What is breakdancing! There are all those moves ah~~

Breakdancing, which is also a difficult dance, can be roughly divided into two types: spinning on the floor with the hands, head and body, known as the big floor; and stepping on the floor with the limbs to create a complex change in foot movements, coupled with tricky inversions, known as the small floor. Of course, feel free to go with the moves you want to show while dancing.

Breakdancing and disco dancing share the same characteristics of emotional excitement. Breakdancing with the rock and roll music intensely twisting the body, sometimes imitating walking space step, robots, wiping the glass, head and foot inverted, heel spinners and other movements. Action characteristics, wild and dashing, rough and delicate, the whole body controlled self-movement, sometimes as waves floating floating, sometimes light and strange.

But breakdancing is a vintage term from the '80s, and is now more commonly known as "B-boying" or "breaking," and the highly skilled B-boys are now going from the streets to the studio, hoping to carry on the spirit of street culture rather than limiting themselves to small circle activities. While there aren't as many girls breakdancing as there are boys, there are B-girls, and girls breakdancing has a uniquely youthful and handsome look.

Breakdancing expresses the pulse of the city, the metropolis in the eyes of young people, their ideas about dogma, rules, society and family. And there is an element of rebellion among them. Dance is a form of catharsis, and breakdancing is their way of letting off steam.

Breakdancing was born in the cities, and the rise of young people on the streets was later misunderstood as a bad boy's activity. That's a prejudice. Breakdancing can be described as a post-modern folk dance.

HIP-HOP is a general term for a variety of street dances, including mechanical dance and breakdancing. It originated from the improvised dance moves of American street dancers.