When he was a child, he studied with his father. He can write poems and is very talented. Later, he was elected to Imperial College London. In Jingdingzhong (1260- 1264), the court appointed Duan as an envoy along the river. At that time, the four sides were troubled, and they planned to return to Baocun, gather farmers Ding Zhuang in xianrentai, erect castles and fences, and thieves dared not commit crimes. 1267 (the third year of Xianchun), Donghezhi Township, Luotian County, is a secluded place, so please ask the court to treat it. 1270 (in the sixth year of Xianchun), Zhao Qi allowed him to play, Dongzhihe Township of Keluotian County was founded in yingshan county, and Duan was appointed as the magistrate. The following year, when the Duke of Zhou was completed, Li Chao led the people in the city to try their best to resist the invasion of the Yuan army and protect the local area. In the first year of Deyou (Zhao Xian) in the Southern Song Dynasty (1275), Duan learned about Guan's military affairs in Lu 'an, and Cao Jingming still insisted on resisting. When he died of illness, he was only 47 years old, and the Yi people built "Houyi Temple" (destroyed) for worship.