Antarctic penguins were pounced on by a number of tiger sharks, flexible positioning jumped on the boat to escape, what do you think about this?

The British "Daily Mail" reported on March 9, a section of the Antarctic penguin sultry position of the dangerous and dangerous to escape the killer whale predation video red network, the video penguin's size compared to the killer whale is quite small, penguin behind a lot of killer whales in the hunt for it, just in front of the passing of the cruise ship, that the penguin after a number of efforts to succeed in escaping from the killer whales on the boat to escape the predation of the tourists on the cruise ship bursts of cheers! The penguin jumped onto the boat after several attempts to escape from the killer whales.

The video was recorded by 40-year-old travel blogger Matt? Matt Karsten, who has been traveling the world since 2010. Karsten has been traveling around the world since 2010 and has now visited more than 50 countries. He and his wife, Anna, were on a boat tour of the icebergs in the Strait of Gerlache, Antarctica, when the crew warned the tourists to be careful of the large number of killer whales in the vicinity before departing, and then Matt happened to take this video.

The video shows the killer whales in hot pursuit of the penguins, and in order to avoid the pursuit of the penguins, the penguins exploded with unprecedented speed, jumped out of the water and tried to jump on a passing boat, probably in a hurry and the surface of the boat is relatively smooth, the penguins hit the hull of the boat several times to fall back into the water, so that people could not help but pinch it a sweat, and finally the penguins fought for one of the penguins, and one of the tourists stretched out his hand with the help of that penguins, and the tourists on the cruise ship issued a burst of cheers. cheers.

It felt like watching Animal Planet, and Matt, the video recorder, said in an interview that the orca didn't give up afterward, following the cruise ship for a while before giving up and going elsewhere to forage for food, and that the penguin left the cruise ship after it was safe to do so and returned to the sea.

Seeing this video, there is a kind of positive impact on the animal world straight to the cruelty of hunting, tourists for penguins to escape the pursuit of cheering,, but for the orca is to spend a lot of energy to chase prey, and finally regret to leave, this is the natural world of cruel competition.

Human beings now don't have to hunt, don't have to face such cruel competition in nature, but other competition is also everywhere, and in the case of the penguin, we can't guarantee that we'll be as lucky not to be eliminated, we also need to stay vigilant, keep up with the times, and maintain our competitiveness in the modern world full of competition.