The camel was determined to become a ballerina. Under the burning sun of the desert. It practiced the basic positions again and again for months.
At last, the camel said to itself, "Now, at last, I am a dancer." So it invited some friends and critics to come and see its performance. After the dance, it bowed y to thank everyone.
No one applauded, instead some in the audience laughed quietly and some jeered loudly. One of the critics said bluntly, "I must say to you frankly, your movements are too clumsy to be a ballerina."
"I only dance for my own pleasure, so I'm going to persevere." The camel said.
A person who does not know how to be satisfied can hardly be happy. Only when you are satisfied with what you have now (even if it is nothing) can you feel pleasure and happiness in your life.