How is heel pain? What should I do?

Heel pain is mostly related to the following diseases:

1, plantar aponeurosis: plantar aponeurosis has the functions of maintaining normal arch, buffering vibration and strengthening bounce. Long-term walking and excessive load will cause aponeurosis strain, leading to local aseptic inflammation and pain symptoms, often concentrated in the aponeurosis starting point of calcaneal tubercle.

2, plantar fasciitis: It is caused by excessive compression of plantar fascia. Plantar fascia is the fibrous tissue that runs through the sole from heel to forefoot. Plantar fasciitis may also cause heel pain, arch pain and heel spur. Patients with plantar fasciitis are usually injured in the group (the part between calcaneus and arch of foot). The pain of patients with plantar fasciitis usually occurs in the first step after getting up in the morning or after a long rest.

3, heel pain: often occurs in the elderly. Heel pad is an elastic pad formed by adipose tissue under calcaneus and elastic fibers separated by fibrous tissue. In youth, the heel pad is elastic and can absorb shock. When people reach old age, the elasticity of heel pad decreases, and the calcaneus bears the weight without pad. In severe cases, scars and calcium deposits will be formed, causing heel pain. Unlike foot pain and plantar fasciitis, there is tenderness under the whole heel.

4. Peritendinitis of Achilles tendon: The tissue around the tendon at the attachment of Achilles tendon is inflamed due to trauma or strain, causing swelling and pain of Achilles tendon. The patient's achilles tendon is thick and tender.

5. Achilles tendinitis: Because the calf gastrocnemius and Achilles tendon are under too much pressure during exercise, such as playing basketball. In addition, the sudden increase of exercise intensity or frequency often causes tendinitis. If treated in time, the recovery time of achilles tendinitis is generally short. However, if left untreated, achilles tendinitis may cause persistent pain or rupture of achilles tendon. If this happens, surgery may be needed to repair the damage.

6. Posterior calcaneal bursitis: The bursitis most likely to occur between the achilles tendon and the skin is caused by friction damage caused by inappropriate high heels. The wall of synovial capsule can be thickened, the capsule is filled with synovial fluid, and it is swollen and tender locally.

7, calcaneal spur: more common in elderly patients, X-ray film shows that calcaneal tubercle has different sizes of spur formation. Bone spurs are not the direct cause of pain, but raised bone spurs are more likely to cause friction and strain on local tissues, resulting in aseptic inflammation. The degree of heel pain is related to the severity of local inflammatory reaction, but not directly related to the size of bone spur. But not all heel pain is caused by heel spur, but heel spur will definitely cause heel pain.

In addition to the above common diseases, calcaneal fracture may also cause heel pain, so everyone should seek medical treatment immediately after the symptoms of heel pain appear, and then find out the causes before symptomatic treatment. In addition, women may have heel pain during pregnancy, which is related to weight gain. As long as they pay more attention to rest, they should be treated with "foot, bone, prescription, world, medicine and ointment"