The quick triple step is one of the dance steps of social dance, the music is four-three beats, turn left and face the dance line, the dance line is running counterclockwise.
The first beat is the man's left foot moving forward to the line, the woman's right foot moving backward to the line; the second beat is the man's right foot turning left in a big cross step, the woman's left foot turning left in a small cross step; the third beat is the man's continuing left turn, his left foot locking in front of his left foot, and the woman's continuing left turn, her right foot and her left foot.
On the first beat the man turns left with his right foot backward, the woman turns left with her left foot forward; on the second beat the man turns left with a small cross-step on his left foot, the woman turns left with a large cross-step on her right foot; on the third beat the man turns left with his right foot and left foot, the woman turns left with her left foot in front of her in a lock-step.
The first beat is men's right foot forward, women's left foot backward; the second beat is men's left foot cross-step right, women's right foot small cross-step right; the third beat is men's right foot and to the left foot, women's left foot and to the right foot.
The first beat is men's left foot backward to the right, women's right foot forward to the right; the second beat is men's right foot small cross step to the right, women's left foot cross step to the right; the third beat is men's left foot and to the right right foot to the right, women's right foot and to the left foot to the right.