Tashiqiao village belongs to where

Tasiqiao Village is located 8 kilometers northwest of Baizhai Township Government Residence, 5 kilometers away from the southern ring road of Quzhou County, Red Flag Road, Hetta line through the village, the transportation is convenient. North and Busan set village connected to the south and East Zhubao village adjacent to the Busan River, Zhizhang River through the village, rich in water resources, convenient transportation.

The village has a population of 1,780 people, 380 households, two committees and seven cadres, with a land area of 1,500 acres, with traditional vegetable farming as the leading industry. The village has a cultural activity square covering an area of 200 square meters, 30 square meters of a library, covering an area of 200 square meters of the traditional temple of the South China Sea Hall a, the formation of a rice-planting team and square dance performance team each one. The village has a deep cultural heritage, and the origin of the village name is documented in history. The village's main streets and lanes to achieve hardening, this spring along the Busan River, Zhizhang River transfer of land about 230 acres, newly planted a variety of green ornamental tree species more than ten kinds of green coverage of the village reached more than 60%. The main street of the village installed 60 street lamps, the basic realization of the brightening. Habitat environment has greatly improved, creating a beautiful new style of livable and swimmable.

Tasiqiao Village and Busanji Village, West Zhubao Village, Houzhai Village, East Zhubao Village, Qianzhai Village, Bai Xiaoying Village, South Oil Village, East Jizhuang Village, West Jizhuang Village, Sweet Water Village, Baitongdian Village, North Oil Village, Buzhai Village, Sizhai Village neighboring.

Tasiqiao Village is near Su San Tomb, Quzhou Duan Family Cemetery, Duan Rong, Duan Shao Tomb, Guo Qi Zhi Martyrs' Memorial Pavilion, and the old site of Ren Shan Newspaper, and other tourist attractions, and there are specialties such as Quzhou Millet, Quzhou ___ Noodles, Quzhou Surfaces, Quzhou Vermicelli, Quzhou Sweet Corn, and so on.