Confucius said: "The university is Confucius' suicide note, and beginners have entered the German school. Today, we can see that the ancients learned two things only by the existence of this article, but when it comes to Mencius. Scholars must learn the right things, and then they are not bad. "
The so-called "sincerity", don't deceive yourself.
Mr. Cheng Yichuan, a scholar in the Song Dynasty, said: "University is a book handed down by Confucius and a gateway for beginners to learn virtue. Up to now, we can still see the order of ancient people's learning, all because of the existence of this book; As for The Analects of Confucius and Mencius, the learning order should be followed. Learners must learn this book, and that's about it. There will be no mistakes. "
The so-called "sincerity" in scripture means not deceiving yourself.
Extended data:
Other sayings that "the ancients honestly did not bully me";
1, the ancients did not bully.
Origin: Northern Song Dynasty. Su Shi's Shi Zhongshan Collection: Because of his laughter, he said, "What do you know? The silent talker is Zhou Jingwang who has no gun, the silent bearer of cymbals, and the silent singer is Wei Zhuangzi's bell. Ancient people are not good at bullying! " Do you know him? What makes a gurgling sound is Zhou's failure to make a move; What is boring is Wei Zhuangzi's song clock. The ancients did not lie to me! "
Explanation: The ancients didn't lie to me.
2, people have no long-term worries, there must be near worries. The ancients didn't cheat me!
"If a man has no foresight, he will have immediate worries" Source: The Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong: Confucius said, "If a man has no foresight, he will have immediate worries." ?
Explanation: consider: consider; Worried: worried. Without long-term consideration, people must have immediate worries. It means that you should have a long-term vision and careful consideration when you look at things and do things.
Baidu Encyclopedia-The ancients didn't lie to me.