical view that matter determines consciousness, and that material existence precedes spiritual existence). On the contrary, when the conditions of existence deteriorate, the order of withdrawal of human needs is from back to front. Look at how developed countries cut their budgets.
(5) the six basic needs of people as a whole, there is an iterative fulfillment of the characteristics of the time, but there are different stages **** time - each of the needs of their own existence of the basic and advanced two stages. That is, after the first food and shelter, no problem; but after the food and shelter, people consider shelter and shelter at the same time, does not mean that regardless of the "food and clothing", but on the "food and clothing" put forward higher requirements: not only to eat and wear warm on the end of the matter, but also to eat and wear a good job. This is now the society of "eat well, wear good" - look at individuals, try to earn money, eat and drink without worrying about it, began to consider the house, the house is after the car, such as food, drink, housing and cars have, people should get married and have children, and began to like traveling, golf. The country's rich, ten years ago did not start to play with private airplanes? The tycoon play more. Traveling instead is the basic choice of civilians after the basic satisfaction of food, clothing, housing and transportation.
(6) Although it is said that people have six basic needs, but not absolutely speaking. On the one hand, like "clothes", people may not wear clothes under certain conditions, or it does not affect their survival, such as the tropics, such as single-sex colonies. In terms of food, some people say they just don't eat and rely on glucose infusions. It is also needless to say that residential sex play is also open to the individual to completely disregard. These are special cases and not universal. On the other hand, the six needs may also be required to be satisfied simultaneously in an individual, or exist to be satisfied, even independently of the external economic conditions - here the six needs "iterative satisfaction" of the nudge is to emphasize that human beings in the limited level of development of the priority to meet the The order of fulfillment is emphasized.