Bao Dezhigantu Village belongs to where

Baoderzhigantu Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Mingren Sumu, Naiman Banner, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia, with an urban-rural classification code of 220 for villages. The zoning code is 150525202222, the first 6 of the resident ID number is 150525. postal code is 028000, long-distance telephone area code is 0475, the license plate number is Meng G. Bao Derzhigantu village and the North Dadezhuo village, Bao Te Gao yingzi gacha, Baoan village, Bazhigastai gacha, Sanhe village, the South Dadezhuo gacha, Saren azh gacha, Xinyi village, Luosheng tube gacha, Boleti Gacha, Mingren Gacha, Xinglong Village, Sifangdi Village and Taipingtun Village are adjacent to each other.

Baodezhigantu village near the village of longevity village, ancient ruins, Naiman Banner Mongolia King's Palace, strange willow, Tongliao Qinglong Temple and other tourist attractions, there are Tongliao beef jerky, Tongliao fat cattle, dial noodles, fraudulent horse feast, Naiman millet and other specialties.