(二)jǐ几, 十岁,几何,几次, 几时
系: (一)jì系鞋带, 系围裙
(二)xì系统, philosophical system,联系,系念,系马,确系实情,系数
假: (一)jiǎ真假, 假假, 假如, 假如, Not False, False Publicity,
(ii) jià ask for leave, summer vacation, vacation, holiday,
Interval: (i) jiān intermediate, space, time, room, a bedroom, inter-shelf, intermittent, intermittent
(ii) jiàn interval, disjointed, interspersed, spies, intermittent, indirectly, intermittent, intermittent, intimate
Descending: (i) jiàng降落、下降、降价、降低、降级
(二) xiáng投降、降伏、降龙伏虎、降将、诱降
教:(一) jiāo教书、教唱歌、教小孩、教给
(二) jiào 教导、教育、管教、请教、教练、宗教、信教、教学、教授
角:(一) )jiǎo牛角、号角、菱角、角落、直角、一角钱、角度、角膜
(二)jìn用尽、自尽、尽端、尽端、尽心、人尽用才、尽數收回 (i) jìn forbidden, forbidden goods, imprisonment, forbidden city, forbidden taboo, forbidden land, forbidden army
Circle: (i) juàn pigsty, sheep pen, fattening, captivity
(ii) quān circle, collar, tri-circle, circled, circling 出来、圈定、圈套、包围圈
觉:(一) jué感觉、觉悟、觉得、觉察、听觉、觉醒、大梦初觉、自觉
卡:(一) kǎ 卡、卡车、卡通、双卡录音机、病历卡
(二) qiǎ鱼刺卡在喉头、卡住退路, 卡脖子, 发卡,关卡, 卡壳, 卡子
看:(一) kān看门, 看押, 看管, 看护, 看家, 看守
(二) kàn看书, 你看, 看望, 看看, 看看待, 看病, 想想看, 看照看, 看轻, 看涨
壳:(一) ké贝壳, brainshell, eggshell
(二) qiào地壳, 甲壳, 金蝉脱壳
空:(一)kōng空想, empty, sky, fall, empty, empty, empty space, empty space, empty front
(二)kòng落两格, blank, empty space, fill in the blanks, draw the blanks, drilling the blanks, vacancies, vacancies
落:(一)là落了两个字, fall in the house, fall in the back
(二)luò落泪, 落幕,没落,破落,落榜,落成,落落,落第
累:(一) léi fruitful, exhausting
(二) lěi accumulate, continuous, repeated, accumulated, cumulative, cumulative, exhaustive, continuous, exhausting
(三) lèi laborious, very tired,
露:(一) lòu露白, 露丑, 露底,露脸, revealing one's hand, revealing one's face, revealing one's footwear, 露一手、露面、露馅、露富
铺:(一)pū铺床、铺平路、铺垫、铺盖、铺设, spread, spread out, spread out
(2) pù铺子, store, bed, ten-mile store, store, store, store, shopboard
Spreading: (1) sā撒手,撒网,撒赖,撒酒疯, ,撒旦,撒娇,撒野
(二) sǎ撒种,撒播
散:(1) sǎn散漫, 散光, 散文, 散装, 散居, 散兵游勇, 散架、散曲、散射
扇:(i)shān扇耳光, fan, fanning
(ii) shàn bushel fan, electric fan, a window, fan bone, scallop
Like: (i) sì similar, seemingly
(ii) shì like
Lodging: (i) sù dormitory, lodging, lodging wish, lodging wish, lodging Confucianism, lodging camp, lodging root, lodger, lodging general, lodging
(ii) xiú stayed for a night
(三)hòng起哄、一哄散, Coaxing
Shaking: (1) huǎng shaking, shaking, disappearing
(2) huàng shaking, shaking, shaking, shaking one's head
Giving: (1) gěi give to me, give to, give face to, to give to
(2) jǐ supplying, giving to feed, allotting, self-sufficiency, giving, giving to, giving to, giving to the household
:奔:(一)bēn 奔跑、奔波、奔丧、奔奔驰、奔赴、疲于奔命
便:(一)biàn 方便、便饭、便利、廉行事
(二)pián 便宜、大腹便便便
参:(一)cān 参加、参看、参拜 (b) cēn 参差 三 shēn 人参
差:(一)chā 差别,差错, 差距,差佳佳人意,差异,差数,差池
(二)chà 差不多,差劲,差一个人,差遠
(三)chāi差遣, 差使,差使, errand, errand
Chao: (i) cháo 朝廷, 朝代, 朝見, 朝向, 朝南,朝鲜
(二) zhāo 朝阳, 朝令夕改, 今朝, 朝不保夕
称: (i) chēng自称, abbreviation, 连聲好, praise, appellation, 称谓,称道,称兄道弟,称米,俯首称臣
(二) chèn 称心, symmetry, proportionate (c) chèng is the same as "weigh"
Sheng: (1) chéng 盛饭, 盛东西
(二) shèng盛开, 盛产, 盛行,盛大, 盛况, 盛会, 盛传, 盛情, 盛赞, abundant, prosperous
Charge: (1) ch ōng首当其冲, rampage, conflict, dash for tea, dash clean, dash for accounts, Shaoshan dash, dash, dash, surf,
impact, charge, sprint
(ii) chòng冲他一笑, dash at the phrase, speak really punchy, punch, punch the bed
處:(i) chǔ get along, put oneself in sb.'s shoes, be in the presence of, deal with, penalize, be in the situation of, prescribe, virginity
(2) chù住处、深处、小处、办事处、處所、處长
传:(一) chuán流传、传授、传导、传情、传情、传达、传染、传统
(二) zhuàn传记、传略、列传、自传、经传、水浒传