What is the essentials of the small apple dance

First step, the formation is a six-person combination (two men and four women). Before the music starts, the four girls position themselves in a good POSE and the two boys crouch down on one leg to prepare for the start of the movement.

The second step, there are four eight-beat intro music before the song is sung, each bar at 8 to quickly change the next set of movements, pay attention to the rhythm of rhyme.

Step three, the end of the fourth eight beats to locate the action, into the next eight beats after the lyrics began to sing. The first half of the beat men and women have their own movements, the second half of the beat movement unity, 5-6-7-8.

The fourth step, when the lyrics to the Today is a great day time, the two boys should come to the forefront, and finally the right foot step on the last 8, at the same time to change the action, the hands rotate straight up, in the order of the right-left - forearms to turn around - to the direction of the girls to reach out. Then, right-left-another turn-boys pointing toward each other.

In the fifth step, straighten your left hand and point it farther to the upper left at 45 degrees, take half an octave to bring your left hand back to the right front of your waist, and then follow that with the second half of an octave, swinging your left hand to the left in a rhythmic motion.

Sixth step, one 8 beats after the last action, the right hand to the right front of the downward pressure outstretched, at the same time the right leg to the same direction to take a small step; the left hand to the left front of the downward pressure outstretched, at the same time the left leg to the same direction to take a small step; and then, respectively, the hands in front of the abdomen cross, right hand in the bottom of the left hand on the top, then both hands at the same time patting the hips, and finally both hands back to receive the waist.

The seventh step is to cross your hands from the waist up to your chest, turn halfway to the right side, and then point your hands in the direction of the audience at the same time, then pinch your waist with your left hand, straighten your right hand upward, and open your palms to shake and sway. This is an 8 beat movement.

In the eighth step, the hands go up and jump at the same time; in half eight beats, go to the right and left, and the formation should now show two triangles. Raise your right hand high and twist your hips at the same time; on the second half of an 8-beat, horse stance and half crouch, clap your hands four times at the height of your belt in front of you while shouting out the lyrics of the song.

Step 9, go into unison dance moves. Extend your right hand forward and make a "come-come" gesture with the palm of your hand; at the same time, take a step with your right foot and lean back with your left foot next to your right foot; then do it on the left side, with the same movement and in the opposite direction.

Step 10, cross your arms in front of your chest and raise them flat to the sides at the same time; quickly raise your right hand 45 degrees to the right, and raise your left hand to the right in front of your chest, palms up. Put your weight on your right leg and straighten it; do 4 lift-steps with your left leg and turn to the right.

In the eleventh step, shift weight to the left leg, lift the right leg to the right with 4 lift-steps, while the left hand bends the elbow, palm behind the head, and the right hand bends the elbow and makes a fist, tapping the left chest; turn around, flick the right and left arms around the head, repeat each twice, and when you hear the word fire song, put your hands on both sides of the face, ready to tootle; follow the word fire with 3 fire words immediately behind you, and at the same time, close the legs and tighten them for a small jump of 3 paces forward (facing the left) and then quickly stretch out both arms and upward.

The twelfth step, the movement back to the ninth and tenth step position repeat, behind the arms were extended to the right 45-left 45, beat 1-8, the order of the right up-left up-right up-left up-right down-left down-right down-arms up and straight.

The thirteenth step, the left and right hands into fists around each other in a circle, and then clap, the direction of the right up-left up-right down-left down and then repeat 1 time - and then around each other three times to clap, the direction of the right up-left up; the chest around the circle, straighten the left leg to the left, while clapping in the right, and vice versa on the right; action 4 times, then pick up the ninth step.

After doing the twelfth step again, you have reached the end of the dance, and you have to end with the last 1 8 beats for positioning. The girl walks out to the front of the 4 steps positioning POSE, the boy walks out of the 4 steps to pose a cool shape on OK.