Introduction to Wave Guest Kenshin

Warrior Kenshin (Japanese: るろうに ?shin) is a manga serialized in the Japanese weekly Shonen JUMP from 1994 to 1999, written by Nobuhiro Kazuki, with a single-volume ****28. It was adapted into a television anime, ****95 episodes, only episodes 1 through 94 were shown, and episode 95 (the secret chapter) was not shown on television. There were also OVAs and theatrical anime releases. Chronology of events October 1836 (7th year of Tenpo): Birth of Seijuro Higurashi, the 13th head of the Flying Mikado Ryu

February 1837 (8th year of Tenpo): Rebellion of Heihachiro Oyashio

1839 (10th year of Tenpo): Birth of Sagara Sousan

June 1840 (11th year of Tenpo): Beginning of the Opium War

1843 ( July, 1843 (14th year of Tenpo): birth of Udo Hatsuo

January, 1844 (15th year of Tenpo/first year of Hiroka): birth of the second son of Saito Ichi and Yamaguchi Yusuke

1846 (3rd year of Hiroka): birth of Tokio Takagi (wife of Fujita Goro)

1846 (3rd year of Hiroka): birth of Yukiyoiba (ex-wife of Himura Kenshin)

184 August, 1848 (5th year of Konoha / 1st year of Kanei): Birth of Shishio Makoto

June, 1849 (2nd year of Kanei): Birth of Shinta (Himura Kenshin)

May, 1850 (3rd year of Kanei): Birth of Ishinobu Rai Jutaisen

January, 1853 (6th year of Kanei): Birth of Shikanomori Aoshi

June, 1853 (6th year of Kanei): Birth of Yukiyaba, the wife of the Gotei Fans

1843 (3rd year of Kanei). June 1853 (6th year of the Kanei era): The Gotei Fans established the "Kyoto Exploration Party"

March 1854 (7th year of the Kanei era): The Japan-Ukraine Peace Treaty was transferred to the Seal of Approval

December 1857 (4th year of the Ansei era): Birth of Takaho Kei

January 1858 (5th year of the Ansei era): The Emperor refused to acknowledge the Japan-Ukraine Treaty of Commerce.

May to September 1858: Plague epidemic, death of both Shinta's parents

June 1858: Transfer of the Treaty of Commerce between Japan and rice

May 1859: Opening of Hakodate port

October 1859: Deaths of Matsunobu Yoshida and Zanouchi Hashimoto (Yasusho's Great Jail). Shinta becomes a disciple of Seijuro Higurashi and changes his name to Kenshin

January 1860: Birth of Katsuhiro Tsukioka (Tsunan)

February 1860: Birth of Zanosuke Sagara

March 1860: Mutiny outside Sakuradaimon

1861: The Mutiny outside Sakuradaimon

1861: The Mutiny outside Sakuradaimon

1861: The Mutiny outside Sakuradaimon

1861 (Banyan 2 / Bunkyu Gengen): Birth of Seta Sojiro

1861 (Banyan 2 / Bunkyu Gengen) February: Tsushima Incident

1861 (Banyan 2 / Bunkyu Gengen) March: Rebellion of the Mito Tengu Party

1862 (Bunkyu Gengen) January: Sakashita Monjichi Degeneration

1862 (Bunkyu Gengen) April. April 1862: Shimazu Hisamitsu raises an army in Kyoto

April 1862: Teradaya Riot

June 1862: Birth of Kamiya MMA (Himura Kenshin's current wife)

August 1862: Matsumoto Yoho takes over as guardian of Kyoto

August 1862: Ikutama Incident

August 1862 Ikuo Mai Incident

December 1862: Formation of the Naniwa (Shinsengumi) group

February 1863: The Naniwa group enters Kyoto, with the participation of Saito Ichi

March 1863: The Naniwa group is renamed the Shinsengumi group

May 1863: The Choshu Clan shelled foreign ships in Shimonoseki

May 1863: The Choshu Clan shelled foreign ships in Shimonoseki

August 1862: Matsumoto Yungbo was appointed as the guardian of Kyoto. June 1863 (3rd year of Bunkyu): The Kibei are formed

July 1863 (3rd year of Bunkyu): The Sa-Eng War

August 1863 (3rd year of Bunkyu): The Tenshin group mutiny, and the coup d'état of August 18th

November 1863 (3rd year of Bunkyu): The birth of Maki-Machi-Fucking

1863 (3rd year of Bunkyu): Kenshin joins the Shinsengumi

Three years later. November 1863 (Bunkyu 3):Kenshin joins the Shinshin Shishi

November 1863 (Bunkyu 3):Udonohatei quits the Shinsengumi

1864 (Bunkyu 4/Genji 1):Kenshin's left cheek is injured

May 1864 (Bunkyu 4/Genji 1):Kenshin and Yukiyo Bashira meet

June 1864 (Bunkyu 4/Genji 1):Ikeda is born. June 1864: The Ikutaya Incident

July 1864: Kenshin and Yukiyo Ba pretend to be a married couple

August 1864: The Shikoku Fleet's Shimonoseki Cannonball Incident

December 1864: Takasugi Shinsuke raises an army at Shimonoseki's Kōzanji Temple

186 December, 1864: Himura Kenshin accidentally kills Yukiyoiba

January, 1864: Shishio Makoto becomes a Choshu hanjinzou

February, 1864: Kibei (Shinsengumi) is established

May, 1864: The Second Choshu Expedition begins

May, 1864: The Second Choshu Expedition begins

May, 1864: The Second Choshu Expedition begins

This is the first time that Kenshin has been killed by the Shimousan Koyama Temple

The second Choshu Expedition was launched. Beginning of the Choshu Conquest

October 1864 (Bunkyu 4th year / Genji 1st year): Treaty of Commerce authorized by the Emperor

January 1865 (Genji 2nd year / Keio 1st year): Shishio is hunted down by the Choshu Sect, and Himura Battousai becomes a wandering swordsman

January 1866 (Keio 2nd year): Saga alliance

1866 (Keio 2nd year) June: Start of the Second Choshu Conquest (Shikoku War)

July 1866: Death of Shogun Iemo

August 1866: Kokura Castle is sacked

December 1866: Emperor Komei's death, failure of Shikoku's and Aoshi's Edo Castle infiltration, and the Gotei's return to their hometowns

1 October, 867 (庆応三年)10月:大政奉還

December, 1867 (庆応三年)12月:王政復古大号令颁布

December, 1867 (庆応三年)12月:相乐总三烧毁萨摩藩邸事件

1886 (庆応四年/明治元年):四naimori蒼紫 becomes the head of the imperial court

186 January 1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)1月:The battle of Toba and Fushimi, the right hand of Wharfingers Hyogo was chopped off by Kenshin

March 1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)3月:The execution of Sagara Sozan

March 1868 (庆応四年/明治元年) 3months: Shinkensho was renamed as the "Koyo Zhenfu Team. "

1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)4月:Kondo Isamu was beheaded

1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)5月:Ueno's Shogitai were annihilated (Yahiko's father was killed in battle)

1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)7月:Edo was renamed to "Tokyo"

August 1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)

1868年(庆応四年/明治元年)August 1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)August 1868 (庆応四年/明治元年):Meijin Yahiko was born

September 1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)

1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)9月: Aizu War was over; the name was changed to "Meiji"

September, 1868 (庆応四年/明治元年)

1868年(庆応四年/明治元年)9月:Sojiro Seta beheads his adoptive parents' family, and from then on, he follows Shishio Makoto

January, 1869 (明治二年)1月:Tenrakuji Temple (Yasutoshi's temple) is burned

January, 1869 (Meiji 2) May: End of the War of Hakodate

1870 (3rd year of the Meiji era): Death of Arai Akatsuki

July 1871 (4th year of the Meiji era): Abolition of the han system and establishment of the prefectural system

July 1871 (4th year of the Meiji era): Establishment of the police force

1872 (5th year of the Meiji era): Saito Ichi changed his name to Fujita Goro, and married Takagi Tokio

1872 (5th year of the Meiji era): Saito Ichi changed his name to Fujita Goro, and married Takagi Tokio

October 1872: Emancipation of Kabuki Prostitutes

1873: Conscription

February 1873: Prohibition of Hate Crusade

October 1873: Saigo Takamori's Departure

January 1874: Establishment of the Tokyo Police Department

The Tokyo Police Department was established. 1874 (Meiji 7) February: Saga rebels

1874 (Meiji 7) May: Yasutoshi Yukuyama handily kills the village headman who burned down the temple and others

1875 (Meiji 8) June: Fangji Sadojima is demoted by the Meiji government

1875 (Meiji 8) June: Kei Takaho is confined by the Takeda Kanryu faction

1875 (Meiji 8) June: Kei Takaho is confined by the Takeda Kanryu faction

1875 (Meiji 6) October: Saigo Takamori goes to war

1873 (Meiji 6) March 1876 (9th year of the Meiji era): Announcement of the Sword Abolition Decree

August 1876 (9th year of the Meiji era): Abolition of the Family Roku system

October 1876 (9th year of the Meiji era): Occupation of Crescent Village by Shishio Ichi

1877 (10th year of the Meiji era): The Southwest War (February to September), in which Koshijuro Kamiya was killed

This war was the first of its kind in the Meiji era, and it was the only time that the Meiji era saw a war between the Meiji era and the Southwest. p>1877 (Meiji 10th year): Fujita Goro volunteers to join the police recruitment team. After the war, he was assigned to the Third Criminal Division

1877 (Meiji 10 years): Kenshin breaks up the Kaiten party

1877 (Meiji 10 years): December: Fake Battousai riot

1878 (Meiji 11 years): January: Udou Hatateki causes a number of murders in Shizuoka

1878 (Meiji 11 years): February: Kenshin Himura stays at the Kamiya February 1878: Meijin Yahiko becomes a student of Kamiya Koushinryu

March 1878: The Kurokasa Incident

April 1878: The Edo Gotei clan is wiped out

May 1878: Kenshin agrees to Oukubo Toshimichi's request to stop Shishio from rebelling

May 1878: Kenshin agrees to Oukubo Toshimichi's request to stop Shishio from rebelling

Adopted in the first half of the 1870s, the Kenshin family is now in the middle of the 1880s, and the Kenshin family is still in the middle of the 1980s. May 14, 1878 (Meiji 11): Norio Iizaka no 変 (Okubo Toshimichi was killed by Seta Sojiro)

June 1878 (Meiji 11): Kenshin inherited the Flying Goshin Ryu Aoi (飞天御剑流奥义)

1878年(明治十一年)July 1878 (Meiji 11): Shishio's faction was defeated

August 1878 (Meiji 11): Kenshin inherited the Flying Goshin Ryu Aoi (飛天御劍流奥义)

1878 (Meiji 11): Shishio's faction was defeated. August 1878 (Meiji 11): Kenshin and his party return to Tokyo; Akabeko, Maekawa Dojo, and Administrator Uramura's house are vandalized

September 1878 (Meiji 11): Kenshin and his six comrades carry out a man-killing operation, and then Yukiyo Kenshin's team flees the country

August 1882 (Meiji 15): Yahiko succeeds to the Reverse Blade

September 2-8, 1915 (Taisho 4): Fujita Goro dies. 8: Fujita Goro dies of a stomach ulcer

TV Version Table of Contents

Title 1: The Legendary Swordsman, The Man Who Fought for Love

Title 2: The Kid Samurai, The Thief Disciple

Title 3: The Heartbroken Swordsman, The Killer from the Past

Title 4: The Words of Evil, The Debut of Fighting House Sanosuke

Title 5: Reverse-Edge Sword versus Zanmai Sword. The Result of the Battle

Sixth: The Visitor from the Darkness, Kurokasa Appears

Seventh: Life and Death Duel Under the Moon, Protecting the One You Love

Eighth: A New Battle, An Enigmatic Beauty Breaks In

Ninth: The Strongest Legion of Endurance, Terrifying Masters of the Gotei Bansho

Tenth: The Terrifying Figure of Aojisai's Excessive Handsomeness

Episode 11: The Strongest Rain Man, Battle of Light and Darkness

Episode 12: The Birth of a Young Swordsman, The Battle of Chief Disciple Yahiko

Episode 13: Towards Yokozuna, Toramaru's Sumo Struggle

Episode 14: Saving Little Lives, Challenge of the Beautiful Dr. Megumi

Episode 15: Assassination Groups like the Fiery Flames, Kamikaze Teams Rampaging Through the City

Episode 16: An Oath of Courage, The Burning of the Fire The Vow of Courage, Burning, Secret Sword Purple Electric Taijutsu

Seventeenth: Flying to Dreams, The Adventure of Cannonball Beauty Marimo

Eighteenth: Run! Yahiko goes to retrieve the Reverse Blade

Sentence 19: Raitaro's Ambition, Fantasy of the Forbidden Kingdom

Sentence 20: The Resurrection of the Makuru, Calling the Winds and Raining the Ultimate Murdering Sword

Sentence 21: A Nightmare Undone, Raitoshi's Ambition, The Finale

Sentence 22: The First Ever Steam Train, The Rangoon Event

Sentence 23: Zanosuke's Treachery? Zanosuke's Betrayal? Fateful Rendezvous

Twenty-four: The Midnight Battle, Zanosuke vs. Kenshin Again

Twenty-five: The Bright Red Pirate, Kenshin and Kaoru Torn Apart

Twenty-six: Lightning Incarnate, Proudly Enigmatic Pirate Jura

Twenty-seven: Burning Battle Bucks' Isle, The Red Pirate Conclusion

Twenty-eight: A New Prelude to a bloody battle, Shadow of a dream

29 The strongest enemy in history, an attack in return

30 The evil spirit of vengeance, Shishio's true strategy

31 The love that can't be conveyed, the departure of the journey of conviction

32 Turning tears into courage, Kaoru's choice

33 Capturing the glorious title, Aoshi's new battle

This is the first time that the pirate has been in a battle. Aoshi's New Battle

Thirty-four: The True Face of Makita Sakura

Thirty-five: The Village under Shishio's Clutches

Thirty-six: The Great Battle at the End of the Shogunate, Confrontation between Shishio and Kenshin

Thirty-seven: The Impact of the Folding Reverse Edge Blade, Tenken's Sojourn vs Kenshin

Thirty-eight: The Training of Zanosuke's Ultimate Pursuit

Thirty-eight. Zanosuke's extreme intention to practice, the challenge of the broken monk Anji

Thirty-nine words The man who made the Reverse Edge Blade, the last of Arai Akatsuki

Forty words The dreaded relentless assassin! The death match between the Ten Swords and Zhang

The forty-first story of the Flying Sword, the reunion of the master craftsman Biku Seijuro

The forty-second story of the alliance between Aoshi and Shishio

The forty-third story of the mystery of life and death, the meeting of the Heavenly Shoddy Dragon Flash

The forty-fourth story of the battle of the Furious Wave, the strongest group of the Ippon Swords assembled

The forty-fifth story of the infernal warships

The forty-sixth story of Shishio

The forty-fourth story of the battle of the Flying Swords.

Sentence 46: The Fate of Shishio

Sentence 47: A Fierce Battle, A Beautiful Fist Fight by Dual-Class Tozanosuke

Sentence 48: The Rebirth to Salvation, Yasutomi's Departure

Sentence 49: A Wolf with His Mind's Eye in His Hands, The Outburst of Tooth Breakthrough Zero

Sentence 50: The Time to Fulfill the Pact, Ao Aoi and Kenshin Fight Once Again

Sentence 51: Wake Up Now, The End of the Ravage

Sentence 52: Calling for a Miracle, The Battle of Aoiya

Sentence 53: Giant vs. Superman, Hope from the Abyss of Despair

Sentence 54: Flying vs. Shrinking, Sojiro's Gifted Power

Sentence 55: Tragedy in the Night of the Storm, Sojiro's Past

Sentence 56: The Ultimate Winners and Losers, Instant Heavenly Killing vs. Sky Soaring Dragon Flash

Sentence 57: The Rain Man at the End of the Shogunate, Shishio vs. Kenshin's Final Battle

Sentence 58: Did the Times Choose Shishio? Kenshin's Greatest Crisis

Sentence 59: Fate has not yet come to an end, and the battle of wits resumes now

Sentence 60: The one who gets the victory, Shishio vs. Kenshin's final showdown

Sentence 61: The remnants of the ten swords of the Ten Books, the choice to live on

Sentence 62: Kyoto's profound memories, the departure of another journey full of recollections

Sixty-three. The Legend of the Tiki Fireflies, The Girl Who Waited for a Swordsman

64 Prince Yahiko is Born? The Gorgeous Social World

Sixty-five: The Search for the Missing Treasure, by the Famous Detective Inuyasha

Sixty-six: Kenshin's Diamond Ring, by Kaoru

Sixty-seven: The Legendary Sword of the Flashing Sword, by the Mysterious Swordsman Amakusa Shobu

Sixty-eight: Twilight of Fate, by the Appearance of Shosanosuke Koyo

Sixty-nine: Shimamoto's Place of Confrontation, by the Duel between the Heroes


Seventy: The Impact of the Thunder Dragon Flash, Kenshin's Death Chamber

Seventy-one: The Dragon King's Plot, Shouwu's Trick

Seventy-two: Every Day of Memory, Shouwu's and Sayaka's Sorrowful Past

Seventy-three: The Evil Ghosts of Laughing, the Fire Dragons in the Flames of Shozo

Seventy-four: Tears in Shonosuke's eyes, the Farewell of the Two

Seventy-four: Tears in Shonosuke's eyes, the farewell of the Two of Us

Seventy-five: The Last Holy Battle, The Stirring of the Tensho Dragon Flash

Seventy-six: The Fluctuating Sea, The Last Hope

Seventy-seven: Shimonoseki's Himura Kenshiken, The Appearance of Another Battousai

Seventy-eight: The Painting Student's Dream Woman, The Hakone Soup, A Good Place

Seventy-nine: The Katsurakai Boat and the Kenshin, the Fate of the End of the Makuyama

80 Ultimate Shogunate, The Fate of Katsukai Boat

81 Red Aoi's Plot, The Shogunate Attacking Katsukai Boat

82 Katsukai Boat's Determination, Times Beyond Reality

83 Yutaro's Return to His Country, The Ambitions of the Black Order of the Subterranean Shadows

84 Sanada Shinobu's Elixir

85 Riddles Away A Journey to the Mountaintop and Hell

86 Dance of the Underground Fireflame Kills the Ghosts, Sanada's Trio

87 Shunaida's Wager, The Collapse of the Black Knights

88 Yuihiko Yutaro's Forever Bound

89 Greeting of Arakaki Kyoto

90 Feng Shui's Strange Attacks, the Mystery of Five Munchkins

Sentence 91: The Magic of Feng Shui, Sniping at Kamiya Dojo

Sentence 92: Martial Law's Tokyo Prefecture, Attacking the Dragon's Vein of the Fierce Weapon

Sentence 93: The Emerald's Coat of Arms

Sentence 94: An Elegy for Feng Shui, A Struggle for the Finale

Sentence 95: Where Wandering's End Ends, the Bindings between the Crimson and the Blue lie in the Sound of Waves

These are the words that I have heard from the man in the middle of my life.