The Wa people are very hospitable, and they welcome guests with wine as the first thing to do, thinking that no wine is not a gift. The Wa people have many different customs to toast their guests. One of them is toasting the host to drink a mouthful of wine first to dispel the guests' various preconceptions, and then pass it to the guests to drink in turn.
To the guest's wine, the guest must drink, and to try to drink dry, in order to show that the heart is honest, otherwise it is considered to be disrespectful to the master; another form is the master and guest are squatting on the ground, the master with his right hand to hand the wine to the guest, and the guest with his right hand to receive the wine after pouring a little bit of the ground or his right hand to pop the wine on the ground a little bit, which is intended to be a toast to the ancestor. Then the host and the guest drink the wine together. Wa folk have the habit of not knowing the heart and not being kind enough to toast.
Whenever a son goes out and a guest leaves, the host also has to play the "gift to relatives". That is, to the relatives or guests to toast, when the master with a gourd (wine container) full of wine, first drink a mouthful, and then sent to the guests or far away from the mouth of the relatives, the guests need to drink to the bottom of the gourd, in order to show affection, friendship never forget. Wa men and women generally have tattoos, with men drawing and piercing flowers, birds, cows and tigers under their necks, chests, backs and limbs, and women drawing and piercing flowers and plants of various shapes under their necks, arms and legs.
The Wa are good at carving. In Wa villages, patterns of carved figures or animals can be seen everywhere. The Wa are good at red and black, and most of their costumes are made of black and decorated with red, basically retaining the ancient mountainous ethnic characteristics.
The Wa people love songs and dances, and common dances include the "Circle Dance", "Hair Throwing Dance" and "Rice Pounding Dance". During festivals, Wa people will automatically gather together to sing and dance for three days. They sing in many tunes, mainly the mourning song based on "Wooden Drum Tune", the joyful song based on "Congratulating New Houses", and the joyful song based on "Lusheng Tune", singing different tunes according to different contents.
The A Wa people of Ximeng have to "plagiarize" every time there is a big event. Plagiarism is to tie a cow to a wooden post in the center of the field, and then the tail of the cow is cut off by a mountain official, and then the young men swarm up to grab the beef. Who grabbed the most beef, who is the winner, especially to grab the horn of the person, more by the crowd as a hero, as a way to show the spirit of bravery.
Taboo: can not ride into the village, must be dismounted in front of the village; taboo others touch the head and ears; taboo send people chili peppers and eggs; taboo arbitrarily into the wooden drum room; taboo to give the young girl decorations; taboo guests in the home to sit on the drums of the women sitting on the pier or counting banknotes; if the door to put a wooden pole, that the family has a sick person, taboo outsiders to enter.