Put away the heels! Which sneakers look the best?

When it comes to sports shoes, many people will think of Nike and Adidas, the model pattern is particularly large. No money to buy Nike, money to buy Adi, this is not in the meaning of demeaning Nike workmanship. The main thing is that the cheap goods of Adidas are particularly ugly, but Nike is different, whether it is a low price or high price, the design is no blow, rarely ugly goods.

As far as low-priced models are concerned, Nike beats Adidas, and there are a lot of options. If not for Adidas in the last two years began to engage in co-branding, I am afraid to be abandoned by the market. If you have a lot of money, you can consider the high-end series of Adidas, the design is very good, completely not lose Nike. If you do not have enough budget, or consider Nike, otherwise you can only buy Adidas square dance shoes.

Adidas NMD series is very good, comfortable and good-looking, are not willing to take off. And yeezy boost is also very good, the price is much higher than the NMD series, but the foot feeling is first-class Oh. Nike's Air max 90 series is also very good, the most show feet show, is also very show calf length, the most suitable for doing daily with the sneakers.

Adidas toe is generally more warped than Nike's, which means that the part of the instep is recessed into the space is more, and the angle of the line will be steeper. Adidas shoes are basically a mesh material that gets looser over time, but Nike doesn't. If you have a looser instep, consider the higher-end Adidas models.

In recent years there is another sports brand that has made a big splash with wildly increasing sales, and that's PUMA. PUMA is great for girls to wear, and many of the designs are better looking, and the famous supermodel Rihanna is wearing them, too. PUMA classic Suede is very good for casual wear.
