Xiang Yu killed the champion of Qingzi, which shocked the country of Chu and became famous among the princes. He first sent Lord Dangyang and General Pu to lead 20,000 people across the Zhang River to rescue the giant deer. There were only some small victories in the war, and Chen Yu came again to ask for reinforcements. ?
Xiang Yu led all his troops across the Zhang River, sank all the ships, smashed all the pots and bowls, burned all the barracks, and took only three days of dry food with him to express his gratitude to the soldiers. Fight to the death without any intention of giving back. When the troops arrived at the front line, they surrounded Wang Li, encountered the Qin army, and fought many times. They blocked the corridor built by the Qin army, defeated the Qin army, killed Su Jiao, and captured Wang Li. Shejian refused to surrender to Chu and burned himself to death.
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Xiang Yu used the method of burning the cauldron and sinking the boat to express his determination to advance without retreating and to win victory. In this way, the soldiers of the Chu army who had no way to retreat were equal to ten, and the sound of killing was earth-shattering. After nine fierce battles, the Chu army finally defeated the Qin army. Some of the Qin army's generals were killed, some were taken prisoner, and some surrendered. This battle not only solved the siege of Julu, but also defeated the Qin army until it could no longer cheer up. In two years, the Qin Dynasty was destroyed.
The bravery and skill of the Chu army greatly enhanced Xiang Yu's prestige. After the victory, when Xiang Yu met with all the princes at the gate, all the princes did not dare to look at Xiang Yu. Later, "Every ship sinks, the cauldron sinks" evolved into the idiom "The cauldron sinks the boat", which is a metaphor for a desperate fight with great determination.