2. Front and back legs jumping as much as possible to be straight. (Don't get too hung up on relaxing just don't let yourself get too stiff!)
3. Don't lift your feet too low when you jump! (affect the effect, lift too high also can not oh! Natural! Natural!)
4. When you land either on your toes or on your heels! (Don't get hung up on it, you'll know how to use it later!)
5. Keep your body as straight as possible and put your weight between your legs! (In practice, think about the rhythmic aspect of the force technique!)
6. Don't be in a hurry. Practice steadily! One step at a time! (Practice for stability! Not a quick fix! There is no such thing as a quick fix)
7. Don't be in a hurry. A one-step brace is also two steps! Of course, one-step flow is not two steps
8. Practice more rhythmic stepping! Cultivate your own feeling! (Never is more practice!)
9. Humble learning, let go of vanity! Do not be proud! Do always be a novice to seek progress mentality!