After you start `` You need to watch more videos, because the most important thing is to step on the rhythm, and then is the feeling of dancing `` This is to dance more and watch more to feel `` Watching videos is to find the feeling of the dance. The most important thing is to step on the rhythm, and then the feeling of dancing ``this is to dance and watch more and more feeling ``watch the video is a way to find the feeling ``keep practicing as long as you insist, and then think more ``don't just practice hard ``think more about the skills of the movement and the rhythm of the point`` ``do these things, you'll be a beginner bboy ```later on, you'll be able to pursue the high level of difficulty and creativity ``good luck
Practicing bboys is a very important part of the dance.
Boys who are practicing B-Boys and want to practice the basics can watch these videos
These videos will help you
Boys who are practicing B-Boys and want to practice the basics can watch these videos.